title:Welcome to Andrea Cerone, new member of the group
We are very happy to welcome Andrea Cerone to the group.Andrea Cerone has joined us from the [IMDEA Software Institute](http://software.imdea.org/about.html), Madrid, Spain, where he worked with Dr. Alexey Gotsman on Verification of Higher Order Concurrent Libraries and Foundations of Consistency Models for Distributed Databases.
Andrea is working on frameworks for specifying weak consistency models of geo-replicated databases and applications of transaction chopping for various consistency models, in particular snapshot isolation and parallel snapshot isolation. Before then he was Post-doctoral Researcher at Trinity College Dublin with Prof Matthew Hennessy, so he claims to be quite unfazed by the UK weather.
Andrea is working on frameworks for specifying weak consistency models of geo-replicated databases and applications of transaction chopping for various consistency models, in particular snapshot isolation and parallel snapshot isolation. Andrea did his Ph.D at Trinity College Dublin with Prof Matthew Hennessy, so he claims to be quite unfazed by the UK weather.
You can find more about Andrea’s research on [his webpage](https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~acerone/)