title:Keynote talk, DFG Priority Program "Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3)", Darmstadt, Germany.
Philippa Gardner gave a keynote talk entitled 'Trustworthy Software Specification' at the [final event](http://www.spp-rs3.de/final-event/)
of the [DFG-funded](http://www.dfg.de/en/dfg_profile/mission/index.html) national research initiative ["Reliably Secure Software Systems (RS3)"](http://www.spp-rs3.de).

The meeting, which took place on 4-6 September 2017 in Darmstadt, Germany, featured presentations of selected results from RS3 research
and invited [keynotes](http://www.spp-rs3.de/final-event/keynotes.html) by renowned international speakers.
The overall goal of [RS3](http://www.spp-rs3.de/About) has been to enable a reliable verification of system-wide
security guarantees based on a well-founded understanding of programs and of security aspects.