title:Vistas in Verified Software, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge
Philippa Gardner is one of the organisers, together with Azadeh Farzan, Natarajan Shankar and Moshe Vardi, of the [Vistas in Verified Software workshop](https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/vs2w01/), to be held this week at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge.
The workshop is part of their [six week program on Verified Software](https://www.newton.ac.uk/event/vso2/), bringing together researchers from all over the world with the ambitious goal of identifying the theoretical and practical challenges in algorithmic verification, synthesis, and certification of software systems, the designing new languages, formalisms, tools, and integrated tool suites for the modeling and analysis of complex systems; identifying novel applications and challenge problems for verification technology; and crafting a roadmap for research, education, and technology.
The workshop features invited talks, presentation and group discussions and its goal is to identify opportunities where theoretical advances can yield major practical breakthroughs in the construction of verified software.