title:Welcome to Theotime Grohens, internship working on JaVert.
title:Welcome to Theotime Grohens, internship working on JaVert.
We are very happy to welcome [Theotime Grohens](https://angel.co/theotime-grohens) who will be spending three months with the group at the beginning of the year.
We are very happy to welcome [Theotime Grohens](https://angel.co/theotime-grohens) who will be spending three months with the group at the beginning of the year.
Theotime is currently a Master student at the École normale supérieure school in Paris, working with Pierre Senellart. While at the group, Theo will work on extending JaVerT, the JavaScript Verification Toolchain.
Theotime is currently a Master student at the École normale supérieure school in Paris, working with Pierre Senellart. While at the group, Theo will work on extending JaVerT, the JavaScript Verification Toolchain.