title:IBM Project Prize, to Radu Szasz Msc project, supervised by Philippa Gardner and Jose Fragoso
Congratulations to [Radu Szasz](https://github.com/raduszasz)(MEng Computing Year 4),
who was awarded the IBM Project Prize for his MsC project, [Typing JavaScript via
Symbolic Execution](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/faculty-of-engineering/computing/public/1718-ug-projects/Radu-Szasz-Typing-JavaScript-via-Symbolic-Execution.pdf), supervised by Philippa Gardner and Jose Fragoso.
The IBM Project Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in an individual undergraduate
project the Department of Computing. Radu worked with Philippa Gardner and Jose
Fragoso over the summer, to build a mechanism for using TypeScript type annotations
as light-weight specifications for JaVerT, a static analysis tool based on Separation
Logic. He then applied that approach to a number of examples, and was
able to achieve a 40-fold reduction in the specification character count. Radu
is due to join Facebook London as a Software Engineer in October. Congratulations