Philippa Gardner was one of the keynote speakers at the 11th System Safety and Cyber Security Conference, (SSCS 2016) organised by the [IET](
Philippa Gardner was one of the keynote speakers at the 11th System Safety and Cyber Security Conference, (SSCS 2016) organised by the [IET](
Philippa’s talk, on Verified Trustworthy Software Systems was part of a panel discussion on the future of UK’s National Cyber Security Strategy.
The audience included academics, civil servants, safety and security engineers and leading technology companies such as Intel Security and QinetiQ.
title:JSExplain discussed at ECMAScript standards committee meeting
Thomas Wood attended the latest [ECMAScript standards committee TC39]( meeting this November in San Francisco.
@@ -14,10 +15,10 @@ Using it as an aid to drafting the specification will be the natural next step,
with the added advantage that the new features being proposed can be tested and experimented with interactively during their development.
It is envisaged that the JSExplain specification will be extractable for use in theorem provers to prove theories about the language, for example,
the soundness of the invariants [specified for Object internal methods](
the soundness of the invariants [specified for Object internal methods](
A [preliminary prototype version]( of JSExplain is available, along with the [source code](
JSExplain is a collaboration with [Charguéraud]( and [Schmitt]( of [INRIA](
Thomas has also agreed to assist with the [Regular Expression Lookbehind Assertions Proposal]( targeted for the ES2017 specification.
\ No newline at end of file
Thomas has also agreed to assist with the [Regular Expression Lookbehind Assertions Proposal]( targeted for the ES2017 specification.