title:Philippa Gardner, Keynote at Advances in Separation Logics (ASL 2022)
Philippa was one of the two keynote speakers at this year’s Advances in [Separation Logics (ASL 2022) workshop](https://asl-workshop.github.io/asl22/), which was held online.
Philippa’s talk was on her latest work on [Exact Separation Logic (ESL)](https://vtss.doc.ic.ac.uk/publications/Maksimovic2022Exact.html) for reasoning about heap-manipulating sequential programs, a logic which provides fully verified function specifications compatible with true bug finding.
ASL 2022 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested on improving the state of the art of automated deduction methods for Separation Logic and is affiliated to [IJCAR 2022](https://ijcar.org/), part of [FLOC 2022, the 8th Federated Logic Conference.](https://www.floc2022.org/)