Our research agenda is to develop formal reasoning methods about concurrency with a focus on concurrent program logics.
Recently, various logics based on separation logic were introduced with the aim of verifying functional correctness of fine-grained concurrent programs.
We have played a significant role in the development of {% cite_details Dinsdale-Young2010Concurrent --text Concurrent Abstract Predicates %}, {% cite_details Dinsdale-Young2013Views --text Views %}, {% cite_details daRochaPinto2014TaDA --text TaDA %}, {% cite_details Raad2015CoLoSL --text CoLoSL %}, {% cite_details Ntzik2015Fault --text Fault-tolerant Concurrent Separation Logic %} and {% cite_details daRochaPinto2016Modular --text Total-TaDA %}.
These logics have tackled a range of problems, including data abstraction, atomicity abstraction, fault-tolerance, terminal, while introducing more modular and compositional ways to reason about concurrent programs.
We have applied these logics to the verification of large problems, such as data structures used in databases and java.util.concurrent, as well as the specification of file systems.
Our mission is to continually challenge and improve the state-of-the-art, targeting progress properties, specification of concurrency in POSIX filesystems, refinement of our logics so that we can deal with more advanced algorithms, and the development of automated reasoning tools based on these logics.
We have applied our reasoning to, for example, algorithms for
manipulating concurrent B-trees, skip lists from
java.util.concurrent, graph algorithms and the POSIX file system.
Our goal is to challenge and improve the state-of-the-art in
concurrent reasoning, refining our logics to deal with more advanved
concurrent programs, developing automated reasoning tools based on these
logics, and applying our work to real-world concurrent programs.
One paragraph about the group and its research, about 4 lines of text would be good here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante enim, bibendum vitae vestibulum in, luctus et diam. Quisque pulvinar accumsan nisl, et lobortis enim euismod quis. Praesent pulvinar nulla justo, ut vulputate leo blandit sit amet. Mauris fringilla sodales nulla at porta. Vivamus ligula leo, ultrices ut quam sit amet, ullamcorper volutpat magna. Quisque consequat, sem in lobortis scelerisque, quam turpis ornare odio, auctor congue nisi velit in dolor. Curabitur auctor fermentum eros at dictum.
This research group focusses on mechanised language specification and program verification. We are exploring what it means to build, evaluate, and trust a fully mechanised language specification, using JavaScript as the real-world example language. We are developing library specifications which must be robust with respect to the environment: implementations should not leak; and specifications should be useful to the client. We are developing compositional reasoning techniques that scale, leading to automatic tools for verifiying properties of programs. Our current main focus is on program specification and verification for JavaScript and Concurrency.
Details about the group's research, more than on the homepage. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ante enim, bibendum vitae vestibulum in, luctus et diam. Quisque pulvinar accumsan nisl, et lobortis enim euismod quis. Praesent pulvinar nulla justo, ut vulputate leo blandit sit amet. Mauris fringilla sodales nulla at porta. Vivamus ligula leo, ultrices ut quam sit amet, ullamcorper volutpat magna. Quisque consequat, sem in lobortis scelerisque, quam turpis ornare odio, auctor congue nisi velit in dolor. Curabitur auctor fermentum eros at dictum.
The main focus of our group is on program specification and verification for JavaScript and Concurrency.