@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ We present JSCert, a formalisation of the current ECMA standard in the Coq proof
abstract={Recent program logics based on separation logic emphasise a modular approach to proving functional correctness for fine-grained concurrent programs. However, these logics have no automation support. In this paper, we present Caper, a prototype tool for automated reasoning in such a logic. Caper is based on symbolic execution, integrating reasoning about interference on shared data and about ghost resources that are used to mediate this interference. This enables Caper to verify the functional correctness of fine-grained concurrent algorithms.},
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ We present JSCert, a formalisation of the current ECMA standard in the Coq proof
abstract={POSIX is a standard for operating systems, with a substantial part devoted to specifying file-system operations. File-system operations exhibit complex concurrent behaviour, comprising multiple actions affecting different parts of the state: typically, multiple atomic reads followed by an atomic update. However, the standard's description of concurrent behaviour is unsatisfactory: it is fragmented; contains ambiguities; and is generally under-specified. We provide a formal concurrent specification of POSIX file systems and demonstrate scalable reasoning for clients. Our speciation is based on a concurrent specification language, which uses a modern concurrent separation logic for reasoning about abstract atomic operations, and an associated refinement calculus. Our reasoning about clients highlights an important difference between reasoning about modules built over a heap, where the interference on the shared state is restricted to the operations of the module, and modules built over a file system, where the interference cannot be restricted as the file system is a public namespace. We introduce specifications conditional on context invariants used to restrict the interference, and apply our reasoning to lock files and named pipes. Program reasoning based on separation logic has been successful at verifying that programs do not crash due to illegal use of resources, such invalid memory accesses. The underlying assumption of separation logics, however, is that machines do not fail. In practice, machines can fail unpredictably for various reasons, such as power loss, corrupting resources or resulting in permanent data loss. Critical software, such as file systems and databases, employ recovery methods to mitigate these effects. We introduce an extension of the Views framework to reason about programs in the presence of such events and their associated recovery methods. We use concurrent separation logic as an instance of the framework to illustrate our reasoning, and explore programs using write-ahead logging, such a stylised ARIES recovery algorithm.},
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ We present JSCert, a formalisation of the current ECMA standard in the Coq proof
abstract={In this thesis, we address the problem of verifying the functional correctness of concurrent programs, with emphasis on fine-grained concurrent data structures. Reasoning about such programs is challenging since data can be concurrently accessed by multiple threads: the reasoning must account for the interference between threads, which is often subtle. To reason about interference, concurrent operations should either be at distinct times or on distinct data. We present TaDA, a sound program logic for verifying clients and implementations that use abstract specifications that incorporate both abstract atomicity—the abstraction that operations take effect at a single, discrete instant in time—and abstract disjointness—the abstraction that operations act on distinct data resources. Our key contribution is the introduction of atomic triples, which offer an expressive approach for specifying program modules. We also present Total-TaDA, a sound extension of TaDA with which we can verify total correctness of concurrent programs, i.e. that such programs both produce the correct result and terminate. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread’s concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms and express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, the abstract specifications can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property that we call non-impedance. Finally, we describe how to extend TaDA for proving abstract atomicity for data structures that make use of helping—where one thread is performing an abstract operation on behalf of another—and speculation—where an abstract operation is determined by future behaviour.},
@@ -1572,7 +1572,7 @@ exhibit the desired behaviour.},
author={Thomas Dinsdale-Young and Pedro da Rocha Pinto and Philippa Gardner},
author={Thomas Dinsdale-Young and Pedro {da Rocha Pinto} and Philippa Gardner},
title={A Perspective on Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Modules},
journal={Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming},
@@ -1581,14 +1581,14 @@ exhibit the desired behaviour.},
abstract={The specification of a concurrent program module, and the verification of implementations and clients with respect to such a specification, are difficult problems. A specification should be general enough that any reasonable implementation satisfies it, yet precise enough that it can be used by any reasonable client. We survey a range of techniques for specifying concurrent modules, using the example of a counter module to illustrate the benefits and limitations of each. In particular, we highlight four key concepts underpinning these techniques: auxiliary state, interference abstraction, resource ownership and atomicity. We demonstrate how these concepts can be combined to achieve two powerful approaches for specifying concurrent modules and verifying implementations and clients, which remove the limitations highlighted by the counter example.},