A team from Facebook came run a lab on [Infer[)http://fbinfer.com/), and industrial verification tool developed by a team led by [Peter O’Hearn](http://www.pl-enthusiast.net/2015/09/15/facebooks-peter-ohearn-on-programming-languages/)
Logic MEng and MSc course.
Petar O'Hearn, Engineering Manager at Facebook, and Jules Villard, Software Engineer, gave a tutorial on how to use Infer
- an automatic verification tool based on separation logic. At Facebook, Infer is used every day to verify millions of lines of code.
The tutorial targeted real world Android applications, such as:
As well as Facebook, Infer is used by Instagram, kiuwan, oculus, Spotify, UBER, WhatsApp, Marks and Spencer, and Sky. Infer was [open sourced[(https://code.facebook.com/posts/1648953042007882/open-sourcing-facebook-infer-identify-bugs-before-you-ship/) in June 2015
You can find the slides to the tutorial here
You can follow the Infer team on their [blog](http://fbinfer.com/blog/) and [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fbinfer)