PSVG Publication Repository
This repository contains the group's (and its members') publications, BibTeX references, and associated materials.
How to Deposit a Publication.
To fulfill funding and REF requirements and for long-term archival, all papers and tech reports should be deposited into Imperial Spiral using Symplectic within THREE MONTHS OF ACCEPTANCE. Do this now, so you don't forget.
Email Teresa with a copy of the accepted submission so that she can publish the details of the acceptance in the news section of the website.
Create a BibTeX record for the publication in the publications.bib file. Post-publication, records can be retrieved from DBLP, ACM Digital Library, and the publisher's website. It may be best to download the citations from all sites and pick the most appropriate version of each field, as they all usually vary in quality. See below for BibTeX style notes.
Commit files associated with the publication to this directory. Files should be named with the bibtex key as the root of the file name, and the appropriate extension from the section below according to document purpose.
Copyright Notes
** Please take careful note of this section!**
You must check with the publisher's T&Cs (in particular the Copyright waiver form) to determine which version of the paper you are allowed to publish here. Often it is only the pre-print edition that is passed to the publisher before they make any changes. The final proof copy and the publisher's own copy is usually not permitted to be published on the author's own website.
A BibTeX record looks like this:
field = {value},
field = {value},
For details of the possible types of entries, and their minimal set of required fields, see the Wikipedia BibTeX article.
For the group websites, we've chosen a BibTeX key format of:
<first author surname><year><first word of title>
, this is used as the
record's key in the publications.bib
file, and as the root of the filename
for each associated file (article, slides, etc) in this repository.
In values, Surround special characters and characters requiring exact
capitalisation in {}
curly braces. For example:
and {ECMAS}cript
Fields Style Guide
author: Author names should be separated by
, names can be in either theLast, First
(preferred) orFirst Last
style. Multiple-word last names should use theLast, First
style to minimise confusion. For example:da Rocha Pinto, Pedro and Fragoso Santos, Jos{\'e} and D'Osualdo, Emanuele
. For further details of how BibTeX treats names, see this summary. -
doi: Please remove the
prefix, so the DOI, so it is of the formnn.nnnn/xyzabc
. For display on the website, this value will be prefixed with
to produce a link to the publisher's article website. - url: This field should not contain a duplicate of the doi. It is generally only used to link to the publisher's version if the publisher does not also issue a DOI. If the publisher's link is the same location as the DOI after redirections, then it should not be filled in the url field.
month: Required The first three letters of the month of publication (possibly in
the future). This field does not require quoting or placing into braces.
The standard months are: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct,
nov, dec. For example:
month = mar,
. Publications will not appear on the websites until their month of publication (as per Philippa's policy decision). - year: Required Year of publication.
- file: This field is added automatically by the JabRef reference manager, it is ignored by the website. It is mostly useful as a quick check in the JabRef user interface that all publications have an associated file. See next section for file matching on the website.
booktitle: For the
type, this is the title of the conference proceedings. Different publishers prefer different (long) styles, Philippa usually prefers something short like POPL'12. We may need to find a way to standardise on this.
Further Reading/References
- Wikipedia BibTeX article
- The BibTeX FAQ
- Xavier Decoret's guide
- Tame the BeaST, by Nicolas Markey
Publication File Extension Types
Publication file types are listed in the configuration file
. These file types will
be offered directly for download:
: Authors' Preprint / Accepted Version -
: Published Version (Note: only upload this if redistribution permitted by publisher.) -
: Extended Abstract -
: Extended Version -
: Technical Report -
: Slides -
: File Archive (.zip) -
: File Archive (.tgz)
These extensions are for plain text files containing only the URL to link to:
: Code Repository (GitHub) -
: Code Repository
Converting Old .ps Files
If you come across and old .ps
or .ps.gz
file, it should be converted to a
PDF. This can be tricky to do in a way that preserves the font information
adequately. These instructions should cover all eventualities:
- Check what software produced the file
grep Creator
, if the software listed isdvips
, then follow the instructions here. - Otherwise, you can use the
software. If the original document page size is A4, then you should add the parameter-sPAPERSIZE=a4
to your command.
Git Submodule Notes
This repository is included as a submodule in the repositories for the Group Website and Philippa's Homepage.
Be aware that changes to the publications directory must be committed and pushed to the submodule (and optionally, to the top-level project).
Website builds will always take the master
branch of the publications
repository, no matter what submodule version is committed to the website
repositories, as they use the command git submodule update --remote
, which
always fetches the most recent version for use.
This repository can be included in website repositories either as a submodule or as a checkout before build/deploy. Post-checkin/test pass hooks can be configured on this repository to retrigger a website submodule update/rebuild as desired.