@@ -37,11 +37,20 @@ Variables that templates currently take into account are:
* `title`, sets the page title
* `menu`, (default: false) places the page into the website's navigation menu
* `menu_order`, decides the order of menu
* `parent_menu`, creates a parent menu with a dropdown box including the current page.
Pages with the same parent menu are put in the same box.
Please also ensures the existence of parent_menu and its value, and menu_order are consistent.
* `sub_menu_order`, decides the order of menu in corresponding dropdown box.
* `project_id`, links the page to a project.
* `project`, (please only use this for person, i.e. file under the directory of _people), links a person to a project.
* `firstname, lastname, position, webpage, email, github`, describes a person.
The main content of the page should then follow.
Any other files present in the directory structure (except for those prefixed with `_`, `.`, or explicitly excluded in
`_config.yml`) will be published unchanged to the website.
Any other files present in the directory structure (except for those prefixed with `_`, `.`, or explicitly excluded in `_config.yml`) will be published unchanged to the website.
For the detail of adding publication, please refer to the README file in publication directory.