title: Visitor to the group, Dr Chung-Kil Hur of the Seoul National University.
[Dr Chung-Kil Hur](http://sf.snu.ac.kr/gil-hur/) of the Seoul National University came to visit the group and to talk about
a [promising semantics for relaxed-memory concurrency](http://sf.snu.ac.kr/promise-concurrency/), [published at POPL'17](http://sf.snu.ac.kr/promising/release/promising.pdf)
and joint work with Jeehoon Kang from Seoul National University, and Ori Lahav, Viktor Vafeiadis and Derek Dreyer from MPI-SWS.
The talk abstract is below:
The "promising semantics" is an operational semantics for relaxed-memory concurrency that can account for concurrency features of major programming languages such
as C/C++ and Java. The semantics is promising since (1) it adequately balances the conflicting desiderata of programmers, compilers, and hardware, which has been
a long standing open problem; (2) it is (arguably) simple and easy to understand because it is a standard interleaving operational semantics with just two new notions:
"view" and "promise"; and (3) most results are fully formalized in Coq. In this talk, I will introduce (1) the basics of relaxed memory concurrency,
(2) the challenges with defining its model, and (3) the promising semantics showing how it solves the challenges.