0,107,0,0,0,1,"""His present """" chambers """" may be quite humble , but Shiyani has the tiny space very neatly organized and clean . Many people pass him by but do not manage to see him , because the space is partially hidden behind trees , which gives him a relative privacy . """" There are many homeless sleeping around the station , """" Captain Xoli Mbele , from the nearby Johannesburg Central Police station said ."""
1,149,0,0,0,1,"Krueger recently harnessed that creativity to self-publish a book featuring the poems , artwork , photography and short stories of 16 ill or disabled artists from around the world . She hopes the book , which contains some of her own work as well , will show how talented disabled people can be ."
2,151,0,0,0,1,"10:41am - Parents of children who died must get compensation , free medicine must be provided to poor families across UP : Ram Gopal Yadav"
3,154,1,0,1,1,"When some people feel causing problem for some others by breaking into their homes to steal is n't too good , they just result to begging . You now see people without deformities begging , when some people who are disabled work to feed their mouth . You then ask , what type of country is Nigeria ? Even a man who is not lettered would chorus the maxim that two wrongs do n't make a right . The country is n't working out ; and people want to survive anyhow too . They have to eat they will say ."
4,157,0,0,0,1,"We are alarmed to learn of your recently circulated proposals that would eviscerate the Lifeline program and leave many of the most vulnerable people in the country without access to affordable communications . As you are well aware , the Lifeline program provides a modest monthly subsidy of $9.25 to connect low-income Americans to phone and internet services . As broadband prices continue to soar , and affordability continues to suffer , adoption gaps remain . The Lifeline program has proven critical for poor families and people of color who are caught on the wrong side of the digital divide ."
5,187,1,1,1,1,""""""" We share a global responsibility to respond to this crisis . We commend others who have acted in a compassionate and generous way , especially the Government of Bangladesh and host communities in the region who continue to provide safe refuge to their neighbours in need , """" he said ."""
6,232,1,1,1,1,"The former Chelsea star through his foundation gave out toys , bags and clothes to kids in need of a brighter holiday"
7,350,1,1,1,1,"It can not be right to allow homes to sit empty while many struggle to find somewhere to live , others having to sleep rough on pavements during Christmas , hoping against hope , for some charity to provide shelter . The number left homeless and destitute is alarming not necessarily at Christmas ?"
8,369,1,0,1,1,""""""" People do n't understand the hurt , people do n't understand the pain . I 've read about women with their children sleeping in cars , sleeping in hotel rooms and it 's criminal . If they 're lucky and they come across COPE Galway and the ladies in Osterley , then there 's hope . """""""
9,432,1,0,0,1,"He depicts demonstrations by refugees at the border post , their catastrophic living conditions and the desperate attempt of several hundred to cross a river a few kilometres from the camp to get into Macedonia on 14 March 2016 ."
10,490,1,0,1,1,"18 December should serve as a time when we look with compassion at the fate of migrants , refugees and the internally displaced . It is especially a time when we must plan and increase resources for creative action ."
11,498,0,1,1,1,"Almost apocalyptic in its devastation , the wrath of one of the most powerful storms ever to hit the Atlantic is evidenced in the smashed ruins of Barbuda 's candy-coloured homes , the hopeless faces of residents who have lost everything they own , and the haunted eyes of their children ."
12,582,0,0,0,1,"It 's calculated that over 204,000 days of purpose-built residential accommodation to otherwise potentially homeless elderly men and women have been delivered by this personally driven altruistic act alone ."
13,644,0,0,0,1,""""""" I and my daughter Monica are excited about providing a space for disabled people to be able to get together and earn fair prices for their work , """" Mr. Rogers said ."""
14,650,0,0,1,1,"""When contacted , Yadav said , """" There are two things that drive me to deliver my best . The sense of responsibility that I have as an officer of the Government of India . And , I get happy when I see smiles on the faces of people who are caught up in the complexities of bureaucracy . If the government is paying me for taking up responsibilities , then it becomes my duty to help those in need . """""""
15,734,0,1,1,1,"Her house now holds the memories and keepsakes of a migrant 's life well lived , selflessly offering her home and love to more than 100 British foster children and making history in the process -- along with her late husband -- - by being the first black couple in the Lambeth Council in South London to be allowed to foster white children ."
16,773,0,0,0,1,"Sheepherding in America has always been an immigrant 's job , too dirty , too cold and too lonely for anyone with options ."
17,808,1,1,0,1,He wants more done now to help those in need .
18,823,0,0,1,1,"""He said : """" We need improved security for civilians and aid workers and access to all those in need , but we must also build a bigger humanitarian muscle to provide for the suffering millions ."""
19,915,0,0,0,1,"""She continued , """" I stepped away from hiding behind a fabricated version of myself . I no longer put actions behind my fears and insecurities . I made a choice to redirect my energy to be a catalyst for change . To create a channel for women to become the truest versions of themselves , along with me. """""""
20,952,0,0,0,1,"Bombarded by schizophrenia , addiction and homelessness , you might say that Eoghan O'Driscoll has been to hell and back . But he is finding a new balance through painting . Interview : Michael Lanigan"
21,991,0,1,1,1,Valerie Siddiq : My heart goes out to all the deceased and the poor families . May God grant us tolerance for all race and religions .
22,1063,0,0,0,1,""""""" So many of us see the state of our home as some kind of reflection of our self-worth ( even though it 's not ! ) , and a mess can so easily make you feel like a failure . And for those who have mental illnesses , chronic illness , chronic pain , or disabilities , this can be even worse , because when you 're not physically able to do a whole-house clean , it can all seem a little hopeless . """""""
23,1067,1,0,1,1,BUSINESSMAN Norberto Quisumbing Jr . of the Norkis Group of Companies has a challenge for families who can spare some of what they have : why not adopt poor families and help them break the cycle of poverty ?
24,1090,1,1,0,1,Mum living in homeless shelter has ' nowhere to bring boys on Christmas day ' <h> ' panicked '
25,1137,1,1,1,1,"The retailer footwear company on a mission to democratise fashion , design and the latest ideas in footwear and accessories globally , has shown its commitment to Jamaica by again providing shoes for children in need during the Christmas season ."
26,1200,0,0,1,1,"On the eve of the World Refugee Day , UNHCR received information about three new shipwrecks in the Mediterranean . It is feared that at least 130 people were dead or missing . Whatever the unpredictable Donald Trump may be doing or undoing , all our religions tell us that it is our sacred duty to give shelter to the homeless and that is what we need to do , discarding the trump cards from hell ."
27,1208,1,0,1,1,"It is written in Ecclessiastes in the Bible that ' WOE TO ANY NATION WHERE A SLAVE BECOMES KING ' This typifies the situation in Nigeria since the inception of that country . I weep for my country when I visited home in 2009 and toured my alma mater- ABSU ... the infrastructural decay reduced me to tears . No matter how much OIL is sold in the world market the money will not change the corrupt/ sorry situation in Nigeria . The only thing that will change it is REVOLUTION . I weep for the children , pregnant women , the sick , infirms and the vulnerables who are trapped in this diabolical hole called Nigeria . My advice to Nigerians ... ' GOD WILL NOT DO FOR MAN WHAT MAN CAN DO FOR HIMSELF ' Wake and take your destinies in your hands stop calling on God for simple things you can do , learn from Egypt , Tunisia and Libya experience ."
28,1279,1,1,1,1,"Pope Francis washed and kissed the feet of Muslim , Orthodox , Hindu and Catholic refugees in a moving ceremony during Holy Thursday Mass at a refugee centre on the outskirts of Rome . ( March 24 )"
29,1283,1,0,1,1,""""""" Stateless """" is the story of a forgotten group of Vietnamese refugees who spent over 16 years in the Philippines waiting for resettlement . Caught at the low tide of compassion fatigue by the international community , which led to the closure of refugee camps in Southeast Asia in the early 1990s , the refugees found themselves lost with no country to call home ."""
30,1301,0,0,1,1,"Government support to bring the Housing First programme to Wellington will make a real difference for the homeless , says National 's Wellington Central candidate Nicola Willis ."
31,1381,0,0,0,1,"Departing from his prepared remarks , Francis shared his experiences of the day earlier with thousands of people gathered for his blessing . He says among the 300 refugees he greeted Saturday on Lesbos was a Syrian widower with two children ."
32,1447,1,0,1,1,"This is a new education programme introduced in this district to ensure that each vulnerable girl and boy in this district is educated , protected , respected and valued and grows up to turn the tide of poverty ."
33,1477,0,0,1,1,"Haiti has legal protections for the disabled on paper , but the laws are poorly implemented . Disabled Haitians have few opportunities to work and too many youngsters with disabilities languish out of sight at home instead of going to school . Some impoverished parents abandon disabled kids outside state institutions or farm them out as domestic servants ."
34,1572,0,0,0,1,If only we had more stories that championed the brilliance of migrant workers perhaps we 'd be able to challenge the silence that permits them to be treated in such a disdainful way .
35,1648,0,0,0,1,"""Mari ? tte Coetzee from Stofberg Family Vineyards ( whose Mia Chenin Blanc 2016 was the garagiste trophy winner at last year 's Michelangelo Awards and the recipient of four Platter 's stars for the Mari ? tte Chenin Blanc 2016 ) , says : """" We can be extremely proud of the current women winemakers in our industry , especially considering most of them are juggling a family along with the long working hours ."""
36,1674,0,0,1,1,"Kyle really your a pig , lol youre also very ignorant do nt like over weight women , well have u looked in the mirror recently your FAT , YOU AND YOUR BOSS SHOULD BE SACKED never to return to radio , , how dare you say go for the disabled , your more disabled than the disabled olympians , they have a genuine heart , you do nt have one ,"
37,1693,1,0,1,1,""""""" They have made them to become hopeless and now , in """" going to God """" , they have ended up being deceived further and their situation is exploited and the society becomes even worse ."""
38,1790,0,0,1,1,"A few of Hong Kong 's mega rich , have also made a more concerted effort to improve the quality of life of those most in need , however the philanthropic approach adopted by the vast majority of them has its limitations . Philanthropy has often created a culture of dependency and has failed to tackle the root causes of social problems . For many organizations , philanthropic investment is viewed as a cost rather than an opportunity ."
39,1834,1,0,1,1,"Behind the initiative are Danish national Lars Jorgensen and his American wife Monica , who came to the Philippines as backpacking tourists 27 years ago and were moved by the sight of Manila 's young and homeless ."
40,1847,0,1,1,1,"TREVOR HAGAN/WINNIPEG FREE PRESS John Donovan , northern region director of the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba : ? Many of them are feeling pretty hopeless. ?"
41,1870,0,0,0,1,"""He said : """" I think we can consider introducing a negligible telecom surcharge to be entirely borne by the initiator of a call . In order to protect the poor and vulnerable amongst us , we could structure it to only take effect after the third minute of talk ."""
42,1922,0,0,0,1,"The Global Gender Gap Report 2016 has ranked Pakistan 143 out of 144 countries . This really demonstrates the failure of feminists who are hopeless to break the historical shackles of bondage on women and establish favorable political , educational , economic , and health conditions ."
43,1961,1,1,0,1,"American hegemony in industry is history , they simply allowed and even encouraged their prosperity to be exported to low -wage economies , resulting in local unemployed folk living in poverty , unable to pay the electricity bill and keeping themselves from depression and hopelessness by sniffing , snorting , smoking or injecting themselves with opiates ."
44,2001,0,0,0,1,t is remiss not to mention here that not all scavenging children come from poor families . Children hailing from affluent families use dumpsites as playgrounds .
45,2133,0,0,0,1,"The drama 's compelling nature derived from a thorough knowledge of its cast , more numerous and improbable than any soap opera 's . The bite came from underlying tragedy : lost wives , lost jobs , pennilessness , homelessness and death . I have never laughed so much as in Soho in the Eighties ."
46,2196,0,0,1,1,""""""" It 's the largest humanitarian tragedy of our time , """" Ninette Kelley , the UN high commissioner for refugees ' representative to Lebanon , told the Guardian earlier this month in an interview . """" We do not want the world to forget that people are suffering here . """""""
47,2333,1,0,1,1,"She added that her office has worked relentlessly with the present administration to translate policies into concrete actions for the women , children , the aged , orphans , the disabled , and other vulnerable members of the society . Hajiya Yuguda challenged Nigerians to believe in the immense capacity and capability of the women folk in nation building in order to bring about the much needed positive change the country is yearning for ."
48,2342,0,0,0,1,"The measures have kept the migrants living in limbo . The overwhelming majority have not been granted asylum and they lead a tenuous existence , often at the whims of the government ."
49,2351,1,0,1,1,"""She remembers how hard being homeless hit her . She remembers , too , how she would try and act as mad as possible to intimidate people and stop them from coming close to her . She would turn as she walked and make loud noises so that people would leave her alone . How did she manage not to lose sight of her future while she was struggling for survival ? """" I handled my situation of being homeless pretty easily , """" she says with a bit of distance . """" I had football to focus on . I wanted to represent my country and I was n't going to let anything get in the way . """""""
50,2453,1,0,1,1,""""""" My daughter , who was a physiotherapist , who is now on the other side , realizes how difficult it is being a disabled person . She wishes to change the idea in people 's minds when they look at a disabled person -- their mind is fine , they may be disabled , but they 're normal people and they want to be treated that way . """""""
51,2591,0,0,0,1,"One petition signer , the Reverend Everett Shattuck , 59 , a Church of the Brethren minister from Mill Creek , Indiana , said opening his home to refugees was part of the U.S. tradition of welcoming immigrants ."
52,2610,0,0,0,1,"""Nearly 15,000 West African teenagers leave their homes every year to play football in Europe . Few make good on their dreams . Some are lured by corrupt """" agents """" , smuggled across the searing Sahara and discarded in the streets of Europe , resigned to selling fake designer bags as undocumented immigrants . Others are nabbed by academies and feeder teams affiliated with European clubs and often dumped like bad stocks ."""
53,2848,0,0,0,1,Camfed would like to see this trend reversed . It would like to see more girls in school . Basic Education Statistics in Tanzania ( BEST 2010 ) show that only 18 percent of girls have completed secondary school education . This is why Camfed supports girls from poor families to obtain secondary education and its efforts have seen many go to university .
54,2918,0,0,0,1,Famously progressive San Francisco has among America 's most eco-friendly public policies and has declared itself a sanctuary to immigrants it considers persecuted by President Donald Trump 's administration .
55,2953,0,0,1,1,""""""" The worst thing was dealt to us , """" he said . """" But at least we 'll get closure . That 's a blessing , in some way ... but I think of those poor families who wo n't . """""""
56,2956,0,0,1,1,"Over the past five years , the company has donated approximately 60,000 pounds of fresh produce for weekly outreach programs and via larger holiday events and Veteran ? s programs that have impacted tens of thousands of New Yorkers in need . Through Easter Seals of New York , Bloom Fresh delivers fresh fruits and vegetables each week to the Bronx Child Development Center to not only provide more healthy nutrients to children during lunch , but also for the children to take home to their families ."
57,2959,0,0,1,1,"You know the type . She 's excelling in her field while tutoring underprivileged kids , running 5K fundraisers and adopting the most hopeless rescue dogs as pets -- and she 's not afraid to gloat about it ."
58,2984,0,0,1,1,"She said since Bangladeshs main export to the USA is apparel , this industry employs 4 million workers , of which 90 percent are girls from poor families . Their earnings have empowered them . Their contributions now provide better nutritional food , allow siblings to go to schools , and give them a respected voice at home . Their empowerment is also helping reduce poverty , control population growth and increase literacy ."
59,3025,1,1,1,1,"From a spiritual perspective , fasting is a time for the believer to rely on God , to give thanks and to think of others who are in need ."
60,3047,1,1,1,1,For ten years a group of women have been stitching love into thousands of knitted blankets and garments to help keep poor families in Eastern Europe warm .
61,3130,0,0,1,1,"Stephanie envisioned a model whereby women in need would be taught a skill such as handcrafts , and be paid a fair trade wage for their efforts . In turn , the women who had experienced hardship and marginalisation would grow to become self-sufficient . With the products then sold in Australia via an online store and a network of retailers , the profits would be reinvested in Seven Women to continue the cycle of empowerment ."
62,3211,0,0,0,1,"""In a statement , the UNHCR said it is """" alarmed and concerned """" by Tuesday 's incident and urged the """" public and all those concerned with refugees to continue extending protection and to show empathy for civilians fleeing persecution and violence . """""""
63,3213,1,1,0,1,Hollywood star Leo Di Caprio urges help for reuniting immigrant children with their families
64,3265,1,0,1,1,"The Turkish Ambassador to Tanzania Ali Davutoglu has called on civil society groups and Tanzanians in general to join hands in helping orphans and vulnerable children , saying such responsibilities should not be left for the government alone ."
65,3297,0,1,1,1,""""""" We believe in the ability of young women to achieve great things , both for themselves and for Tanzania , """" he added ."""
66,3382,1,0,1,1,"""This little girl with her whole life in front of her can not go to school , can not read , can not write . At age seven , she is guilty , of being one of the world 's 60 million refugees in the year 2017 ! The government claims it has implemented """" 15 years free education """" but the reality does not match the words . For pre-school children , where government policies have created a completely privatised sector , normal fees are HK$2,800 per month -- completely out of reach for poor families ."""
67,3605,1,0,0,1,"""The rights and needs of hundreds of thousands of older and disabled people are being neglected and their difficulties left to worsen under a hopeless system of social care . But while the King 's Fund report says that older people are faring the worst from the poor state of social care , this ignores the plight of working age disabled people who are facing the double whammy of harsh and inefficient """" welfare reform """" , as well as severe cuts in social care support ."""
68,3614,0,0,0,1,News this month that Anglican Care spent $4 million buying a Christchurch site as a hub for vulnerable youths is a fine example of that community-minded approach . In years to come there may be an interesting contrast between a beautifully restored cathedral that is empty much of the time and a youth hub and revamped City Mission that are constantly busy .
69,3661,0,0,0,1,""""""" Some come from poor families and then you find swimming in millions and they lose focus , then they fizz out from football altogether , """" he said , making it clear that to have a Paul Pogba-esque success , one needs to work that much harder and not get influenced easily especially at this age and that too coming from Africa ."""
70,3672,0,0,0,1,"Yes , DMC you are very good at adding numbers , I am sure the dead and homeless are really thankful that you have the numbers . But as a government department I do not see any action in preventing , educating , keeping sos supply depots , or indeed any action , apart from the armed forces providing aid and the common man ."
71,3716,1,1,1,1,He said that only deserving people had the right to benefit from the Wall of Kindness who were in need of such things and did not want to beg from others .
72,3861,0,0,1,1,"""In time , when the housing backlog for the low middle- and low-income families will have been significantly whittled down to manageable levels , the government can start looking at ways and means to bring these """" lesser """" Filipinos into the embrace of economic health -- and away from that malady called homelessness ."""
73,3910,0,0,1,1,""""""" In particular , the programmes to support blind and disabled golf impress me both as an avid golfer and a passionate believer in the """" power of sport """" , to bring people together and transform lives for the better , """" said Mr Key ."""
74,3963,1,1,1,1,"Chantelle Owens , Mrs Planet 2016 , hosted the day and the ladies had the chance to share their compassion for those in need ."
75,4023,0,0,1,1,"A highlight of the week will be a public lecture and panel discussion next Tuesday , September 20 , at 5:00 pm at The UWI Library Multifunctional Room , by the inspiring Marilyn Lacey , a Religious Sister of Mercy ( RSM ) , who has worked with migrants and refugees worldwide and has received multiple international honours for her compassionate outreach . Her topic is : ' Mercy : God 's Unexpected Path to Justice ' ."
76,4046,1,0,0,1,We also know that they can benefit by receiving counseling from someone who can help them understand that their feelings are normal and that their situation is not hopeless ; someone who can help them put their situation in perspective and help them communicate with others who could provide support ; someone knowledgeable about resources they can access ; someone who can help them plan for their needs and the needs of their child by developing either a parenting plan or an adoption plan .
77,4056,0,0,1,1,"President Muhammadu Buhari is on a divine mission to rescue the Nigeria from the brink of collapse and hopelessness , Speaker of the House of Representatives , Rt . Hon. Yakubu Dogara has said ."
78,4063,1,1,1,1,"""Budding chefs , like """" Fred """" , """" Winston """" and """" Angela """" in the kitchen are either homeless or recently re-housed - and desperately in need of a helping hand to enable them to re-build their shattered lives ."""
79,4089,0,0,0,1,"""In a 90-degree view of his constituency , one can see a high rise and a flyover while underneath it , homeless people sleep on pavements . """" As you can see , my constituency is not confined to one socio-economic group , """" he said , adding that apart from water , another major concern for him is to improve the standard of public schools in the area ."""
80,4156,0,0,1,1,"The school authorities have taken the perfect procedure , not to obstruct studies . The 300 odd athletes who engage in sports are given the freedom to practice before and after school hours under the watchful eyes of the teachers who are in-charge of sports . The talented athletes who come from poor families are taken care of adequately with contributions from parents and well wishers ."
81,4177,1,1,1,1,"The Word of God is truth that 's living and able to penetrate human souls ( Heb. 4:12 ) . Consider how powerful Scripture is : it can change hearts , save lives from eternal condemnation , and give hope to the hopeless ."
82,4218,0,0,1,1,""""""" We need to grow the economy in a way that we are helping those that are struggling -- families that are going to difficult times , and those that are in vulnerable situations , """" he said ."""
83,4227,1,0,0,1,"We have done a great deal of work but the biggest thing we have done is to make the ministry a powerful tool for the protection of women ... Over the last four years , every time somebody comes up with a good idea or proposes an area in which women need help , we have adopted it immediately . We have been doing two things -- policymaking , which also pushes other ministries , and looking at individual cases of suffering . For me , both components are equally important ."
84,4303,0,0,1,1,"PIC : James McClean delivers on his incredibly classy promise to young disabled girl <h> James McClean may be one of the most controversial figures in the Premier League but , when push comes to shove , his heart is always in the right place for those in need ."
85,4327,0,0,0,1,"If in addition ' miracles ' can be orchestrated then the acceptance and reverence become total . In a country where statistics state that unemployment is about 25 per cent but we know it is more like 70 per cent , where the next meal will come from is unpredictable and on a daily basis time just passes by ; it is not far-fetched for women to become prayer warriors for their children , husbands and siblings and are made to blame whatever is happening not on policies of the government but on the machinations of the devil ."
86,4344,0,0,1,1,"In a world of unlimited data , there is little stopping us from providing refugees with this lifesaving connectivity ."
87,4393,0,0,0,1,The law stipulated 21 rights of the disabled persons . The disabled persons must get the national identity cards and be listed in the voters roll . Even they will be able to contest in the polls .
88,4494,0,1,1,1,""""""" We shall remember him for the immense contribution he made to the many vulnerable sectors of humanity ? women ? children ? orphans the disabled and refugees . """""""
89,4538,1,1,1,1,"For jobless , hopeless Zimbabweans there is nothing much to cheer"
90,4560,0,0,1,1,"Hundreds of thousand Africans are graduating per year . Different from 1980s and early 1990s when college outpours got immediately absorbed in the labour market , many today are jobless and hopeless ."
91,4580,0,0,0,1,"Old BC : As usual , Old GB has it assy-versy . I think there should be more focus on preventing homelessness than curing it . Are there systems for actually going out , picking up the homeless , and placing them where they belong ? Homeless people are n't voluntarily walking into these shelters ."
92,4684,1,0,1,1,"While male prisoners in Pakistan also suffer , the female prisoners ' plight is truly worrying . Like male offenders , the majority of female offenders are poor . However , women enter the criminal justice system with a host of unique medical , psychological , and financial problems and needs that distinguish them from male offenders . Addiction , poverty , unemployment , physical and mental illness , physical and sexual abuse , and homelessness trap women in a cycle of hopelessness and crime . In particular , female offenders are often young mothers who face the additional trauma of threatened separation from their children ."
93,4710,1,1,1,1,"""Mr Slosar said : """" We have been deeply moved by the plight of the people of Japan affected by the natural catastrophes . We hope that our contribution will help them to rebuild their lives . Red Cross has been our partner in reaching out to those in need in the community and we are pleased to work with them once again in this endeavour . """""""
94,4802,1,1,1,1,"Fasting bridges the gap between rich and poor , sustained and impoverished , fulfilled and needy . This experience should then inspire compassion and mercy , which is manifest by generosity of wealth and time to help those in need ."
95,5059,0,0,1,1,"New Zealand has been getting more comfortable confronting difficult issues in primetime . Last year , Nigel Latta : The Hard Stuff 's exploration of suicide and teenagers ' online lives was a hit . Earlier this year another season of The Undateables , a British show about dating amongst the disabled and those with learning disabilities played at 8.45pm Mondays on TVNZ 2 . And despite the exploitative name , Embarassing Bodies has helped open eyes and minds to the reality of those whose physical form deviates from a societal conception of ' normal ' ."
96,5072,0,0,1,1,"""He said that he also stopped in Maiduguri , Nigeria , where he met with people who were torched out of their homes 11 months ago . """" These are the stories we carry with us , """" he underlined . """" The World Humanitarian Summit , is a once in a generation opportunity to set in motion an ambitious and far reaching agenda to change the way that we alleviate , and most importantly that we prevent , the suffering of the world 's most vulnerable people . """""""
97,5248,0,0,0,1,"Maida noted that political issues should not twist women away from matters of development , the important thing is peace , and women must wake up , since they need economic revolution through peaceful means ."
98,5252,1,1,1,1,"Xi made the remarks during a tour of the city of Zhangjiakou in northern China 's Hebei Province , where he inspected an impoverished village , visiting and chatting with poor families , discussing how they could shake off poverty ."
99,5367,0,0,1,1,"However , this success story is not uncommon . It often happens that people from poor families have more perseverance to fight tooth an nail in business than children of rich parents who are used to get everything they want with ease . People without a strong spirit will quickly break down and drop out from the competition ."
100,5442,1,0,1,1,"""Balu , an honest , hard-working labourer , who was injured by army shelling about 1993 leading to partial deafness , had latterly resettled in Tellipalai . While waiting to cross the KKS Rd. , he was killed by a navy vehicle with , as I learn , defective brakes , driven by a man without a heavy vehicle licence . When development fails the most vulnerable and poor , we have lost our way . It is well to remember Tagore in his essay on Nationalism : """" ... speed comes to its end , the engagement loses its meaning and the hungry heart clamours for food , till at last she comes to the lowly reaper reaping his harvest in the sun . """""""
101,5497,0,0,1,1,"""So when journalists and observers tell us that , """" Toronto will never be the same again , """" they are not only wrong , but are extremely unhelpful . Of course Toronto will be just the same again . Not for the poor families of the deceased , not for those struggling with ghastly and perhaps life-changing injuries , but for most of the rest of us . It wo n't change , because it never does ."""
102,5506,0,0,1,1,""""""" We know Uber partners with an extensive network of drivers , and Plunket nurses support some of our most vulnerable families . Working together , we can make it simple for people to help out and make a difference , """" Jarvie says ."""
103,5512,1,0,1,1,""""""" Africa Rights Initiatives International has brought smiles on the faces of many , especially , crippled/ disabled who received crutches , the poor sighted who received glasses and medications , the poor who received clothing , the 1,225people who received free health insurance coverage and the general public that received free medical care and above all , the financial support for the Anti Snake Venom ( ASV ) to save the life of the poor woman in Kporibayiri , and referral of the poor boy who died on the way to the hospital . Your Midwives also conducted great deliveries during your visit . Only God knows what would have happened as the only Midwife for the Sub-district was still on her annual leave """" He said ."""
104,5552,0,0,1,1,The Minister said a society 's measure of its humanity is how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable members .
105,5593,1,1,1,1,""""""" Let us make this occasion more meaningful by offering aid to others , especially to those in need . Let us pray for the welfare and safety of our countrymen and for lasting peace in our nation so that we can all work together in harmony towards real change , """" he said ."""
106,5612,0,0,0,1,"He said the victims who are currently rendered homeless can now be relieved of troubles as the 5,000 iron sheets from Mwanza had arrived , with 1,200 already distributed to victims in Bukoba Municipality ."
107,5685,1,0,1,1,"Kasun may not be a superhero or a super genius but he is a great human being who has overcome challenges and hardships of life without even having the full functional capability of his body . His courage and dedication may one day take him to high places in life but above all , for those who are feeling useless and hopeless even though they have fully functional limbs , Kasun 's story is going to be a lesson ."
108,5722,0,0,0,1,"""Calling for an immediate political solution to resolve the crisis in Syria , Erdogan said : """" Turkey 's incursion into northern Syria in early September had led to establishing peace , balance and stability in a region taken over by hopelessness """" ."""
109,5816,0,0,0,1,""""""" I have a lot of sympathy for folks who are in need in the city , """" Mr Edmonds-Waters said . """" This has become an extremely expensive city to live in . The divide between those who have and those who do n't is ridiculously ginormous . """""""
110,5829,1,0,1,1,"Bus driver Cathal Carroll asks if I 've heard the news this morning . I have n't . Four thousand souls have just been rescued from the waters of the Mediterranean , he says . All of them African refugees . All fleeing hunger and persecution in their native lands . What do I think about that ?"
111,5846,0,0,0,1,"KOLKATA : Sourav Kaibartya , a fisherman 's son who scored 94.2% in his higher secondary examination this year got entry into NIT Durgapur for engineering course . The boy was at a loss as to who will fund his education . That is when a corporate house came into his rescue . Thirty-seven students like him from West Bengal meritorious but from poor families will now get to continue their studies with an initiative from Magma Fincorp Ltd ."
112,5862,0,0,1,1,"As exemplified by the teenager , let us all be kind to one another and help those in need without discriminating against one another based on race or religion ."
113,5921,1,1,1,1,""""""" I expect more resources in the hands of people in need and the humanitarian workers on the frontline ( who ) are risking their lives to help them , and I expect less to be spent in the back room in transactions that do not help us get help to the people , """" she said ."""
114,5955,0,0,0,1,"The indigenous Palestinians see themselves abandoned by the powerful nations of the UN . In sheer hopelessness and a sense of dehumization they are , regrettably , now resorting to nihilistic activities trying to harm Israeli Jews and getting killed every day by the trigger happy Israelis - civilians and security forces alike . It is a sad development in a region that has cried for justice for too long -- almost 70 years - only to be ignored and severely punished for their noncompliance to the Zionist dream of Eretz Israel ."
115,5989,1,0,1,1,McAfee said he was helping the locals by feeding poor families and providing them with jobs .
116,5996,1,1,1,1,Real poverty of Britain : Shocking images of UK in the Sixties where poor really meant poor <h> THESE hard-hitting photographs offer a glimpse into the harrowing day-to-day for poor families living in Britain during the Sixties .
117,6056,0,0,0,1,"IdeaRaya spokesman Maryam Ramli Lee in an interview with Malay Mail Online , September 10 , 2015 . For human rights , Idearaya is shining a spotlight on marginalised communities such as refugees and migrant workers , while its focus for philosophy this year would be on educating children to express themselves philosophically ."
118,6115,1,0,1,1,The Eastridge Christian School in Bramley gathered at their local park to hand over much-needed food parcels to the homeless on 7 March .
119,6129,1,0,1,1,""""""" Mike 's leadership has made NSW the economic and infrastructure powerhouse of the nation . His compassion has also ensured a better quality of life for those most vulnerable ."""
120,6189,1,0,0,1,"""Our country is in need of serious change . We can continue to celebrate women 's day , throw massive budgets at events , give out goody bags with a cute lipsticks and celebrate female achievers once a year . This is without taking away from exceptional women who truly are making inroads into their environments but we are not just a cute lipstick , or pair of shoes , we are not just pretty and soft and squishy . We are not just child bearers , and there for procreation . So , why are we as women , so accepting of the placating and mollification thrown at us and overlook the inequalities through acceptance . I am by no means militant , but often , as even in politics , focus is shifted on true issues by drawing public attention to other """" things """" in order for us to be distracted . By shifting our focus from relevant issues we forget why we were disgruntled and angry and nothing ever changes ."""
121,6234,0,0,0,1,"The World Health Organization did not give a reason for the increase in deaths , but a provincial health official in Sindh said that the disease hit areas where poor families did not vaccinate their children ."
122,6260,0,0,1,1,"Canada has managed to accept immigrants , yet it keeps its citizens happy at the same time . In fact , the only populist revolution was pro-immigrant ! It can all be managed , in a humane way ; feeling the pain of those who have left their homes in search of peace or prosperity ."
123,6266,1,1,1,1,It is miserable being poor and homeless in an affluent nation where one 's worth is measured by what one can afford to buy . Even those in the middle class with good and steady jobs struggle to keep their lifestyle .
124,6309,1,0,1,1,"Some years later the daughter 's marriage broke up . She had two children by then and needed money urgently . The father dipped into his savings and was eventually compelled to move into this home . His daughter has put in the papers for him to join her in Australia and he is hopeful of joining her soon . That day for him will be a joyful escape from the surrounding air of defeat , dejection and hopelessness ."
125,6392,1,0,1,1,"This year alone the B.S.I has been able to share with the kids of Rescue Dada Centre , a home that rescues girls from the streets and gives them an opportunity to better themselves in life . They also got to visit kids from Kijiji in Langata who were left homeless after a fire consumed their homes ."
126,6428,1,1,1,1,"Kenyans are known to have big hearts . Hearts so big that they give generously when it comes those in need . Despite all our differences , we unite to help the sick , fight for justice or feed those in drought or war-stricken areas ."
127,6510,0,0,1,1,""""""" These poor ladies are definitely going through some traumatic issues right now , and I am asking that they come forward so that I help them ? together with women parliamentarians - to be able to heal ."""
128,6546,1,0,0,1,"ICCCAD remains a strong advocate of local initiatives and supports the concept of Community Based Adaptation ( CBA ) . Solutions developed at the local level have the best chance of being successful since it is the poorest living in areas prone to storms , floods , and droughts who are most vulnerable and best understand what needs to be done . This approach seeks to give these communities a voice since it is powerlessness as much as location that makes these communities vulnerable to climate change ."
129,6645,0,0,0,1,"""After the satisfying evening , Manny Osme ? a left us pondering on his quote , """" Money is pressure until it is used to help people in need . """""""
130,6646,0,0,1,1,"To meet the need , villagers from Gairo district in Morogoro region have a reason to smile after the Campaign for Female Education ( Camfed ) Tanzania has introduced a new programme to support vulnerable girls and boys from poor families to access best education from primary to tertiary level that will help them to break the poverty cycle for themselves and their communities ."
131,6681,0,1,1,1,"Watching poor families in England writhe in pain over this deep wound , we , as residents of this former slave plantation island , can commiserate with their distress ."
132,6690,1,0,1,1,"Instead of restaurants and malls , they go into the nooks and crannies of the capital , approaching every homeless person they meet to offer them a new lease on life ."
133,6699,0,0,1,1,He said their efforts should not stop only at creating many graduates but also extended to students from poor families so that they could break away from the cycle of poverty .
134,6708,1,1,1,1,I only wish they can one day wake up to relise that they were blessed to be born in such influential families to help people in need . They can use their influence to bring better changed in other peoples life .
135,6731,1,1,1,1,"""With a mission to """" strive every day to create a safe haven where homeless women and children find stability and access to the basic needs of life """" , the Elfreeda Foundation launched its open shelter on the 11th of August 2017 . In attendance were dignitaries such as : the wife of the vice president of Nigeria , Her Excellency Dolapo Osinbajo ; the governor of Imo State , His Excellency Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha ( OON ) ; wife of the governor of Imo State , Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha ; wife of the governor of Enugu state , Monica Ugwuanyi ; the chief of staff of the Imo State Government , Honorable Uche Nwosu ; publisher of Genevieve Magazine , Betty Irabor amongst others ."""
136,6821,0,0,1,1,"That is the big picture , the one conveyed in official reports and government documents . But for the people who live on the ground in the province , it does not begin to portray the hopelessness , the everyday obstacles , the decay ."
137,6852,1,0,1,1,"It was through that experience Guest decided to help others in need , people who society had passed by , a notion he has continued throughout his retirement years ."
138,6873,1,1,1,1,"According to her , she established Royal Seed home to bring up a needy or homeless child to become a great person in future ."
139,6907,0,0,0,1,""""""" We are taking a community that is fairly vulnerable and bringing them to a level where they are empowered . """" <h> VICTORIA KIOKO"""
140,6995,0,1,0,1,"Many celebrities wore blue ribbons to support the American Civil Liberties Union , which is seeking to shed light on the plight of young immigrants facing the potential of being deported ."
141,7004,1,1,1,1,"We have the opportunity to give the gift of love , to shine a light in the darkness of despair , to share with others who are in need , to comfort those who are sad or lonely ."
142,7040,0,0,0,1,"Michael Gove 's recent suggestion that inadequate financial management skills among poor families are to blame for the increasing demand on food banks has , unsurprisingly , sparked an angry response . Critics feel the Conservative Party is out of touch with the pressures on ordinary families ."
143,7111,0,0,1,1,"""Emmanuelle Riva in """" Amour , """" as a woman in her 80s whose mind and body deteriorate after a series of strokes , is even frailer , more vulnerable , and quite defenseless . The first time we saw Riva , in """" Hiroshima Mon Amour , """" we were struck by her sensual , yet patrician face . Now the sensuality is gone , but the dignity of that countenance remains ."""
144,7127,1,0,1,1,"They sell their meager belongings , they borrow money from family and friends to buy work visas and airline fares , they are either illiterate or semi-literate , they are mostly unskilled souls from long suffering and very poor families . When they start work in Arab sheikdoms , despite being Muslims , they are treated as if they are sub-humans . These resolute and hardy souls , despite all the poverty and hardship inflicted upon them by nature , work hard like slaves and send billions of dollars to Pakistan ; with out this money the country could not survive . IF ANY ONE DESERVES LOW PIA FARES , IT IS THESE VERY PEOPLE , PAKISTAN 'S SURVIVAL DEPENDS UPON THEM , THEY ARE YOUR MOST VALUABLE FINANCIAL ASSET . SADLY NO MINISTRY SPEAKS FOR THEM ."
145,7153,1,1,1,1,"He stayed true to his promise , and at the opening day of the restaurant , he brought a lot of homeless from the park to give them full respect and food ."
146,7154,1,1,1,1,"The Hope Foundation is a charity working with street and slum children in India . They work to free children and poor families from lives of pain , abuse , poverty and darkness . Living on the streets , children are exposed to horrendous physical and sexual abuse ."
147,7188,1,1,1,1,"""There were also many larger events which took place , including a 24-hour long period of Eucharistic adoration and a prayer vigil . Additionally , """" jubilees """" were held which centered on , among others , the sick and disabled , catechists , teenagers , deacons , priests , religious , volunteers of mercy , and most recently , the poor and homeless ."""
148,7191,0,0,0,1,""""""" Boarding schools should be for those coming from poor families who when admitted to boarding secondary schools would be assured of their meals provided by schools , """" she said ."""
149,7394,0,0,0,1,"KARACHI - On the eve of International Women 's Day , Pakistan People 's Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has announced that his party 's Women Wing will organise Karwan-e-Benazir rallies in all the provincial capitals and in Azad Jammu & Kashmir , Gilgit-Baltistan and Fata to celebrate the day and PPP 's achievements for empowerment of women in the country ."
150,7414,0,0,0,1,"Cheung said 20 disabled undergraduate students from seven universities will start their eight-week internship in government departments this month , receiving the same salaries as able-bodied colleagues of HK$9,600 a month ."
151,7443,1,1,1,1,She urged members of the public to always be willing stretch a hand of support to persons in need within the society .
152,7651,1,0,0,1,"But kids fall through the cracks . If they move around a lot between schools - as kids from poor families very often do , due to precarious housing - they can go years between check-ups ."
153,7726,0,0,1,1,"""In Dublin , the Church of Ireland Archbishop Dr Michael Jackson reflected on the year drawing to a close and recalled the """" horrific conflagration at the halting site in Carrickmines """" and the death of Garda Tony Golden in Omeath , as well as the """" refugees fleeing from Syria """" and other parts of the Middle East and the """" forgotten peoples of Africa """" ."""
154,7913,0,0,1,1,Charity plans to forgo parking so homeless can have gym and medical centre
155,7918,0,0,0,1,""""""" Nigeria 's tertiary education system is still elitist . We do n't make allowance for poor families , families that have not yet produced a university graduate . How do these people assess the university education ?"""
156,7959,1,1,1,1,"President Akufo-Addo noted that despite democracy gaining roots on the Continent , and the positive economic strides , there were justifiably pressing demands to address issues of widespread unemployment and the sense of hopelessness in the future , that compels large numbers of Africa 's youth to travel across the Sahara Desert and traverse perilous oceans in search of a better life in the developed world ."
157,7963,0,0,1,1,""""""" As a family , my father was a policeman and he used to come home with food ( monthly ) , and my mother used to pack small parcels and we used to give them to the poor families ."""
158,8057,0,0,1,1,"For jobless , hopeless Zimbabweans there is nothing much to cheer <h> Email to Friend"
159,8168,1,1,1,1,"These latest gifts are from parents at a local home daycare who pooled together their own money and resources to help Raijene Mallory even more . Art Randolph did the heavy lifting , bringing in package after package to the once homeless family 's new northside apartment . Each wrapped gift and crate carrying necessities , clothing and toys coming from a group of compassionate mothers to another in need ."
160,8256,0,0,1,1,I now know why Mike Redmond is proposing a school lunch program . This news about 1/4 of all kids coming from poor families with not much food is an embarrassment . And Ghiz throws our tax dollars at his construction buddies & immigrant investment at his political buddies . And then Ghiz and Myers and their good ol ' boy supporters decry a proposed program like free school lunches as a type of socialist conspiracy .... I 'd like every one of them to experience real hunger for a week in the winter and see if they 'd sing a different tune afterward . Ghazal and Myers and the blue blood wannabes of PEI have no clue .
161,8260,0,0,1,1,"""Yangon , Myanmar , September 29 , 2017 -- Sanna Johnson , IRC 's Regional Director said : """" Whether forced to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh or stuck in northern Myanmar , cut off from essential services and lifesaving aid , Rohingya refugees have no safe place to call home . Today 's reported drownings are a tragic reminder of this desperation . As the largest health care provider in Rakhine State , the IRC is deeply alarmed by conditions on both sides of the border and calls for immediate access to reach those communities in need . """""""
162,8290,1,0,1,1,"In the space of a week , four beautiful young women gave up their lives voluntarily over reasons ranging from a love affair to depression to unemployment . All were educated and from reasonably good families . And these are just some of the reports that media covered . Looked at dispassionately and from a distance , none of their problems seem insurmountable . What a waste of young , beautiful lives !"
163,8330,0,0,0,1,"Many refugees do n't want to be resettled anywhere , let alone in the US ."
164,8385,1,0,1,1,"""Shelter chief executive Polly Neate said , """" It 's disgraceful that even when families are working every hour they can , they 're forced to live through homelessness . """""""
165,8387,0,0,0,0,Asylum seekers from Somalia were asked to report to Dadaab while those from other countries were asked to report to Kakuma refugee camp .
166,8388,0,0,0,0,"Last week , the rights office reported dozens of execution-style killings in villages near Mosul , including the shooting of a physically disabled girl who failed to keep up on a forced march ."
167,8389,1,0,0,0,"Recommended changes to residential consumer tariff schemes will be designed to give more relief to poor families , especially those living in compound houses . <h> National Builders Corps"
168,8390,0,0,0,0,"Greek authorities say that 103 migrants picked up off a crippled yacht are being taken to port on the southern island of Crete . A coast guard statement says the vessel was located by a merchant ship east of Crete early today , after authorities received a distress call by phone . The yacht 's point of departure and destination were unknown . On Monday , the coast guard said it ..."
169,8391,1,0,1,0,Marcos said the government should help poor families that try every possible means to survive . With Joel Zurbano <h> More from this Category :
170,8392,0,0,0,0,"After 1896 , Chinese immigrants had to have a guarantor and the poll tax had to be paid in advance . The tax was waived after 1934 but not repealed until 1944 ."
171,8393,0,0,0,0,"Monetary policy The IMF points out that further monetary tightening would head off second-round effects of currently high inflation , rein in credit expansion and protect against potential capital outflows from further US interest rate hikes . It suggests other measures to slow credit growth , including raising the reserve requirement and employing macro-prudential instruments , such as broader use of limits on loan-to-value ratios in vulnerable sectors and a credit limit or increasing risk weights in the housing sector ."
172,8394,0,0,0,0,""""""" These lengthy , inefficient and burdensome processes result in more hindrance than assistance to SMEs that are more in need of government assistance than larger firms to enter international markets , """" the study highlighted ."""
173,8395,0,0,0,0,"Scott Dann- Sunderland have looked hopeless this season unfortunately and I think Crystal Palace are going to be able to take advantage of that this weekend . Dann has been a solid defender so far this campaign and seems to have a knack for scoring . So far this season , he has ten shots on goal which is an average of two per game . For a defender that 's a great return , and last week against Stoke he got rewarded for that with a goal . Along with his set piece threat , his points for a clean sheet this weekend can be a big time boost ."
174,8396,0,0,0,0,"The final days of this election campaign call for a certain kind of song . Hung over from arguments at the Thanksgiving dinner table , hopeless or hopeful , amid candidates ' last-gasp grandstanding , the government 's shameful fear-mongering , as polls flail and stamina flags -- what we need is some jump . Some get-up-'n-jump . Not just indignation but jubilation , a hatchback of electric guitars cheering for everything Monday gets to get up to ."
175,8397,0,0,0,0,Latest News <h> NY mayor signs bills limiting deportation of Caribbean immigrants
176,8398,0,0,0,0,Who has been responsible for the big advances in the treatment of the disabled ?
177,8399,0,0,0,0,"Sithole put South Africa on the map in disabled tennis , winning his first Grand Slam singles title in his category last month , following his win at the British Open in July ."
178,8400,0,0,0,0,"""Beck said members of his group already have sent more than 1 million faxes to members of Congress since the start of the year . The group also posted a petition on its website opposing a proposal by the bipartisan group of senators known as the Gang of Eight to legalize undocumented immigrants """" in a time of budget-deficit crisis and high unemployment . """""""
179,8401,0,0,0,0,"Illegal immigrants from Bangladesh speak to the media at the Immigration office in Dar es Salaam , yesterday shortly before they were deported . According Immigration official Edmund Novaita , the 20 Bangladeshi nationals have served a 6-month jail term in Mtwara and Dar es Salaam after they were found guilty of illegally entering the country last year . ( Photo : Khalfan Said )"
180,8402,0,0,0,0,Clashes left 300 villagers homeless in Khagrachhari
181,8403,0,0,0,0,"He regretted that in 2014 , Boko Haram killed 6,644 people and rendered more than one million homeless , making it the world 's deadliest militant group , according to Global Terrorism Index ."
182,8404,0,0,0,0,"A book on depression that everyone should read , whether you suffer with mental illness or not . This award-winning ' modern classic ' is as much a celebration of being alive as a look at the dark side of living . And its core message is the most important of all - that nothing is ever hopeless . ( And a PS for any self-help super geeks out there , Haig 's follow-up ' Notes on a Nervous Planet ' is out in July ) ."
183,8405,0,0,0,0,"The fact is that people from innumerable cultures and countries have always fought for freedom , equality and democracy . Democracy is not a patent of the West . If at all there is a threat to the Western civilization , it is not because of immigrants from the non-Western world but because of the growing inequality that is equally affecting people of Western origin . But that is altogether another debate ."
184,8406,0,0,0,0,"So far , Roche has merely said Avastin helps women with advanced ovarian cancer live longer without their disease getting worse . Full details will be unveiled at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in June ."
185,8408,0,0,0,0,"She said , on the commendations of the women wing , the PHF has barred women players of over thirty years of age from taking part in all national level hockey events to give ample opportunity to the young hockey talent to play hockey ."
186,8409,0,0,0,0,""""""" I voted twice before , but now I do n't have that drive anymore . Right now I feel hopeless , """" said Blessed . """" The two major political parties have me feeling like an old man grasping for a little air , and no matter what I do , none of them can assist me by giving me a little air . They are hopeless . The country is doomed . """""""
187,8410,0,0,0,0,"The 30-year-old unidentified victim , believed to be an Indonesian immigrant , was of moderate size , fair-skinned and clad in a pair of blue jeans ."
188,8411,0,0,0,0,"A crew of disabled athletes will be tackling this weekend 's Chattanooga Waterfront Triathlon to show others with disabilities they , too , can participate in a healthy , active lifestyle ."
189,8412,0,0,0,0,Mancha Spokesperson Imran H Sarker said the scrapping of Nizami 's review plea against his death sentence brought to an end the ' hopeless ' situation created by the ' unnecessary delays ' in bringing to justice Bangladesh 's war criminals .
190,8413,0,0,0,0,"New York Marathon title holder Geoffrey Kipsang Kamworor completed a hat-trick at the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships , after winning in Valencia -- Spain on Saturday evening as Ethiopian Netsanet Gudeta Kebede took the women 's title ."
191,8414,0,0,0,0,""""""" However , disabled children need more attention in terms of curriculum adaptation , teaching methods , and availability of teaching and learning materials , assistive technology , assessment systems , as well as funds for more assistance in adapting the school environment , """" he stressed ."""
192,8415,0,0,0,0,"As reported by Sport24 , it 's widely expected that current South Africa rugby coach Allister Coetzee will see his contract terminated in the very new future . SARU would of course then be in need of a replacement , but even still , the muted appointment of Erasmus would raise eyebrows for a number of reasons . SA Rugby are believed to be currently working on a five-year contract to be offered to Erasmus upon the sacking of Coetzee ."
193,8416,0,0,0,0,"The screenplay had basically the same words in the play , as adapted by the original playwright Yasmina Reza . However , under the heavy-handed direction and co-writing by Roman Polanski , these same words managed to become a dry , lifeless , endless rant by 4 hopelessly miserable people ."
194,8417,0,0,0,0,The Prime Minister said that construction of affordable housing initiative would not only provide shelter to the homeless but would generate huge economic activity by providing millions of jobs and boosting all linked industries of the housing sector .
195,8418,0,0,0,0,"There are some lesson Ethiopia can draw from Latin American countries that have used cash transfer schemes to support the poor . The government also needs to start focusing on redistribution of wealth rather than just rapid economic growth . Urban housing policies should ensure poor families have access to decent shelter . There should also be social security schemes to assist , especially households whose members are unemployed because of disability ."
196,8419,0,0,0,0,"She also witnessed the development of the economy of the districts affected by war while visiting an apparel factory in Ampara and seeing the booming in touristic infrastructures in Passekudah . In Batticaloa , she also visited several successful European Union-funded projects to support small businesses run by single women headed households , implemented by the French NGO ACTED . In Ampara , she participated to the opening of an Early Childhood Care and Development unit in the Zonal Education Office of Akairipattu , in the framework of a program financed by AFD , French Agency for Development and the French Organisation Solidarit ? La ? que and implemented throughout the Eastern Province with three local counterparts ."
197,8422,0,0,0,0,"MANILA , Philippines - The government will hold a second nationwide survey this summer to identify the poorest of the poor families ."
198,8423,0,0,0,0,"""Guided by the philosophy of """" Building Communities """" , Swire Properties established its Community Ambassador Programme in 2001 . The programme seeks to help the elderly , the disabled , children and disadvantaged families in the community ."""
199,8424,0,0,0,0,"""MP Lisa Hanna has blamed the """" bloodsport """" nature of the Jamaican hustings for turning off most women from entering representational politics ."""
200,8425,0,0,0,0,All four men lived at the same refugee centre in Salzburg .
201,8426,0,0,0,0,"Last week , the Standard revealed Essex County Council would completely withdraw One Support , which provides social care to around 1,600 elderly and vulnerable residents with physical and mental health problems , from the Maldon district at the end of March . Vulnerable residents fear they will not be able to cope once their carers stop visiting them ."
202,8427,0,0,0,0,"Even 2015 's Pirelli calendar which featured many amazing women with different body types , including a semi-nude Schumer , was a sure fire sign that times are a changin ' ."
203,8428,0,0,0,0,"Bangladesh 's bowling could do better , however . Mehidy Hasan Miraz and Nazmul Islam will once again need to slow things down while Mustafizur Rahman and Rubel Hossain have to bowl well in the power play and slog overs . Taskin Ahmed may have to give away his place after being below par ."
204,8429,0,0,0,0,"Since the tournament increased its status to a tier 1 event and its prize money to $600,000 , each golfer would be in need of caddie this year ."
205,8430,0,0,0,0,"There are just on 20,000 members belonging to more than 350 VIEW clubs throughout Australia who raised more than $1million to support 1000 children in need ."
206,8431,0,0,0,0,"""UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) leader Nigel Farage tweeted : """" Mass immigration still hopelessly out of control and set to get worse if we Remain in EU . """""""
207,8432,0,0,1,0,"""As she descended into a state of hopelessness , she decided to do """" one hopeful thing """" . She bought a Golden Retriever puppy called Bunker . Little did she know how much solace he would provide ..."""
208,8433,0,0,0,0,"He noted that people in rural areas --especially farmers --are in need of accurate information on irrigation , markets and prices of their produce . Kibassa mentioned Honomaro ward , on the Kondoa/Hanang border which has five primary schools but has no secondary school , dispensary or health centre ."
209,8434,0,0,0,0,Senate probe : Gov't left migrant children in US at risk of trafficking
210,8435,0,0,0,0,Thierry Patisserie is that rare breed of dessert cafes : it 's open early in the morning ( 7 a.m. ) for those in need of a pick-me-up before work and stays open very late ( midnight ) for people in search of a late after-movie dessert .
211,8436,0,0,0,0,The schools -- overseen by the King Edward VI charitable foundation in the city -- have been set a target to ensure at least one-in-five places are awarded to pupils from poor families . It coincides with a move to expand the schools to take an additional 130 children .
212,8437,0,0,0,0,"New World Development ( NWD , 00017 . HK ) owns several commercial projects near the harbourfront area , making it vulnerable to criticisms that it will profit from its proposal to redevelop the Tsim Sha Tsui promenade , Apple Daily reported on Friday ."
213,8438,0,0,0,0,Rescuers saved 484 migrants from boats in the Mediterranean on Saturday and found the bodies of seven men who had died in the attempt to get to Europe .
214,8439,0,0,0,0,"The highest points total ND can now finish with is 103 , while Canterbury will have no fewer than 105 , a tally that still leaves them vulnerable to Auckland on the final day of the season ."
215,8440,0,0,0,0,He further alleged that it is unthinkable that the government of an independent country can make people homeless by killing them in police firing and resorting to attacks and torching .
216,8441,0,0,0,0,""""""" The results allow us to see there have been important changes over time in the composition of economically vulnerable families . . . many economically vulnerable families no longer fit the traditional profile of poor families , """" she said ."""
217,8442,0,0,0,0,"There will be two phases including a web based process where anyone can respond in writing in any language , to questions posed , and a process of face to face consultations with all stakeholders including women , disabled soldiers , the military , war widows and former child soldiers , amongst others , she added ."
218,8443,0,0,0,0,The men were among a group convicted at London 's Southwark Crown Court of a 5.0 million pound ( $7.0 million ) scheme to steal public cash intended to be used to train vulnerable youngsters .
219,8444,0,0,0,0,She told the assembly that women do not make choices about abortion in the abstract . They do so in the context of an unplanned or undesired pregnancy .
220,8445,0,0,0,0,"In this Tuesday , Oct. 10 , 2017 photo , Zeinab Hawary , 25 , prepares a dish at a restaurant in Rabat , Morocco . A remarkable restaurant in Morocco 's capital offers its guests the opportunity to enjoy a full , fresh meal for just $6 . But what 's most remarkable are its chefs : all are developmentally disabled . Since its opening in April , the restaurant has enjoyed very favorable reviews . Its customers say they appreciate the quality of the food , the low prices and the commitment behind its creation . ( AP Photo/Mosa'ab Elshamy )"
221,8446,0,0,0,0,"Sami , who was an 18-year old new immigrant to Christchurch at the time of Aaliyah 's death , excited about setting up a new life and her pregnancy , has also suffered from the tragedy , he said ."
222,8447,0,0,0,0,"She further argued that , the then Mahama-led government granted the two detainees refugee status therefore , in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the status of refugees of 1951 and the 1967 Protocol of the Status of Refugees , as well as the provision of the Refugee Law 1992 , PNDC law 305D of Ghana , Ghana has the responsibility to protect them against return to a country where they have a reason to fear persecution ."
223,8448,0,0,0,0,"""Loach remains just as passionate about social injustice as when his TV play """" Cathy Come Home """" shocked viewers 50 years ago with its depiction of a slide into homelessness ."""
224,8449,0,0,0,0,"Alinejad 's Facebook page and social media campaign has been running for three long years , and has managed to gather more than 3,000 pictures of women without headscarves pledging alliance against the mandatory dress code ."
225,8450,0,0,0,0,"Rosemary Nolan , a 22-year-old emigrant from Waterford , has told her family she is ' over the moon ' after the multiple births ."
226,8451,0,0,0,0,"Marine police captured 21 South Asian illegal immigrants and a people smuggler in a sampan outside Hong Kong International Airport . The youngest would-be migrant was three years old , Apple Daily reported Thursday . The toddler 's 34-year-old father and ..."
227,8452,0,0,0,0,"The process of merging the Senate and House bills could take weeks , exposing vulnerable members to a sustained barrage of additional attacks , including over the August recess ."
228,8453,1,0,1,0,""""""" This incident will not tear us down but rather strengthen us as an organization . We will continue our mission of helping Veterans in need . It is through your generous donations and the volunteers in Chapter 84 that we have been able to provide transportation service for Veterans to their appointments at VA facilities and to build wheel chair ramps at no cost to the Veteran . There is scarcely a family in Alexander County that has not witnessed Chapter 84 's Honor Guard perform Military Rites at a loved ones funeral . Last year , Chapter 84 voted to support ' Dental Care for Veterans , ' a program that is getting underway by the DAV Department of North Carolina . Through this program , Veterans will be able to receive primary dental care at no charge ."""
229,8454,0,0,0,0,"It is almost impossible to believe that a team with Thomas Mueller , Toni Kroos and Mesut Ozil look vulnerable but Germany will really have to live up to their reputation of raising their game for the big occasion at Euro 2016 . Read More ?"
230,8455,0,0,0,0,"""But HRW has called for """" unimpeded and unconditional access """" for **26;902;TOOLONG organizations like UNHCR and IOM to rescued migrants and refugees in order to assess their claims for refugee status ."""
231,8456,0,0,0,0,"""This is especially galling because both the EITC and CTC have features conservatives should applaud : first , because someone has to earn an income to qualify for them , the credits operate as an economic incentive to find work . Second , eligibility for both credits phases out gradually , minimizing any """" welfare trap """" effects . And third , because they 're credits rather than deductions , the money they provide is more focused on Americans in need , with less excess spending higher up the income ladder ."""
232,8457,0,0,0,0,"The situation has some parallels to Myanmar 's current Rohingya crisis : Hardliners from the majority Sinhala Buddhist population , including several monks , have engaged in a sustained propaganda campaign , using social media to spread anti-Muslim sentiments , proliferate hate speech and organize attacks . In fact , Buddhist monks organized and carried out an attack on 200 Rohingya refugees in Sri Lanka last year . But unlike in Myanmar , anti-Muslim violence is a relatively new phenomenon in Sri Lanka ."
233,8458,0,0,0,0,"Her meeting with Jen was the genesis of Windmill Park in the town of Boksburg . It has grown from one small building and 40 orphans into a place that provides care , employment and opportunities for both vulnerable children and the broader community ."
234,8459,0,0,0,0,"Name it and he has done it . An on-screen chameleon , he does not just portray a character . He becomes the character . On film and TV , he has been a philandering husband , a gay lover , a con-artist , a hopeless romantic and the list go on . He has mastered his craft and is keen on taking on even more challenging roles in his future projects ."
235,8460,0,0,0,0,""""""" The US presidential campaign , putting undocumented immigrants and refugees in the spotlight , terrified them , """" Welcome Place counsellor Ghezae Hagos said . """" The election and inauguration of Mr Trump appears to be the final reason for those who came mostly last month . """""""
236,8461,0,0,0,0,"Perhaps I am misinterpreting your comment but I moved to this country as an Indian immigrant ( barely able to speak English ) at the age of 7 and have lived in 4 cities and two countries within the UK Brexit or no Brexit , I refuse to entertain the idea that the UK is a racist country , certainly not one with anywhere close to 17m racists ."
237,8462,0,0,0,0,138 Tanzanians mistaken for illegal immigrants
238,8463,0,0,0,0,"Accessibility and the rights of disabled New Zealanders , people with access needs , older people and anyone who is currently struggling to access the world around them , is the social movement of our time ."
239,8464,1,0,0,0,"The decision to put learning-disabled actors at the heart of the creative process is integral to Hijinx 's remit . For the past nine years it 's been running the Hijinx Unity Festival , which has the aim of raising the profile of inclusive performance as its own form alongside disability-led work ."
240,8465,0,0,0,0,"""Cecilia Acuin , chief science research specialist at the Food and Nutrition Research Institute-Department of Science and Technology ( FNRI-DOST ) , explained that teenage mothers are """" vulnerable to all kinds of problems . """""""
241,8466,0,0,0,0,"""Trump infuriated Mexicans calling migrants from their country """" rapists """" and drug runners when he launched his campaign last year , vowing to build a border wall to keep them out ."""
242,8467,0,0,0,0,"Mr Vanderpuije called police on the reporters who were filming the homeless nightlife of the victims after the demolition , accusing them of fabricating a story to embarrass and cause disaffection for government ."
243,8469,0,0,0,0,"""Obviously I live in some other country . Because 99% of immigrants from Ukraine currently working in Russia ordinary laborers . It tilers , repairmen , builders , plumbers , all those who used to be called """" shabashniki """" . Yes , and the Ukrainians themselves call themselves """" workers """" , i.e. those who are going to work ."""
244,8470,0,0,0,0,"Now that all but two of the refugees have left Cambodia and returned to their home countries , the controversial deal is in jeopardy of falling apart ."
245,8471,0,0,0,0,"""The chief minister alleged the """" lies """" were being spread from """" the north of the country """" to discredit the state and """" destroy peace and harmony """" . He said that those who are behind the propaganda are forces who are trying to torpedo the peace and the cordial atmosphere prevailing in the state . He also sought to boost the confidence of the migrant workers by posting a message in Hindi on his Facebook page ."""
246,8472,0,0,0,0,""""""" The proceeds from Lady Lucan 's estate will help Shelter to continue fighting bad housing and homelessness . """""""
247,8473,0,0,1,0,The Jali family in Brown 's Farm was elated as the City of Cape Town donated wheelchairs to their disabled members .
248,8474,0,0,0,0,"The World Report on Disability , released by the World Bank and the World Health Organisation in 2011 , revealed that unemployment is a major challenge for the disabled ."
249,8475,0,0,0,0,""""""" The people have won , """" added Matteo Salvini , head of Italy 's anti- immigrant Northern League ."""
250,8476,0,0,0,0,As the ugly fall out continued yesterday Conservative Baroness Warsi said immigrants and their descendants were being stopped in the street and ordered to leave Britain .
251,8477,0,0,0,0,"The Presidential Candidate of the New Party Patriotic Party ( NPP ) , Nana Addo-Dankwa Akufo-Addo has called on market women to use the power of their thumb to change the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) ."
252,8478,0,0,1,0,"So , let the NPP government appointees look down upon the hardworking and selfless men and women at their own peril ."
253,8479,0,0,0,0,"Judge Steven O'Neill , of the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas , declared a mistrial on Saturday morning following a note from jurors saying that they were hopelessly deadlocked on three counts of aggravated sexual assault ."
254,8480,1,1,1,0,""""""" So we do need to heal ourselves as an Aboriginal Torres Strait islander community , but also as a nation . """" <h> A life of hope , not hopelessness"""
255,8481,0,0,0,0,"Of course , it was hardly news that not all whites viewed the country 's 165,000 or so non-white immigrants with unalloyed enthusiasm . It was ten years since the SS Empire Windrush had brought the first boatload of West Indians to Britain to work , and numbers had been steadily growing . Immigration was running at over 40,000 a year ."
256,8482,0,0,0,0,Other changes to the points system for skilled migrants wishing to obtain a visa to work in Britain have also been tightened .
257,8483,0,0,1,0,"Mary Kay is one of the world 's largest direct selling companies with more than $3 billion in annual wholesale sales worldwide . Mary Kay was founded in 1963 by Mary Kay Ash with the goal of helping women achieve personal growth and financial success . Mary Kay remains committed to enriching women 's lives , and today more than 2.4 million people of all backgrounds are enjoying the advantages of being Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants . Mary Kay 's high-quality skin care and color cosmetic products are sold in more than 35 countries around the world . To learn more about Mary Kay , visit"
258,8484,0,0,0,0,"Ronel Bekker , executive member of Mpumalanga Swimming , said it has been great to see the rapid growth of swimming among disabled learners in Mpumalanaga ."
259,8485,1,1,0,0,""""""" Nowadays Hong Kong diffuses hopelessness , worry and resentment . How can we walk further ? We have to pray to God that we wo n't give up even though we can not see immediate results , """" he said ."""
260,8486,0,0,0,0,"Police said that the man was Panaligan in disguise and that he is not disabled despite the man shown walking with a cane . Asked why it took three months to charge Panaligan , Wernick said that police made sure they established a motive and that other related police findings were in place to build a strong case against the suspect ."
261,8487,0,0,0,0,""""""" MYTH BUSTER : I , an undocumented immigrant , just filed my taxes and PAID $300 to the state of Arizona . I can not receive financial aid from the state or federal government for school , I can not benefit from unemployment , a reduced healthcare plan , or a retirement fund . """""""
262,8489,0,0,0,0,"If our expectations of our teenagers are too high and well above what they expect , they will feel hopeless about achieving them and we will feel frustrated that they do n't seem willing to stretch for what we believe they can achieve ."
263,8490,0,0,0,0,Talking about family : I met some homeless people in the hospital who were receiving treatment and so on .
264,8493,0,0,0,0,""""""" It seems to me as if it 's a response to a very hard attitude that 's coming through in terms of dealing with immigrants , even statements made about Muslims being barred from entering the US . I think it 's good that we are seen as a country where you can still be who you want to be regardless of your religion or race or anything like that . """""""
265,8494,0,0,0,0,"Cheung was also prosecuted in 2002 for molesting two mentally disabled women , but he was acquitted after the court held that the victims ' testimonies were contradictory ."
266,8496,0,0,0,0,Free Premium <h> Australia refugee dump deal causes disbelief in Trump <h> Email to Friend
267,8497,0,0,0,0,""""""" As a woman , I want to stand up for my reproductive rights . As a Hispanic , I want to be seen as a member of this community . As a first-generation American , I want to show that anyone deserves the opportunity to come here ... As a human being , I want to stand up against Trump and other Republicans whose hateful speech towards women , immigrants , lgbt people , and all others is poisoning this nation , """" one of the participants wrote on a blog on Tunicks website featuring about the project ."""
268,8498,0,0,0,0,"Indeed , the ALRC had a hopeless , even pointless task . No mandatory , centralised , bureaucratic classification system could ever hope to monitor all content available to Australians in 2013 . Seventy-two hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute . An honest reform of classification in our era would begin by rethinking its purpose , and , perhaps , throwing it all away ."
269,8499,1,0,0,0,"After the brutal death of the founding father of the country , Sheikh Mujibur Rahman , along with four other national leaders in 1975 , many thought the country had lost all hope for leadership . In this hopeless situation , military dictators were pushed forward to take over the leadership ."
270,8500,0,0,0,0,"Jayne-Anne Gadhia , the CEO , recently pointed out in a blog post that while the world of banking is slowly starting to catch up with the times , the Competition and Markets Authority in Britain needs to encourage both simplicity and competition ."
271,8501,0,0,0,0,"Speaking for Right to Pride , Craig Chapman said segregating migrant workers , drug users , sex workers , clients of sex workers , prisoners , the LGBTI community or heterosexuals from anyone else living with or exposed to HIV/Aids was n't helpful ."
272,8502,0,1,0,0,""""""" The government needs to come forward , and it needs to give resources to legal aid , so that those women and those families have their basic human rights and safety met , around representation and justice , the ability to navigate that Goliath of an office with a great deal of power , and to ensure they have the education and the advocacy that they need . """" <h> Child and Youth Advocate responds"""
273,8503,0,0,0,0,He said Dreams Possible will use the 6 by 1.5 meter space to sell handmade crafts to raise funds for the physically disabled .
274,8504,0,0,0,0,"An arrested Saudi prince who helped the Murdoch family maintain its grip on their media empire has offloaded his stake in 21st Century Fox , leaving them more vulnerable to pressure from restless shareholders ."
275,8505,1,0,0,0,"""He said some elements were bent upon spreading hopelessness in the society and added """" I have decided to put all record before the nation , and in the Senate , as reply for those who are being upon point scoring . We must give impression of unity , strength and victory in this war on terror . """""""
276,8506,0,0,0,0,"Yes , Hong Kong law requires all children of suitable age to be admitted to school for formal education . But in the case of illegal immigrants , their parents or guardians should bear the cost as they are not permanent residents of Hong Kong ."
277,8507,0,0,0,0,"Though the families managed to escape and save their lives , their houses were set afire , valuables were looted , and they were left homeless for many days ."
278,8508,0,0,0,0,""""""" If you look at patent data , for example , where it 's available both in Europe and in the US , you see that immigrants are disproportionately represented in innovation . """""""
279,8509,0,0,0,0,"The Chicago Cubs placed right-hander Yu Darvish on the 10-day disabled list for the second time this month on Saturday , this time as the result of right triceps tendinitis ."
280,8510,0,0,0,0,"Italy 's new populist government will refuse to let a humanitarian boat carrying more than 600 refugees and migrants dock at any of its ports and has asked the tiny Mediterranean country of Malta to open its doors to the vessel , according to media reports . <h> Twitter <h> Most Popular"
281,8511,0,0,0,0,""""""" We have lost 850 of our members that are dead . We are going to bury another one tomorrow ( Wednesday ) because of this non-payment . So hopelessness , depression and disillusionment are killing our members . """""""
282,8512,0,0,0,0,""""""" We felt hopeless when we saw there was no launch . It was announced that MV Farhan-1 will go to Chandpur . But we found no vacant cabin . So , we are waiting . """""""
283,8513,0,0,0,0,"The Press Council of Australia recommends that the media not use the terms ' ' illegal immigrants ' ' or ' ' illegals ' ' , saying they would could ' ' reasonably be interpreted as implying criminality or other serious misbehaviour ' ' ."
284,8514,0,0,0,0,"Campaigners say over the years thousands of women , especially those from poor families , have been discarded by their husbands in this manner . Many have been rendered destitute , with nowhere to go , or have been forced to return to their parental homes or fend for themselves ."
285,8515,0,0,0,0,"An advocate for feminism , he highlighted the team was made up of predominantly young women who spoke a common language to achieve the goal of TedX Maitama ."
286,8516,0,0,0,0,"The tales of decrepit and/or no police service vehicles at police stations across the country have become a common cry on radio talk shows . A civilian who called RJR 's Hotline radio programme last Wednesday complained that the lone vehicle at the Waterford Police Station in St Catherine was down -- in need of a head gasket . That same head gasket , the caller said , had already been repaired by a senior officer at the station who dipped into her own purse before , but just could n't afford it this time ."
287,8517,0,0,0,0,"""She added : """" I would also like to carefully point out that the issue was not her religious beliefs , but rather it is about choosing to treat men and women differently by shaking the hands of women but not men . """""""
288,8518,0,0,0,0,"Expert in Escaping North Korea Has a Message for Donald Trump <h> North Korean refugees Grace Jo ( left ) and Jung Gwang Il ( right ) appear at a news conference before attending a meeting of the United Nations Security Council at UN headquarters in New York on December 10 , 2015 . ( File Photo/REUTERS )"
289,8519,0,0,0,0,"""The Independent Alliance is still in talks over measures for the """" most vulnerable """" ."""
290,8520,0,0,0,0,"At this point in Labour 's leadership battle between Jeremy Corbyn and Smith , the latter 's account of events speaks to a much bigger question : who can be trusted to lead the party 's fight against the Conservative cuts to benefits and support that disabled people depend on ?"
291,8521,0,0,0,0,Police in Tarime/Rorya Special Zone are still interrogating an immigration officer attached to Sirari border point along with an associate accused of involvement in trafficking illegal Ethiopian immigrants into the country from neighbouring Kenya .
292,8523,0,0,0,0,"Now , under promoter Ricky Hatton , he finds himself on the other side of the world , preparing for a fight in which he is very much second favourite , but not hopelessly so ."
293,8524,0,0,0,0,"The footage , which also showed fans engaging in anti-immigrant chants , sparked a backlash after it was published by the Spanish newspaper , El Pais ."
294,8525,0,0,0,0,"On top of this , there are tens of thousands of people with Irish passports currently living in the UK . The Brexit negotiations will likely take years , but it unsure at this point what status Irish immigrants in the UK will have following the result ."
295,8526,0,0,0,0,"Although Ms Merkel 's popularity has bounced back in the last month or so , her conservative party ( Christian Democratic Union ) is still suffering in opinion polls while the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany ( AfD ) made big gains in state elections last month ."
296,8527,0,0,0,0,"To help millions of children from poor families , we should embark on a national health and educational program to be implemented by public healthcare nurses , midwives , and primary care physicians . They should teach pregnant mothers , as well as parents of children younger than three years old , how the brain develops in addition to their current health teaching ."
297,8528,0,0,0,0,""""""" We are dealing with a crisis . The women living in these shelter homes are vulnerable women . The department has to make sure that they hire the right person and that the person is suitably paid . We proposed a change in the rules of the shelter homes after incidents of women running away were reported , """" said Prita Jha , president of Peace and Equality Cell , an NGO which filed the PIL . The next hearing in the PIL is scheduled for Wednesday ."""
298,8529,0,0,0,0,"Haupt & Binder : Looking back at the last decade , what would you highlight in terms of what has happened in the art scene of the UAE , and the region in general ? Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi : Although the art scenes of the emirates of Abu Dhabi , Dubai and Sharjah have always been vibrant , I have noticed that they have become more daring in the past decade with regard to the quality and content of the works displayed and exhibited . Artwork tackling a variety of relevant issues , including human rights , women and gender roles , and children 's rights have appeared at various exhibitions across the UAE . Other cities in the Arab world , including Bahrain , Beirut and Cairo , have also witnessed a revival in their respective culture scenes via festivals and art exhibitions ."
299,8530,0,0,0,0,"""Some of the violence surrounding the Bulyanhulu evictions can be put down to score settling between local inhabitants and immigrant miners , as described above . """""""
300,8531,0,0,0,0,"In a discussion on ' Scale & Surge : Secrets to growing your startup ' , Devaki Yoganand , President of Women Entrepreneurs Karnataka Association ( WEKAS ) and Rupa Rani of Co-We , an initiative which handholds and trains women business owners , talked about how women 's families often discourage them from setting up their own enterprises ."
301,8532,0,0,0,0,""""""" They said they knew what the problem was , they knew the prescription , it found its way into the party manifesto and then here we are , hopelessly , uselessly , completely confused , convoluted they ca n't get it done and they know it , vote them out , """" Hon. Hammond said ."""
302,8533,0,0,0,0,"The extremes include unreconstructed Communists who never broke with Moscow , the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn that wants to mine the Turkish border again to keep immigrants out , and the misleadingly named Greek Ecologists , who are pro-nudism ."
303,8534,0,0,0,0,"It 's really simple , the EU is an undemocratic fascist organisation , ruled by unelected representatives . Anyone who voted to stay in is either a recent immigrant who is quite happy with the social welfare system , and likes the thought of more of their relatives benefiting from it , or they are so brainwashed by the totalitarian left they have NO idea how a democracy is supposed to function ! Scotland is just a basket case and have a bee in their bonnet about the UK . <h> Fred :"
304,8535,0,0,0,0,"Saudi Arabia has in recent months detained several women 's rights activists , some of whom had campaigned for the right to drive and an end to the kingdom 's male guardianship system ."
305,8536,0,0,0,0,"Being one of the Schengen countries , ( Shengen is an area comprising 26 European states that have officially abolished passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders ) , a student studying in The Netherlands , has an advantage of fluid movement to 25 member countries . She said visa processing for students is a lot easier , compared to the ones being handled by France and Belgium on the country 's behalf for other categories of immigrants ."
306,8537,0,0,0,0,""""""" It became very clear that Lopez intentionally and consciously made the decision to not properly investigate cases where children and vulnerable adults were victimized , """" Lt. Eric Johnson wrote in his review of Lopez 's case . """" She even admitted during an interview that she was aware one of the suspects in a case was still at large and was likely reoffending . """""""
307,8538,0,0,0,0,"But Abbott 's weaknesses and want of judgment remained on active display in January . The party 's revolt took Abbott by surprise -- itself a measure of how out of touch he was . He begged for another chance , an opportunity to show that he could change his style and public perception of his hopelessness . Most of those who gave him that further chance had no real hope of expectation that Abbott could or would change . It was obviously a personality thing . Yet they shrank from execution , realising that it would be an awful look , after the disasters of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd period ."
308,8539,0,0,0,0,"""Volunteers counted 100 people """" living rough """" on the North Shore in this year 's Metro Vancouver homeless count but in actuality , you 'd have to septuple that number to find the real homeless population ."""
309,8540,1,0,0,0,"Afsar said that food safety is not the issue of any distinct department rather it is a job of different departments . To ensure safe food for the people , all involved in the food chain need to be well connected and work hand in hand to face the challenges , he added ."
310,8541,0,0,0,0,"Likewise , in sub-Saharan Africa , 60 percent of all AIDS cases are women . According to David Tigawalana from the Uganda AIDS Commission , gender inequalities such as economic dependency , lack of personal assets , and lack of protection against sexual violence and exploitation , leave women more vulnerable to HIV and AIDS :"
311,8542,0,0,0,0,A homeless couple is seen by the roadside along Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman . -- Picture by Choo Choy May
312,8543,0,0,0,0,"Clans of various surnames and functions were formed by Chinese immigrants , brought into then Malaya by the British to open up tin mines and jungles for rubber planting . Their mission then was to help fellow countrymen who were fleeing famine and civil wars to find jobs and shelter and send hard-earned money to their impoverished families in China ."
313,8544,0,0,0,0,Bodies of drowned immigrants are seen at a naval base in Tripoli . Picture : Hamza Turkia/Xinhua
314,8545,0,0,0,0,"Let us be clear . Malaysia is not facing the problems or the hopelessness that gave rise to the Arab Spring . We are blessed with an abundance of resources and talent . But to assume that all is well and that there is no need to scrutinise the democratic processes , would be a mistake ."
315,8546,0,0,0,0,"In this case , it would be hopelessly optimistic to expect his top 50 achievements to be anything to write home about . But , since he has spent money and a portion of our depleting forest to print those modest achievements in a book , we are compelled to check the facts against the claims ."
316,8547,1,0,0,0,"Most importantly , very few policies and programmes attempt to make healthy foods such as whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables affordable to poor families ."
317,8548,0,0,0,0,"Reports from the area say a woman named Sesilia Thomas Kipengele drowned in the river a few days ago and more than four other women including a standard six student of Mpiji Magohe , Kinondoni district , Ali Kudra were rescued from drowning by good Samaritans ."
318,8549,0,0,0,0,"Also , the club has solved the problem that young men and women face in accessing SRH and HIV/AIDS services . In most parts of Tanzania health facilities are not youth friendly or sometimes lack confidentiality ."
319,8550,0,0,0,0,"On May 8 , the North East LHIN supported the creation of an enhanced Regional Warm Line , taking it from a Sudbury-based operation managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association/Sudbury Manitoulin to a region-wide one , operated by consumers of mental health services so that northerners in need of mental health , addictions or other support after hours can talk to a peer and find out about services in their area ."
320,8551,1,0,0,0,"Hundreds of people had been thought to be living or working at the Koshe landfill where the collapse occurred March 11 on the outskirts of the capital , Addis Ababa . Most of the victims were women and children ."
321,8552,0,0,0,0,"""Ms Ma spoke to her student while he was at the Dungavel detention centre in Lanarkshire and said : """" He just feels hopeless . He does n't know what he can do . He is in despair about what awaits him if he returns to Afghanistan because he has been away for three years ."""
322,8555,0,0,0,0,This turn of political events has set a poser for the Sri Lankan community . Traditionally the majority -- especially the Tamil community -- voted heavily in favour of Labour which has generally been more sympathetic to immigrants and provided more welfare even to asylum seekers who were entitled to housing and other benefits including child credits .
323,8556,1,0,0,0,"Dr. Lourdesita Sobrevega-Chan , Philippine Representative to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ' Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children ( ACWC ) , said it is the government 's duty to promote and come up with a non-discriminatory policy for all , particularly for the vulnerable sector ."
324,8557,0,0,0,0,"* Although New Zealand-born people have a positive view of immigration ( 47% feeling immigration has had a positive effect on New Zealand ) , New Zealand-born people still have a more negative view of immigration than do immigrants -- 31% compared to 24% respectively ."
325,8558,0,0,0,0,"Since Sri Lanka is the only country in the whole world where you get politicians who betray its own native people and commit treachery against them and give preferential treatment to immigrant minorities for political expediency ,"
326,8560,1,1,1,0,"As leaders , we will personally support victims but we ask the government to also help . We are going to clear all victims ' hospital bills and we want to ensure that those left homeless receive shelter ."
327,8561,0,0,0,0,"The Persons with Disability Act 1995 reserves 3% of all categories of jobs in the government sector for disabled persons , and provides employment incentives for public and private companies that have at least 5% of their workforce comprising of disabled persons ."
328,8562,0,0,0,0,The airport security issue has flared amid debates in France and in Quebec about wearing veils in public places . A poll last week showed a majority of Canadians wanted a burka ban . It was inspired by the new legislation in France aimed at banning veils worn by Muslim women .
329,8563,0,0,0,0,"Sabat is one of an estimated 1900 lesbian , gay , bisexual , trans , and intersex ( LGBTI ) refugees who live in Turkey -- where homosexuality is not outlawed ."
330,8564,0,0,0,0,"According to the speaker , poor families should have national health insurance coverage so as to assess basic health services , if Nigeria is to achieve its national health objective of providing health for all ."
331,8565,0,0,0,0,"""A feminist campaigner has accused the Labour Party of """" an appalling , Orwellian betrayal of women """" after she was asked to leave a Labour Christmas party because her views on transgender rights were making guests """" feel unsafe """" ."""
332,8566,0,0,0,0,"""On Oct. 1 , at the Working America blog , a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO , New Hampshire writer Susan Bruce attempted to make sense of the outrage : """" The lack of compassion is troubling but the level of anger is even more disconcerting . I suspect that the anger some people have for the homeless is fueled by their own fears that they are only a paycheck or two away from being homeless themselves . """""""
333,8567,0,0,0,0,"Soswa said that the main thing that homeless people complained about during the colder days , was that it was harder to get any sort of money from standing on the streets ."
334,8568,0,0,0,0,"""House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said that deporting hundreds of thousands of young immigrants brought into the country illegally is """" not in our nation 's interest , """" as he and President Donald Trump prepared to huddle with top Democrats to try to hash out a legislative fix ."""
335,8570,0,0,0,0,"And because pretty much everyone except Sandy Koufax and Vin Scully wound up on that disabled list somewhere along the line , the Dodgers also found themselves doing stuff that we can guarantee no other first-place team has ever done . For instance :"
336,8571,0,0,0,0,The latest deaths and rescues follow a record year for the number of migrants trying to reach Europe on the western Mediterranean route from north Africa to Italy .
337,8572,0,0,0,0,""""""" Numbers of unsafe abortions have increased from 19.7 million in 2003 although the overall unsafe abortion rate remains unchanged at about 14 unsafe abortions per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 years , """" the WHO says in its report ."""
338,8573,0,0,0,0,"Although Pakistan is currently emitting low levels of greenhouse gases , it is one of the most vulnerable countries in relation to climate extremes ( floods , droughts and heat waves ) ."
339,8574,0,0,0,0,"The forecast information system has now improved as the agency was more easily available to anyone in need , she said , elaborating that the workshop would focus on weather information quality . TMA has sought to be up to date in its function of make sure that all ( information ) users , especially ordinary ones such as farmers and fishermen are timely put in the picture , she stated ."
340,8575,0,0,0,0,"In January , the White House proposed a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children , in exchange for $25 billion for border security , including funding for Trump 's border wall ."
341,8576,0,0,0,0,Why is n't the media pointing out the Australia was not meeting its international commitments to take in refugees that arrive on their territory ?
342,8577,0,0,0,0,"I 'm supposed to make 10 docus . So far I 've done four stories about a disabled performer , a fireman who saves pets , the street painters of Malate and a cuchero ( driver of a calesa or horse-drawn carriage ) ."
343,8578,1,0,0,0,""""""" The fact is that ruthless smugglers are preying on desperate migrants and refugees with no regard at all for human dignity , """" said Michele Sison , the US Deputy Ambassador to the UN ."""
344,8579,0,0,0,0,"Sierra Red Cross Society spokesman Abu Bakarr Tarawallie said by phone he estimated that at least 3,000 people were homeless and in need of shelter , medical assistance and food . The Red Cross said another 600 were missing ."
345,8580,0,0,0,0,"The measure was put forth by Iqra Khalid , a deputy from the Toronto suburb of Mississauga , a city of 700,000 people with a major concentration of immigrants ."
346,8581,0,0,0,0,"Mr. Seehofer was an adamant proponent of re-establishing border controls with Austria to head off illegal immigrants , and almost brought down Ms. Merkel 's governing coalition this summer over the issue ."
347,8582,0,0,0,0,"RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat 's statement seeking a review of the country Reservation Policy has stirred a controversy . Stating that Reservations have been used for political ends by parties , He suggested constituting an apolitical committee to examine which section of people are in need of the Reservation and the time period it should be implemented ."
348,8583,0,0,0,0,"EXCEPT for time travellers and the extraordinarily gifted seers among us , we do not know what exactly will happen in 2017 . And so , there are two basic choices as we greet the New Year -- be hopeful or feel hopeless ."
349,8584,0,0,0,0,"""JERUSALEM ( AP ) -- U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Monday defended President Donald Trump over his recent comments disparaging immigration from Africa and Haiti , telling The Associated Press that the president 's """" heart """" is aimed at a merit-based system that is blind to immigrants ' """" race or creed . """""""
350,8585,0,0,0,0,The five women included in the set are :
351,8586,0,0,0,0,A miniscule percentage and one wonders how many are illegal immigrants or those who simply choose not to engage with the multiple agencies all set up to assist .
352,8587,0,0,0,0,""""""" People often think that it only happens in poor families on council estates , but the truth is that domestic violence affects women of all ages , classes and backgrounds . Rather than perpetuating damaging myths , the judiciary must be better trained to understand domestic violence . """""""
353,8588,0,0,0,0,"The humanity is also categorised ( another one ! ) on the basis of Internet : digitally connected or unconnected . Digitally , there are three distinct groups : people in need of digital detox , people in need of digital literacy and those with Internet-connectivity to embrace digital adaptability ( on-going and in-coming apps to services ) ."
354,8589,0,0,0,0,"The year 2017 is approaching its end with some changes and some disappointments for the U.S. economy . As a part of a business realignment , the 3M Co ( NYSE:MMM ) plant in Eagan , Minnesota will be closing , affecting around 150 employees . Increased demand for online shopping and a decline in mall foot traffic are causing retailer Charming Charlie Jewelry LLC to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection . Cable TV is declining with the increase in Internet viewing . Wildfires and SALT deduction elimination are causing distress for the California budget . And , for the first time in the past eight years , U.S. homelessness has increased ."
355,8590,0,0,0,0,"&#034 ; Let&#039 ; s defeat her ( Hillary Clinton ) in November , &#034 ; Trump told thousands of his supporters at the convention . <h> As Donald Trump 's race to the White House nears finish line , he has vowed to be tough on crime and illegal immigrants and terrorists ."
356,8591,1,1,0,0,His friends at the Chevron want people to know he was n't just a faceless homeless person . He was their friend and their family .
357,8592,0,0,0,0,"The five-person structure that works well enough in a county like , say , Sierra , with its 3,000 residents , is hopelessly inadequate to represent L.A. County 's 10 million people . Similarly , a government without an elected chief executive is odd yet workable in running a medium-sized county like Sonoma , with its $1.6 billion budget , but out of its depth in L.A. County , with its $28 billion spending plan , its 36 departments and its 100,000-person workforce . Los Angeles County is essentially a state without a governor or , if you prefer , with a five-headed governor with no oversight but itself . Meanwhile , the makeup of the board no longer matches the county 's changed demographics . Nearly half the county 's residents are Latino , but only one supervisor is , due in part to a districting process that gives board incumbents substantial power to draw their own lines ."
358,8593,0,0,0,0,This is assuming that both handsets have their brightness cranked up to full and Auto-Brightness disabled . Turn Auto-Brightness on and they look identical in a brightly lit environment .
359,8594,0,0,0,0,"But if that all sounds a bit hopeless , fear not . There are plenty of ways to support and enhance the social and emotional learning of teens . As we embark next week on another school year , here are some tips for parents , caregivers and school personnel :"
360,8595,0,0,0,0,Home And Away : Jake Ryan ' would rather play a baddie than a hopeless romantic '
361,8596,0,0,0,0,"Even worse , most of these schools had hopelessly few teachers and quality basic needs such as classrooms , equipment and facilities like science laboratories , lab apparatus and well-stocked reference libraries ."
362,8597,0,0,0,0,"They were offset somewhat by Intel , which slumped 3.1 per cent amid questions over a defect in computer chips that could render sensitive data vulnerable to hackers ."
363,8598,0,0,0,0,Close <h> Climate change refugee loses bid
364,8599,0,0,0,0,"So we spoke to 21-year-old Hannah Pearce , who got a place in this year 's London Marathon , and is running it for KIDS , a charity which supports disabled children , young people and their families . She is taking part with her mum , Helen , who has run marathons before ."
365,8601,0,0,0,0,"To cushion the impact of the price rise in sugar , flour and cooking oil , poor families would receive a cash rebate of RM20 in the first year and an unspecified discount through the MyKasih card in the 2nd year ( infographic below ) ."
366,8603,0,0,0,0,"If the world seems hopelessly petty and brutal in the headlines of the 21st century , all we have to do is look back at the Mansfield Square in the 1820s , and suddenly our time looks pretty civilized ."
367,8604,0,0,0,0,"The book is divided in chapters specific to time periods with references to political rules dominating them . The introduction sets the tone for the reader , explaining the geographical appropriateness , practicality , and allure for the blessings that Lahore received from different rulers . The first chapter depicts the gradual assimilation and accommodation of Lahore 's indigenous population to immigrant and conquering influences expertly woven with historical present , fading and faded concrete evidences . Lahore 's agricultural fertility and the presence of Ravi River served as a magnet for conquerors even before the Mughal rulers initiated their affair with it ."
368,8605,0,0,0,0,"""The U.N . refugee agency also said it had not been operating in the tribal regions of Pakistan since 2005 . """" We do n't have any access to FATA , """" Qaisar Khan Afridi , the agency 's spokesman said , referring to the semiautonomous tribal regions ."""
369,8606,0,0,0,0,"In Narok , migrant communities inhabit towns and trading centres ."
370,8607,0,0,0,0,""""""" There is about an 80 per cent cure rate , but some children do n't respond to treatment . For those cases , we are in need of alternative treatments , """" Lacorazza said in a statement ."""
371,8608,0,0,0,0,"In addition , adolescent radio listener groups give young Rohingya refugees an opportunity to engage on issues affecting them , their families and wider communities ."
372,8609,0,0,0,0,"The dominant mood in the United States today is one of considerable anxiety , if not outright anger . The Washington Post recently published a four-part series of articles revealing popular fury aimed at Wall Street , Muslims , trade deals , Washington , police shootings , President Barack Obama , Republicans , immigrants , and other targets ."
373,8610,1,0,0,0,"Dacawi practically pioneered the concept of civic or community journalism in the city by writing on the plight of indigent patients , other people in need and worthwhile causes that moved people to respond ."
374,8611,0,0,0,0,"Governor , State of Osun , Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola has signed an Executive Bill focusing on key areas of Youth , Women and other areas of addressing issues concerning the welfare of the vulnerable and less privileged in the state ."
375,8612,0,0,0,0,"""And yet it is some of those """" friends """" who are the very reason why the bust-ups are in the media , with various camps intentionally leaking usually damaging titbits to journalists in order to gain the upper hand in a hopeless game of schadenfreude ."""
376,8613,0,0,0,0,"In the letter , the Russian chief of staff , General Valery Gerasimov , said Moscow was ready to discuss with Damascus safety guarantees for refugees stranded at Rukban , as well as creating conditions for their return home ."
377,8614,0,0,0,0,""""""" The SADC Region requires a highly proactive , motivated and knowledgeable media to raise awareness on issues related to the state of our health care system , SRHR and the ability of our governments to finance responses to epidemics especially HIV/AIDS that affects hundreds of millions of young men and women , """" Dr Chiviya elaborated To build the capacity of SADC-based journalists to identify pertinent SRHR and HIV Financing issues and report on them factually and in captivating manner , Dr Chiviya said , the Forum was offering incentives ."""
378,8615,0,0,0,0,Free Premium <h> US ready to shut door on Syrian refugees <h> Email to Friend
379,8616,0,1,0,0,""""""" We want all poor families to earn enough and save enough . The rural savings banks were meant to encourage that . """""""
380,8617,0,0,0,0,Everything is not okay and our sources say Nimbuzz is highly vulnerable to attacks and even a person with some basic knowledge of using Scripts ( Copy and Paste ) to XML Console can play around with the app as he likes.These hacks Ranges from very simple to Complex attacks on users who join the Chat Rooms .
381,8618,0,0,0,0,"Aryani Arsyad from the Indonesian Women With Disabilities ( HWDI ) was critical of the fact that most Indonesian laws have yet to take gender equality into account , particularly for disabled women . She said the marriage law does not protect impaired women from polygamy ."
382,8619,0,0,1,0,""""""" It is due to efforts of the government that land of a farmer can not be auctioned to recover loan . We provided fund for girls from poor families . If we count the list is very long , """" he said ."""
383,8621,0,0,0,0,"Gulzar 's relatives , who inherited the palace deemed it haunted and cursed . It remained abandoned for a long time . Some parts of the buildings were given to homeless people of Gujjar tribe . After decades of neglect and decay , top two stories of the palace collapsed following monsoon rains . In 1990 , the Deputy Commissioner of Jhang took necessary steps to save this gem of a building . It was taken into government custody . Artisans and skilled workers were hired for repair and restoration work and the palace was converted into a public monument and library . Since then it attracts a great number of tourists every year ."
384,8622,0,1,0,0,Khushi said women 's participation in various sectors of the society should be increased and this will help change the attitude of the people towards them .
385,8623,0,0,0,0,"Besides , Bangladesh does not have a mission in Lebanon to look after the women workers , he pointed out ."
386,8624,0,0,0,1,"""I am shocked , disgusted and dismayed at yet another police incident that is being mishandled . How many poor families have had their loved ones senselessly perish at the hands of highly paid , supposedly """" professional """" police officers and have had to fight against an unjust system that allows these officers to literally get away with murder unpunished. ?"""
387,8625,0,0,0,0,Her fate was to end up drowning herself in a bog because she would n't conform as women were expected to .
388,8626,1,1,1,0,""""""" Your personal leadership has been critical to addressing the plight of the Rohingya who fled to safety in your country . I thank you for all you have done to assist these men , women and children in need , """" he wrote in the message ."""
389,8627,0,0,0,0,"More than 100,000 people have signed an online petition demanding better protection for the mentally handicapped , after Secretary for Justice Rimsky Yuen Kwok-keung dropped a rape charge against the former director of a home for the mentally disabled.And the number of signatures is rising.The public reaction has been spontaneous . Why are so many people unrelated to the alleged victim - then a 21-y ..."
390,8628,0,0,0,0,"He was offering sums totalling HK$800,000 for this service . Where did that cash come from ? Look at it another way . In my constituency we had one candidate disqualified before the poll ( petition pending ) one disqualified after the oath taking ( possible appeal pending ) and one now the subject of a government application for disqualification ( hearing next week ? ) . All these efforts were made to fix the elections to a hopelessly rigged legislature . Every day we see something more like democracy with mainland characteristics . Hong Kong is pioneering a new sort of democracy : democracy designed by people who wish it to be as undemocratic as possible ."
391,8629,0,0,0,0,"In the light of the recent experience of some members of the ' Windrush generation ' , where previously government policy sought to create a ' hostile environment ' for illegal immigrants , the new Home Secretary has indicated that instead , he now prefers the term ' compliant ' to ' hostile ' . Dianne Abbot , Labour 's immigration spokeswoman has , in effect , called for the abandonment of measures to identify and remove illegal immigrants , including the closure of the detention centres ."
392,8631,0,0,0,0,""""""" The truth of the matter is that illegal immigrants from the African continent were way down on the list at number seven . The total number of African immigrants that have been deported from 2010 to now is 70 persons . Seventy African deportees in four , nearly five , years , against 734 Guyanese . """""""
393,8632,0,0,0,0,It was in early September this year when the institution announced that the number of cancer patients in need of medication had increased drastically with its register being fully booked until late next month .
394,8633,0,0,0,0,"He said despite having good intention , the unorganised distribution of aid and food to the homeless by those NGOs had left certain areas dirty and hence , tarnished the image of the city ."
395,8634,0,0,0,0,Sherk said the public and organizations like the Salvation Army have also been dropping off warm clothes for the men since word got out that they were in need .
396,8635,1,0,0,0,"""Those travelling within the continent face the same hardships as those seeking to escape it . Few African states welcome newcomers and transit visas are impossible to obtain . So many travel clandestinely . A dense network of interconnecting routes and trafficking operations carries migrants east to Saudi Arabia and Yemen , while the """" southern route """" leads 4,000 miles from the Horn of Africa to the continent 's richest nation , South Africa ."""
397,8636,0,0,0,0,"It was fortunate that Lo To Lee-kwan 's late husband , Lo Ying-shek , listened to her objection and did not sell , otherwise the family would be left penniless and homeless , she said in Cantonese yesterday ."
398,8637,0,0,0,0,"However , SWD found 1,434 homeless people in 2010 and 1,048 homeless people last year through its nationwide rounding-up operations ."
399,8638,0,0,0,0,"Gregory Chen , director of government relations at the American Immigration Lawyers Association , said immigrants could now be deported before lawmakers review bills on their behalf ."
400,8639,0,0,0,0,"Foreign tourists rest on the floor while waiting for their flights at Lombok International Airport , following an earthquake in Praya , Lombok Island , Indonesia , Tuesday , Aug. 7 , 2018 . Thousands left homeless by the powerful quake that ruptured roads and flattened buildings on the Indonesian tourist island of Lombok sheltered Monday night in makeshift tents as authorities said rescuers had n't yet reached all devastated areas . ( AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati/ MANILA BULLETIN )"
402,8641,0,0,1,0,Approve name-change or face ' hopelessness ' : Macedonia PM
403,8642,0,0,0,0,The United Methodist Church where undocumented immigrant Rosa Sabido lives in sanctuary while facing deportation is seen in Mancos . Reuters
404,8643,1,0,0,0,"We desperately need more terminal space at a hopelessly overcrowded airport . Pagcor wants the road frontage for a casino , where the defunct Philippine Village is . PAL is willing to give it to them in a building where both can coexist . So why is Pagcor resisting ? We need that terminal ."
405,8644,0,0,0,0,The project has been implemented under the Refugee Affected and Hosting Areas ( RAHA ) initiative -- a platform for improving access to quality services for both Afghan refugees and their host communities .
406,8645,0,0,0,0,"Secondly , she urged the government to increase budget on family planning saying low funding is hampering efforts to increase awareness and out reach programmes to women in need ."
407,8646,0,1,0,0,"The neighbouring Baringo South , Baringo North and Mogotio sub-counties have not been spared either , with many people in need of food ."
408,8647,0,0,0,0,SPES is a government project that provides temporary employment during the summer school break to students coming from poor families to help them defray expenses for the incoming school year .
409,8648,0,0,0,0,"Women are plentiful at the lower levels of academia but they get stuck there and rarely advance to professor . It is a lonely field and a lot of women feel very isolated . In many jobs , there is paid leave to support women who take time off to care for sick children . In academia , when your time is effectively your own , the flexibility is often envied . But time off eats into research , reduces publication rates and limits promotion possibilities ."
410,8649,0,0,0,0,The Home Office says delays were caused by a computer failure and the arrival of large numbers of vulnerable adults and children . -AP
411,8650,0,0,0,0,"Now a year after inauguration as America 's President , Donald Trump had seemed , truly , to have lived up to his billings . He has been doing exactly as he promised in his campaign . During the campaign he was reported to be ranting racist remarks on ethnic and religious minorities , promising legislation to shut out Muslims immigrants from certain countries as well as promising to build a wall between the United States and neighbouring Mexico to shut out immigrants from that side . He promised to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel , despite the United Nations ' resolutions to the contrary . Surprisingly he even ranted against America 's traditional allies in NATO , promising to leave the organization unless the changes he wanted were affected . His campaign also railed against the Paris Climate Agreement which calls for reductions in carbon emissions in more than 170 countries . He promised to withdraw from the Agreement unilaterally ."
412,8651,0,0,0,0,"Nigerians in need of quick cake delivery service can now heave a sigh of relieve as CakeStore9ja has been set up for a better and faster service . This service is likely to beat the traditional cake option , as it is the first of its kind in Nigeria ."
413,8652,0,0,0,0,They wanted their husbands told what they want with some even complaining that there was a bias on airing the men 's views while the women 's are neglected .
414,8653,1,0,0,0,""""""" There are hundreds of charities across this country which provide excellent services to vulnerable people and we must ensure that these organisations are protected . The scandal at Console risks damaging their reputations , as well as that of the charity sector as a whole ."""
415,8654,0,0,0,0,"That the Charter excludes specific provisions relating to the rights of persons with disability raises , for Anderson , the question of whether or not the rights of disabled persons are part of the general guarantee of equality to all citizens of Jamaica ."
416,8655,0,0,1,0,"""E-mail Address : * <h> A clinic called """" Hope """" helps a Syrian refugee boy cope with diabetes"""
417,8656,0,0,0,0,"Spend the day with a furry friend while you help the shelter in their day-to-day activities , donations are welcomed . DARG is a shelter for animals that are abandoned or homeless . The shelter will be open from 10am -- 2pm on the mentioned dates ."
418,8657,0,0,0,0,"Many people have criticized Shatta Wale for calling Stonebwoy a ' disabled ' person . However , the recent post made by the musician clearly showed how indifferent he was over his ' social media outburst ' targeted at arch-rival , Stonebwoy."
419,8658,0,0,0,0,"According to WHO , 75 per cent of Kenya 's population is at risk of contracting malaria . Pregnant women and children below the age of five are the most vulnerable ."
420,8659,0,0,0,0,"Now , the family faces a new housing dilemma . An electrical short circuit started a fire in the 24-story former police headquarters and it collapsed last Tuesday . They spent that night camped out on a plaza in front of a nearby church along with several of other newly homeless families . The next day they moved in with a sister , crammed into a tiny two-bedroom apartment in a neighboring city with six other relatives ."
421,8660,0,0,0,0,"If congress approves Kuczynski 's resignation , things could quickly get grim for the former Wall Street investor . A Peruvian judge said Thursday he will consider a request to bar him from leaving the country if the resignation proceeds . At that point , Kuczynski would lose his presidential immunity and become vulnerable to prosecution ."
422,8662,1,0,0,0,Thalassemia patients need regular blood transfusion to augment the blood deficiency in their system so their body functions properly . Most of these children were waiting for bone marrow transplant and most were in need to flush out excess iron due to regular blood transfusion .
423,8663,0,0,0,0,"""Romualdez said that the National Building Code , which is over forty years old , """" must be studied and revised to take into consideration the realities we face as a country vulnerable to typhoons and earthquakes . """""""
424,8664,0,0,0,0,"The United Nations refugee agency condemned the attacks on foreigners , including refugees who have sought asylum in Zambia ."
425,8665,0,0,0,0,"Pointing out that the agriculture community world over is vulnerable , Jaitley said countries try various methodologies for supporting the sector ."
426,8666,0,0,0,0,"After Singapore , the largest number of Tamil Nadu diaspora is settled in the Gulf region with both the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) and Saudi Arabia accounting for 400,000 and 350,000 people respectively . The US , with 300,000 , and Malaysia , with 190,000 , are the other top countries that Tamil emigrants preferred ."
427,8667,0,0,0,0,"The number of economic migrants , family reunifications and refugees will climb to 310,000 in 2018 , up from 300,000 this year . That number will rise to 330,000 in 2019 then 340,000 in 2020 ."
428,8668,0,0,0,0,""""""" Our findings show that the large space requirements for the cheetah , coupled with the complex range of threats faced by the species in the wild mean that it is likely to be much more vulnerable to extinction than was previously thought , """" Durant said ."""
429,8669,0,0,0,0,"Used by children , the elderly , the unemployed , the disabled , by students and by people starting up a business , our public libraries provide not only books but Braille and translation services , free internet access and daily newspapers , job-seeking and health information , IT skills , reading groups , Early Start reading , author visits and community events . We will not find all of this at Waterstones ."
430,8670,0,0,0,0,"So on Tuesday , Trenton Mayor Eric Jackson joined by Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes accepted First Lady Michelle Obama 's challenge to end veteran homelessness by the end of 2015 in the capital city ."
431,8671,0,0,0,0,"Sometimes ago it was Canada that was calling on the US embassy in Nigeria to toughen its visa rules to prevent some Nigerians from using a US visa after arriving in America to cross to Canada . Now , the Germans seem to be saying their country is too small to take more immigrants ; and that some immigrants need to go ."
432,8672,0,0,0,0,"The tone of the summit was set by Sebenzile Matsebula , Council Member of the Transport Sector Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council , who delivered the keynote address . Matsebula acknowledged that the summit would not be an ordinary gathering where people share their experiences , but one that is about finding ways to tackle the daily challenges faced by disabled persons when coming to accessibility to transport ."
433,8673,0,0,0,0,"""Unfortunately , the park was closed . """" It was hopelessly disappointing , """" said Wilson . """" We were completely let down . """""""
434,8674,0,0,0,0,""""""" Other avenues on how to better protect domestic workers need to be explored . Prohibition drives migration further underground and many Nepalese women use irregular channels to migrate , which renders them even more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse , """" the Special Rapporteur said ."""
435,8675,1,0,0,0,"The 22-page filing says the charity , called the 20th Ward Activities Fund , was ostensibly used to help feed poor families , buy winter coats for children and , among other things , to cover the cost of a Valentine 's Day party for senior citizens ."
436,8676,0,0,0,0,""""""" We can not work independently and safely in a police-run detention facility . Now that it is a detention centre we no longer have adequate access to provide assistance to vulnerable refugees , """" said NRC head of operations in Greece , Alain Homsy ."""
437,8677,0,1,1,0,REUTERSThe hands of a homeless man are seen as he rests inside an overcrowded shelter set up by the city hall in Bucharest as temperatures plunge to minus 16 degrees Celsius .
438,8678,0,0,0,0,"Fayemi identified the legacies of Awolowo as the usual four cardinal points of social development now adopted as APC ' s manifestoes , as free education , free healthcare for children , pregnant , old and disabled , job creation and rural development ."
439,8679,0,0,0,0,"The PDP could have fooled me . I 'm sure they are just out of ideas . These are the Utterances and crying of a desperate clueless , hopelessly bewildered and corrupt gang . 2015 , the zoo man will be back in his creek enjoying his share of the loot . Oh well ."
440,8681,0,0,0,0,Rescue teams are still present on the island to help the thousands of refugees making the treacherous boat journey to Greece before attempting to head further into Europe
441,8682,1,0,0,0,"Affirmative Consent The aliens are clever . They have arrived at Earth at a point when the human race is at its most vulnerable , but they have n't picked a period of military weakness where the planet could be taken over in a violent invasion . Instead , they chose a time when humans are at their greatest need -- sudden , apocalyptic , and hopeless need . They will take over the world without firing a shot . In fact , they will take over the world because we 'll ask them to ."
442,8683,0,0,0,0,"The area has 23 percent more men than women , a gap that 's considerably larger than the 8 percent average statewide . Its population is also six years older than the statewide median , similar to other low-growth regions ."
443,8684,1,0,0,0,""""""" The Democratic Alliance is committed to creating access to housing for those in need . We believe that the process needs to be speeded up . """""""
444,8686,0,0,0,0,Depending on which definition is applied ? the unemployment rate among foreign immigrants is only 14.6% ? which is half to a third of the local unemployment rate ? the report said .
445,8687,0,0,0,0,"The UNHCR is deeply concerned that abruptly closing Dadaab , which houses 350,000 refugees and is considered the world 's biggest camp , and forcing refugees to return to Somalia could have dire consequences"
446,8688,0,0,0,0,"About half of the patients nationwide are children in poor families , but 70% of the costs involve the one-quarter of patients who are disabled or elderly . Low-income seniors often use Medicaid to cover nursing home bills , which are not covered by Medicare . Medicaid covers about 40% of all long-term care costs in the country ."
447,8689,0,0,1,0,"Allman Town resident Sonya Wilson ( second left ) , and one of her daughters ( fourth left ) hand out boxed lunches to a group of homeless people on King Street , downtown Kingston , on Thursday ."
448,8690,0,0,0,0,"According to police officials , the curfew will remain enforced until further orders in Bhakkar , Darya Khan , Kotla Jam , Panj Garaeen , and Kahawar Kalan as these districts are most vulnerable to violence ."
449,8691,0,0,0,0,Kenyan journalist Dennis Omondi who is in need of urgent medical aid has finally landed in India .
450,8692,0,0,0,0,"Following the suggestion , authorities are said to be looking at the feasibility of replicating container houses in other countries and in mainland China to provide transitional housing for those in need ."
451,8693,0,0,0,0,"Terminal remission , which means no seizures for two to five years , occurred in 65 per cent of the children who came from poor families , 61 per cent of the kids from families with adequate incomes and 61 per cent of those whose families were considered well-off . The study found that intractable epilepsy , the number of anti-epileptic drugs used and the number of seizures were similar in all groups ."
452,8694,0,0,0,0,"CIBC World Markets upgraded Genworth MI Canada Inc. to the equivalent of a buy rating Monday , saying the stock was poised to go higher despite fears the company is vulnerable to a housing correction ."
453,8695,1,0,0,0,"In 2015 , Yunus joined an NGO , Shivaprabha Charitable Trust in Pune to further help farmers . He identified 50 widows who were in need of immediate help and informed the NGO . Funds were raised through The Better India campaign and farmer families received help in setting up sustainable businesses like sewing machines , goat farming and tiffin services . <h> Yunus also identifies if any of the farmers need any medical attention . Recently he helped the farmers with safety kits through them ."
454,8696,1,0,0,0,"Women living in rural areas , particularly the underprivileged , including those who come from poor families , normally have least access to skilled health attendance when time comes for them to have their babies ."
455,8697,0,0,0,0,"""That 's why the State Department is backing Mobility International USA 's """" RightsNow ! """" consortium , which is focused on enforcement and implementation of disability rights in Armenia , Kenya , Mexico and Vietnam . And it 's why we 're promoting a range of educational and cultural exchange programs focused on disability rights . For example , the alumni of our Mandela Washington Fellowship program are working on a project in Uganda to provide education , language therapy and rehabilitation for children with disabilities from poor families ."""
456,8698,0,0,0,0,""""""" Oxfam is calling for a committment from rich countries in particular to offer international protection by the end of 2015 to just five percent between them of the projected total Syrian refugee population , """" the group said ."""
457,8699,0,0,0,0,Michael Martin is a freelance writer from Seattle who is hopelessly addicted to pop culture t-shirts . Send help on Twitter .
458,8700,0,0,0,0,"Unlike most criminal trials , not a single family member represented the 700 dead at Tuesday 's court sentencing , as the victims came from poor families in parts of sub-Saharan Africa , making them unable to travel to Europe for the trial , James Reynolds reported for BBC News ."
459,8701,0,0,1,0,"""She recalled being so proud of being part of a small group of students involved in """" The Goat Project """" where students raised money to help poor families in Africa ."""
460,8702,0,0,0,0,"On a single night in January this year , the number of homeless individuals in the US was 564,708 , according to The 2015 Annual Homeless Assessment Report released by The US Department of Housing and Urban Development last month ."
461,8703,0,0,0,0,"The subject is quite topical at the present time and the narrow-minded perspective of a few hillbillies up north often lumps many migrant communities under the same umbrella . The Lebanese have suffered the barbs of such numbskulls throughout the years , with stereotypical views becoming popular opinion when fueled by a largely irresponsible media ."
462,8704,0,0,0,0,"""She said Ms Sriyatun has a """" cauliflower ear ' ' , a permanent disability , due to the slapping of the left ear by both women ."""
463,8705,0,0,0,0,"So starting in 1964 and for almost a decade , the federal government poured at least some of its resources in the direction they should have been going all along : toward those who were most in need . Longstanding programs like Head Start , Legal Services , and the Job Corps were created . Medicaid was established . Poverty among seniors was significantly reduced by improvements in Social Security ."
464,8706,0,0,0,1,"A massive cleanup and awareness drive was conducted jointly by the LWMC and the Bahria University , Lahore Campus in different localities of Johar Town . The purpose of the drive was to improve state of cleanliness and sensitise poor families to hygienic conditions ."
465,8707,0,0,0,0,"As for Tanzanians in the Diaspora taking part in general elections , Mr Majaliwa , said the government would work on the matter to enable its countrymen and women living abroad to vote , noting that the government has received a number of suggestions on how to handle the issue ."
466,8708,0,0,0,0,""""""" It was a challenge . Money was a problem because most students hail from poor families and could n't afford stilts that cost Rs.400 . Then there was the stigma that girls should not engage in such tasks . But my children were more determined than me and we could accomplish the task with ? lan , """" narrates Sathi Devi ."""
467,8709,1,0,0,0,"Generally , low harvests affect poor families the most because , first , their income is low and second , much of the money they earn is spent on food and medicine ."
468,8710,0,0,0,0,"But the battle against discrimination towards foreign spouses and new immigrants is far from over , say some activists ."
469,8711,1,0,0,0,"Finally , instead of making women feel they are victims of a patriarchal system , the conversations should be geared toward how we can work together for the benefit of all and for posterity ."
470,8713,0,0,0,0,"Meanwhile , the The National Institute of Health ( NIH ) in its advisory on Saturday , said besides people with immune deficiency , those suffering from cancer , heart disease and asthma as well as pregnant women could fall victim to Swine flu ."
471,8714,0,0,0,0,"International migrants from developing countries are expected to send $436 billion in remittances to their home countries this year , despite more deportations from some host countries , says the report ."
472,8715,0,0,0,0,Rulers of Nato states that are enthusiastic about propping up this strategic alliance financially seem to have no regard for the suffering of their people . Rising unemployment rates and falling living standards have spawned far-right and fascist groups that are attacking immigrants and pushing European societies towards anarchy .
473,8716,0,0,0,0,"Nicky 's Spotlight 's Promotions , the company that supplied promoters for Lucozade , had about 30 staff -- men and women , between 18 and 28 years old -- at the stadium on Wednesday ."
474,8717,0,0,0,0,"In Tanzania ? s eastern region of Morogoro , reports cited three districts of Kilombero , Mahenge , and Malinyi as the highly affected with floods , where some places rendered people homeless and roads impassable ."
475,8718,0,0,0,0,"I am a Jaffna Tamil residing in the USA and I see the Sri Lankan professionals over here , both the Tamils and Sinhalese , holding top positions in Research , Universities HighTech industries , Law , and Finance.But then looking at the sterile Arab countries all we see are Sri Lankan women working as maids and servents to the rags to riches Arabs.A self respecting society would n't allow its women to be transported as maids to foreign land ."
476,8719,0,0,0,0,"Days earlier , 43 people were left homeless in Scottsville , Kraaifontein . Five days later another 43 people were displaced in separate fires in Strand , Lotus River and Parkwood Estate ."
477,8720,0,0,0,0,"The court heard that Mr Gill sexually assaulted two women and told them they had cancer , then told them he could treat the disease ."
478,8721,0,0,0,0,"She said : ' He stated he had no wishes to be dead , no feelings of hopelessness ."
479,8722,0,0,0,1,"But if the Supreme Court gives a favorable decision for the president , his immigration program would immediately take effect , changing the lives of eligible Filipino families and other immigrants ."
480,8723,0,0,0,0,"While Sri Lanka 's economic performance is on track , based on the IMF-backed reforms programme , the economy remains vulnerable to adverse shocks given the still sizable public debt and low external buffers , the IMF said in statement on Friday ."
481,8724,0,0,0,0,Gibson said issues such as seclusion and the denial of basic human rights to some disabled people were still not well understood by the general public and needed work .
482,8725,0,0,0,0,"It is already affecting refugees and their families , said Jen Smyers of the Church World Service , a Protestant faith-based group that works with migrants ."
483,8726,0,0,0,0,Anganwadi centres - meant to serve as day care centres run by the government for children from poor families - will be closely monitored and studied to uncover why they are not serving tribal families in the regions .
484,8727,0,0,0,0,"Under Canberra 's immigration policy , asylum-seekers arriving by boat are sent to camps in Papua New Guinea and Nauru , where they are held indefinitely while their refugee applications are processed ."
485,8728,0,0,0,0,"Violence in schools is also a result of a lack of role models for children to emulate . With the increased access of children to technological developments , their association is no longer just about friends in the home and school environment . The high number of users of gadgets and social media that teenagers have access to make the young generation of Indonesia is very vulnerable to a variety of unfiltered content from the internet accessible to them ."
486,8729,0,0,0,0,The Sindh government has directed the Special Security Unit ( SSU ) to deploy teams of its Special Weapons and Tactics ( SWAT ) commandos at multiple sensitive and vulnerable areas of the city .
487,8730,0,1,0,0,Fifty-one eurozone banks vulnerable to rate shocks : ECB
488,8731,0,0,0,0,Anyone exiting the 980 freeway at 27th and West Grand arrives on a growing neighborhood -- one filled with tents and debris and nearly 100 homeless people living there .
489,8732,0,0,0,0,"The leadership crisis rocking the opposition Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP ) has taken a new dimension this year , with the workers of the party crying out that they have been living like refugees since the party lost the 2015 general election and got enmeshed in a protracted leadership crisis ."
490,8733,0,0,0,0,"In this regard , mapping of vulnerable areas to trans-border criminal activities will be updated biannually ."
491,8734,1,0,0,0,"""Looking at the meaning of """" vulnerable """" it would place any leader in a position of weakness . Leaders always need to show they are in a position of strength ."""
492,8735,0,0,0,0,"It was yet another day of drama at sea after more than 6,000 migrants , most of them Africans in packed rubber dinghies , were rescued off Libya on Monday . Nine bodies were found in those operations , including a pregnant woman . The Italian coastguard said operations had been carried out on Tuesday to bring migrants to safety from some 30 packed boats ."
493,8736,0,0,0,0,The DCP said the incident left many homeless while goods worth millions of Naira were destroyed .
494,8737,0,0,0,0,""""""" Skin needs to be perfect and not just ' I tried ' , """" Pernille explained to Cover Media . """" But really work with it . You really need to do it because if you do n't know how to do skin then it really does n't matter if you can do an eye . Nothing is going to look its best if you do n't know how to do skin . """""""
495,8738,0,0,0,0,"Yanti 's fashions are inspired by Disney and Japanese anime characters , with artful hijab designs that resemble wigs or hoods . She can express herself while preserving the Islamic requirement of modest dress for women , Yanti said . <h> Follow ST <h> The Straits Times"
496,8739,1,1,1,1,Kudos to the teenager for showing great kindness to someone in need !
497,8740,0,0,0,0,""""""" The government should lower the scheme 's requirements and simplify the application procedure to let more working poor families benefit from the scheme , """" said community organizer Sze Lai-Shan ."""
498,8741,0,0,0,0,"Today , the doctor revealed that even if cancer is diagnosed in 3,500 children mostly from poor families , over eight in 10 , or 82 percent , of them survive and turn into healthy young adults ."
499,8742,0,0,0,0,"""Akande said : """" We are using a Community-Based Targeting template of the World Bank and as we have explained , this is the mode of identifying the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable . """""""
500,8743,0,0,0,0,When Aimee Saucedo and her mother moved to Canada they were homeless for three weeks . ( W. C. Kennedy Collegiate Institute )
501,8744,1,1,0,0,"""Black grew up in the neighbourhood around the church , where he would eat Franklin 's cooking at lavish meals she provided for the community and the homeless each Thanksgiving and Christmas . """" She made the best oxtail soup , with that cornbread , and it was to die for , """" he recalled . """" It would be so much food that you would n't know what to do . """""""
502,8746,0,0,0,0,KUALA LUMPUR : Police today received a two-day remand extension on the four women allegedly involved in a child abuse case at a nursery in Bangi recently .
503,8747,0,0,0,0,"Uber disabled an emergency braking system in a self-driving vehicle that struck and killed a woman in Arizona in March and which failed to properly identify the pedestrian , raising serious questions about its performance , the National Transportation Safety Board said in a preliminary report released on Thursday ."
504,8748,0,0,0,0,CASH AID . Over P1 billion is allocated to aid poor families who will be affected by the proposed tax reform package . Malaca ? ang photo
505,8749,0,0,0,0,"""It is also working to provide poorer countries in need of money with """" direct access """" to funds though institutions they choose , rather than routing much of the funding through large banks , as has happened with most climate finance up to now ."""
506,8750,1,0,0,0,"3 Vandalizing ancient Buddhist Monuments , Encroaching on Temple land donated to Buddhist temples by the ancient Kings in the yore for their sustenance and protesting against restoring and rehabilitation of ancient religious monuments in the Northern and Eastern Provinces jointly by Tamil and Muslim politicians and even media men and women and activists of the two ethnic groups like Sulochana Ramiah Mohan and Muslims vandalism against Buddhist places even in the interior of the country , ( for example in Kuragala and Katarantenna in Mawanella area ) ."
507,8751,0,0,0,0,"Donating the land to the PCMC would help it fulfill its mandate as well as support constitutional policies on health , according to the lawmakers . They noted that the hospital treats about 60,000 patients a year , many of them from poor families ."
508,8752,0,0,0,0,PETALING JAYA : MCA parliamentarian for Pandan Ong Tee Keat has questioned the discriminative and ' unfair ' reward system for disabled athletes and is planning to raise the issue in Parliament soon .
509,8753,0,0,0,0,"Last November , the Developing the Young Workforce West Lothian Regional Group worked in collaboration with local partners to run an event for businesses wishing to find out more about becoming a Disability Confident employer . The UK ? Government introduced the scheme in 2013 , aiming to ? ? get employers to think differently about disability , and to attract , recruit and retain disabled workers ."
510,8754,0,0,0,0,"The world number one plays in a new LPGA tournament in Michigan starting overnight , a fortnight out from the women 's PGA Championship ."
511,8755,0,0,0,0,"In September this year , a major operation was launched to evict illegal immigrants in Kigoma , Geita and Kagera regions ."
512,8756,0,0,0,0,"WLSQ CEO Angela Lynch said that the organisation was incredibly grateful for the contribution of volunteers like Ms Adams , whose assistance allowed solicitors to meet with more women in need of urgent assistance to protect their personal and family 's safety ."
513,8757,1,0,0,0,He also said there were groups of people who were everyday on the run for their lives as refugees because of discrimination caused by human beings .
514,8760,0,0,0,0,"""So , while making your workplace documentations available in braille , does not mean you have created a disability-friendly environment . This for two reasons : One , hardly anyone can read it ; two , it is not only the blind or wheelchair-bound that are """" disabled """" ."""
515,8761,0,0,0,0,""""""" There are a lot of visitors that are confused about halal restaurants . There are some restaurants that just put the halal logo , but the food 's not halal , """" said Mao Hasan from CamTours , an agency that specialises in tours for Muslims . <h> Two women prepare halal sausages in the north of Phnom Penh ."""
516,8762,0,0,0,0,"According to the News Agency of Nigeria NAN , Education USA centres in Nigeria provide accurate , comprehensive and current guidance on accredited U.S. colleges and universities to highly qualified students from both rich and poor families ."
517,8763,0,0,0,0,"The consecration comes 21 years after the first female priests were named . A saxophone player and soccer fan , Lane was one of the first women to become a Church of England priest ."
518,8764,0,0,0,0,"On June 28 , the first round of 400 refugees returned to their homeland from Arsal to Qalamoun via Wadi Hmayyed . Meanwhile , around 400 refugees returned to their homeland on July 7 from camps in Arsal to Qara , Jarajir and Ras al-maara in Syria ."
519,8765,0,0,0,0,"""The US last month dragooned Nato and other satrap states to a """" voluntary """" donor conference for Afghanistan where they had to cough up another US$15.2 billion and likely send some more troops to this hopeless conflict . Washington can not bear to admit defeat by tiny Afghanistan or see this strategic nation fall into China 's sphere ."""
520,8766,0,0,0,0,The 14-year-old swimmer from Portarlington was reflecting with pride after reaching the final of the S6 women 's 50m butterfly final .
521,8767,0,0,0,0,Ethnic-Korean Chinese immigrants living in Seoul have also pooh-poohed the idea that war could break out .
522,8768,0,0,0,0,"I am writing to advise you that in doing this , the government is going to force thousands of retired and low income earners into homelessness , as it will mean that the rents will sky rocket to amounts which we can not afford to pay ."
523,8769,0,0,0,0,"Born Bernard Casey on Nov. 25 , 1870 , he was the sixth child of 16 born to Irish immigrants in Wisconsin . At age 17 he left home to work at various jobs , including as a lumberjack , a hospital orderly , and a prison guard ."
524,8770,0,0,0,0,"For some women , he says , IPV is a routine part of pregnancy ; it is often a lonely experience and that vast majority of women in the study do not tell anybody about their husbands ' violence against them ."
525,8771,0,0,0,0,"Giants manager Bruce Bochy wanted to make sure Mark Melancon 's first appearance off the disabled list did n't come in a high-leverage situation after the $62 million closer missed more than six weeks with a right forearm strain . He was able to do that , as Melancon allowed one hit and had one strikeout against his most recent team in the eighth inning , his first work since June 27 ."
526,8772,0,0,0,0,"Later this week , officials said , the president plans to sign other orders restricting immigration and access to the United States for refugees and some visa holders from Iraq , Iran , Libya , Somalia , Sudan , Syria and Yemen , though the exact timing was being arranged late Tuesday and subject to change . Residents from many of these places are already rarely granted US visas ."
527,8773,0,0,0,0,"""One of the changes will see a proportion of migrant workers being required to leave the country for two years after any three-year stint . """" It does n't make any sense . You just trained them up and then you have to send them back . """""""
528,8775,1,0,0,0,"""Dr Graeme Codrington , expert on the future world of work and the disruptive forces that are shaping it argued that leadership development and executive training was in need of an overhaul . """" While we attempt to teach agility , adaptability and how to engage with the unknown , programmes are designed and controlled down to the smallest detail , leaving no room for exploration and discovery . """""""
529,8776,0,0,0,0,"As the minister visited terminal one of the Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam yesterday to talk with officials there , he received complaints that some of the staff members are illegal immigrants , to which he promised to make a quick check to verify the claims ."
530,8777,0,0,0,0,"""' ' Anyone in the public eye becomes vulnerable to projections . People will say good and bad things . Many are not true , """" he told The Evening Standard newspaper . """" So you just hold on to reality . I do that through my family and my friends . """""""
531,8778,0,0,0,0,"A Healthy Ireland Fund , which will partly provide support to the obesity plan , is in need of ? 25m a year to put it on a sustainable footing - but just ? 5m was allocated for 2017 ."
532,8779,0,0,0,0,"Of course kochuri was brought to Kolkata by its huge North Indian immigrants . But the city has made the dish its own , and it 's a breakfast favourite for all office-goers in the city . The dish is so popular , that most vendors sell out by mid-morning . So if you want to taste fresh Kolkata kochuris , you 'll have to have them for breakfast . Almost every sweet shop sells them , but you must try the ones at Putiram in College Street ."
533,8780,0,0,0,0,"The practice has no health benefits for girls and women , says the WHO , adding it can cause long-term physical and psychological harm ."
534,8781,0,0,0,0,"""And given the fact that this """" center """" is hopelessly unprofitable and therefore in need of state support , as well as taking into account a variety of presidential grants and other material assistance disconsolate widow and ardent activists of the """" first Russian felon on the throne """" the total amount already accounts for the full cost of the unfortunate submarine , or very close to it ."""
535,8782,0,0,0,0,"The deluge and destruction have left thirteen families homeless confirmed Mwanyanya local government Chairman , Pembe Khamis Pembe yesterday in the city ."
536,8784,0,0,0,0,"They listened to what people said they wanted , paying close attention to the people who would use their machine , and they designed a machine intended to benefit poor families , rural doctors , overloaded nurses , repair technicians ."
537,8785,0,1,0,0,"She cited pre-hypertension , hypertension , diabetes , overweight and obesity as problems that are now affecting children and showed that emotional and mental health issues are also hindrances to a healthy lifestyle . Feeling hopeless , down and depressed , guilty and worthless and changes in sleep patterns are among these negative issues affecting the youth population ."
538,8786,0,0,0,0,The Government announced in September that it would welcome 750 Syrian refugees over the next three years in response to the ongoing conflict in Syria .
539,8787,0,0,1,0,"Bishop Moss told Bishop Golding that the leaders of the church are constantly faced with economic pressures , social degradation and an abysmal cloud of hopelessness and are being constantly challenged by corrupt systems . However , he said God wants them to make Him known among the confusion ."
540,8788,0,0,0,0,"""Dual Blessings is an organisation that looks to create a """" Friendly City """" which provides transport for the elderly , disabled and wheelchair-bound people ."""
541,8789,0,0,0,0,"Before Miss Yemm 's death , the Sirhowy Arms was used by the council since 2008 to temporarily house homeless adults and a number of vulnerable teenagers - including care leavers ."
542,8790,0,0,0,0,The Diversity Visa Lottery allows randomly selected applicants the opportunity to interview for an immigrant visa and become legal permanent residents of the United States .
543,8791,0,0,0,0,"If Trump decides to tax remittances sent by immigrants to their home countries , going by his campaign rhetoric , this will affect the local economy . Reports say there are 3.5 million Filipinos in America right now , and about 360,000 of them are residing there as illegal immigrants . Collectively , US-based Filipinos remit more than $9 billion annually , which accounts for about 3.5 percent of the country 's GDP ."
544,8792,0,0,0,0,"""Other approved projects had questionable approaches . For example , CSOs were concerned that a project in Bangladesh , which is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to create a global clean cooking program , was arguably more focused on supporting the distributors of cooked stoves rather than ensuring that poor people would be able to afford the improved stoves in the first place . Nor did they sufficiently factor in gender dimensions , which is critical considering that women generally make the everyday buying decisions for the household . """" Would n't you have to not just look at the supply side , but also the demand side ? """" questions Schalatek . And yet the board approved $20 million for the project ."""
545,8793,0,0,0,0,"He urged HIV-positive pregnant women to get started on anti-retrovirals ( ARVs ) , to enable them to give birth to HIV-negative babies . KZN reduced the number of mother-to-child HIV transmissions from 21 percent five years ago to just over two percent in 2011 ."
546,8794,0,0,0,0,"According to Japan 's Health and Labor Ministry , Japan had over 8,000 homeless people across the nation and over 20 percent of them live in Tokyo . The vast majority of the homeless are men at their 40s shunned from the labor market by the widespread age discrimination ."
547,8796,0,0,0,0,The second bill aims to end the unfair reduction of service pensions for retired and disabled Canadian Forces and RCMP veterans .
548,8798,0,0,0,0,The NACA report also observed that violence against women and girls is a key driver of HIV .
549,8799,0,0,0,0,"The degree to which NSGD has helped improve the lot of women in the country is subject to debate but , going by the observations made by Equality for Growth , we still have a long way to go before we can heave sighs of relief ."
550,8800,0,0,0,0,"With the employers cutting positions , the state 's 2.25 million jobless workers are still hopeless about job prospects with California 's labor market showing feeble chances of improvement ."
551,8801,1,0,1,0,My sister and I were just talking about this yesterday . She was telling me how she had to chastise her assistant at work for using young kids as house help . She told her these are kids like her kids these children are serving but unfortunately that they are from poor families
552,8802,0,0,0,0,"""EDC said in a statement the decline was primarily driven by higher operating expenses , foreign exchange losses on loans , and the early redemption of a portion of the company 's US dollar-denominated bonds . This was partly offset by higher revenues mainly from Unified Leyte and the Bacman power plants . Looking forward to the second semester , EDC chief financial officer Nestor Vasay said earnings growth """" will likely become moderate """" due to the magnitude 6.5 earthquake that struck the island of Leyte last July and disabled the power plants there ."""
553,8803,0,0,0,0,"Lucera Garcia , a member of El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos , a immigrants rights group in New Mexico and one of the members of the coalition that petitioned for the ordinance , spoke on behalf of the often ignored Spanish-speaking immigrant community . Garcia testified how after working 20 years and having suffered from a stroke she nearly lost her job since she did not have any paid sick time benefits ."
554,8804,0,0,0,0,"Two other refugees admitted with him - Salimullah , 45 and Hafez Ahmed , 16 - were injured in accidents , he said . They were transferred to CMCH from a clinic set up by M ? decins Sans Fronti ? res in a refugee camp at Teknaf ."
555,8805,0,0,0,0,"""In 1992 , Hynes ' office charged Jackson-Knight in a brutal attack : the rape and murder of a pregnant homeless woman in Coney Island . The development moved Supreme Court Justice Joseph Slavin to ask out loud in court : """" Are you going to arrest this guy for every unsolved crime in Brooklyn ? """""""
556,8806,0,0,0,0,"Speaking on the sidelines of the third Berlin roundtable discussion on refugees and migration , Gabriel called on Europe to stand up to the current U.S. administration and not shy away from offering criticism ."
557,8807,0,0,0,0,"""In its response to HKFP , the police confirmed that it has been involved in """" street management """" operations in recent months , but denied seizing any belongings of homeless people at Tung Chau Street and Nam Cheong Station ."""
558,8808,0,0,0,0,"3. #PROTECTION : The HSE has not yet disclosed to Tusla the names of staff involved in decisions to leave an intellectually disabled woman in a foster home in the South East , the Irish Examiner reports ."
559,8809,1,1,0,0,"Rather , she 's seen things through her work as a United Nations ambassador and visits to refugee camps in some of the most dangerous parts of the world that help put things into perspective ."
560,8810,0,0,0,0,"Second he must improve the rubbish collection system which is understaffed and seriously short of landfill sites . Third he must deal with the problem of illegal immigrants many of whom are involved in petty crime and sleeping in illegal camps around the city . Lastly there is the Jubilee , which starts this month . At least 25 million extra tourists are expected , some say more ."
561,8812,0,0,0,0,"The treatment used to be free of charge , but as there has been an increase in demand , the park is now charging each family 2,000 yuan per month , and a lesser amount for poor families ."
562,8813,0,0,0,0,@Good Governance Forum : The worst part is that Govt does not seem serious in tackling the issue . Both provicial and Federal governments have been passing the blame on each other which is indicative of their reluctance to resolve the problem . Where should we go and to whom should we raise our voice . Karachiites are going through a helpless and hopeless situation.Recommend
563,8814,0,0,0,0,"Winner of The Hindu CIFF Documentary contest . S. Lokesh 's film shows us a facet of the city as vital as the clothes we wear , with a poignant narrative , for revealing a city in need of a clean-up , a focussed attempt completely in tune with the tenets of documentary-making."
564,8815,0,0,0,0,"An agenda that could put the US at odds with Europe given US President Trump 's controversial views on climate change , his insistence on closing the US ' borders to Muslim immigrants and his protectionist agenda ."
565,8816,0,0,0,0,"According to Rose , completion of the community centre would help to ease tension created by unemployment and the feeling of hopelessness in the neighbourhood ."
566,8817,0,0,0,0,"In any environment , be it volatile or not , there is a cultural conversation within which brands must express themselves . In times of adversity , people develop a certain sense of humour about things such as poor infrastructure and implication on services , so brands seeking to serve people purposefully must immerse themselves in that environment and speak their language . It is not for nothing that people wake up in markets like Nigeria and Ghana and talk about ' E go better ' or if you go to the Caribbean , they say ' better a go come ' ( these expressions mean ; things will get better ) . A sense of hopelessness is counteracted with a sense of humour ."
567,8818,0,0,0,0,"In early 2017 , the then Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake had said that a pricing formula was submitted to the Cabinet but it was shot down since it had not met the government expectations . According to the IMF , without pricing mechanisms for electricity and fuel , Sri Lanka would remain vulnerable to a massive debt shock ."
568,8820,0,0,0,0,"Four convoys , totalling 22 trucks , have over the past fortnight transported tents , blankets , jerry cans and other essentials to refugees who have reached Qamishli from Raqa , Mahecic said . -- AFP"
569,8821,0,0,0,0,"Hong Kong 's top court on Tuesday denied the city 's refugees -- some of who live in slum-like conditions -- the right to work , disappointing activists who say the decision is likely to force more refugees into deeper poverty ."
570,8822,0,0,0,0,"Crowds cheered and clapped to live Bhutanese and Nepali music and dance , and a visiting modern-Nepali musician performed . Rai said young people from other refugee backgrounds were also invited to join in ."
571,8823,0,0,0,0,"KOCHI : Biometric data and Aadhaar details of migrant labourers will be collected and ID cards will be issued as part of a health insurance scheme , the state government has told the high court . The data on the labourers will be accessible to various departments , including home ."
572,8824,0,0,0,0,"The two global compacts are being developed , following the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants in 2016 , in which 193 Member States adopted the New York Declaration -- an overarching plan to manage large movements of refugees and migrants ."
573,8825,0,0,0,0,"In an exhibition match after the tournament final -- won by the homeless team for the first time in the fundraiser 's 10-year history -- legislative council members Chung Kai Sin , Fernando Cheung and Leung Kwok Hung joined the victors to play a group of celebrities , including actor Bob Lam ."
574,8826,0,0,0,0,"Tropical Cyclone Pam , a Category 5 cyclone which struck Vanuatu last March 2015 was the worst natural disaster in the history of the Pacific archipelago nation , causing serious damage to infrastructure and leaving many communities in need of humanitarian assistance . Now that the emergency has passed , attention has turned to preparing for and surviving disasters ."
575,8827,0,0,0,0,"At the screening site , Seiha was diagnosed to be suffering from severe acute malnutrition by the trained health staff , requiring a special treatment . It was suspected that inadequate diet such as watered-down rice given as the only source of solid nutrition was the reason behind her poor nutritional status , as is the case with many other young children from poor families who live in similar unhealthy conditions ."
576,8828,0,0,0,0,"Streaming does n't work , but it does hurt the chances of the most vulnerable students . That 's backwards . The education system should be a tool for redressing inequities , not compounding them . The education minister 's acknowledgement that equity in our schools may require the end of streaming is a welcome and overdue step in the right direction . Let this be the last year this unjust policy is allowed to stand ."
577,8829,0,0,0,0,"""It was taking long because the work could be done only during non-revenue hours , DMRC spokesman Anuj Dayal said . The level of integration required to operate these gates are immense . """" The software in the train needs to be upgraded for a co-ordinated movement of opening and closing of the train doors with PSGs . The movement of commuters is also regularised during the day where the installation is in progress , """" he added ."""
578,8830,0,0,0,0,"The 12-member jury , comprising eight women and four men , started deliberations at about 12:30 pm and returned the verdict just over three hours later ."
579,8831,1,0,0,1,"It is also good news for women 's issues , which are in desperate need of a woman 's touch . As much work as the ANC has done thus far , we have a long way to go in this and in many other regards ."
580,8832,0,0,0,0,""""""" There were many ongoing discussions about startup or entrepreneurial visa , but nothing is getting final approval . O1 visa , which I currently hold is extremely tough to get . Only 500-1,000 people across film , music , arts and technology will finally get it every year , a mere fraction of the total number of startups that are started up by immigrants , """" says Deepak ."""
581,8833,0,0,0,0,""""""" Obviously the United States and China have some disagreements on a number of things , but there 's great opportunity for us to work together , """" Branstad said at the Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit in his hometown Iowa ."""
582,8834,0,0,0,0,"The UN says that 400,000 refugees have fled the violence , with thousands continuing to flood into neighbouring Bangladesh amid shortages of food , clean water and other necessities . The government 's military offensive in Rakhine state came after a series of guerrilla attacks upon security posts and an army camp on August 25 . China has voiced support for Myanmar authorities , who deny a genocide is under way , claiming that they are fighting terrorism and villagers are burning down their own villages ."
583,8835,1,0,0,0,"""He said the bill which seeks to alter sections 65,106,131 and 177 of the 1999 Constitution is aimed at reducing the age of eligibility for elective offices across board , and to introduce independent candidacy to our electoral process . He said : """" We committed ourselves in our legislative agenda to give priority to -- necessary legislative interventions to promote equality and inclusion , and entrench the rights of women , youths and vulnerable groups in the society . """""""
584,8837,0,0,0,0,"Lee said that the main objective of the council was to ensure that the OKU facilities are available to those who are genuinely disabled , and not end up being abused by a small minority ."
585,8838,1,1,1,0,""""""" I always consider this job as a gift , being a nurse is a reward and task given by God to help those who are in need . Seeing your patient recover from an illness , watching their families smile when you give them care , and hearing the first cry of a newborn are just some of the things that make my work special . It might be a heavy work but it can lighten your heart , """" she expressed ."""
586,8839,0,0,0,1,""""""" A vagrant even told me that he did not want to return to the streets ever again because of my movie . I mean , how much money can you pay to get a homeless person back on the right track ? """""""
587,8840,0,0,0,0,"I believe there is still more to be done to empower our women . However , we are seeing improvement such as more women in leadership positions ( CEOs and chairpersons of boards ) . The need exists for more mentorship and guidance to ensure that this continues to improve . On another note , it was great to see that the new study by the International Labour Organisation indicated that Jamaica ( at 59.3 per cent ) has the highest proportion of women managers globally"
588,8841,0,0,0,0,"""But the French president criticised the German NGO Mission Lifeline saying it had defied """" all the rules """" by coming to the migrants rescue when the Libyan coastguard was already intervening ."""
589,8842,0,0,0,0,They have partnered with an NGO that conducts nutrition tests of people living in the area to ascertain needs and requirements .
590,8843,0,0,0,0,"Earlier , submitting the report on the last month 's killing of immigrants in Balochistan , the FIA informed the Supreme Court that 6,767 Pakistanis illegally entered the European Union ( EU ) during the ongoing year ."
591,8844,0,0,0,0,"He said they are not always able to transfer money to family members in need , or receive remittances from their kin working abroad ."
592,8846,1,0,0,0,""""""" The Secretary-General , who condemned those attacks , reiterates the importance of addressing the root causes of the violence and the responsibility of the Government of Myanmar to provide security and assistance to those in need , """" said the statement posted at UN website ."""
593,8847,0,0,0,0,"Speaking at the symposium , Special Seats MP Zainabu Kawawa ( CCM ) tasked the government to fast-track review of laws discriminating women , to curb escalating violence against the more vulnerable members of society ."
594,8848,1,1,1,1,"""While the scale of waste is astonishing in the Western world , the plight of the poor families in the UK being """" literally """" forced to rely on food banks than those suffering in African villages and refugee camps , is a sad story . But it is a true story ."""
595,8849,0,0,0,0,"""Then 15 years old , he and his peers went canoeing and sailing , did orienteering and """" often got hopelessly lost """" , he recalled ."""
596,8850,0,0,0,0,"Tens of thousands live in the volcano 's vicinity and refugee camps are established no less than 4.3 miles from the volcano , Llewellyn said ."
597,8851,0,0,0,0,"Peace education is the all-round education of each individual . Peace education should be extended to all learners , including refugee and migrant children , children from minorities and disabled with the objective of promoting equal opportunities through education ."
598,8852,0,0,0,0,"""In contrast , the book has the emotional punch of the film 's sentimental moments while successfully critiquing human behavior on a global scope . Each narrative speaks of loss , fear and hopelessness as expressed in various cultures . The blind gardener and the otaku ( """" geek """" in Japanese ) from Kyoto , for example , shun evacuation and fight the zombies for the glory of their nation , which hearkens back to the nationalistic spirit of the yamato ."""
599,8853,0,0,0,0,"In Photo : Sheila Warren ( center ) and Martha Lackritz-Peltier , lawyers waiting to provide legal assistance to families dealing with the aftermath of President Donald J. Trump 's executive order , are in the international arrivals area of San Francisco International Airport on January 30 . Lawyers affiliated with refugee organizations or acting on their own were at about a dozen airports countrywide to file petitions for refugees and other immigrants after Trump 's order banned immediate entry into the US by people from several predominantly Muslim countries ."
600,8854,0,0,0,0,"He said three of the four women are from Myanmar , while the other an Indonesian . The remaining 36 immigrants who were detained are from Bangladesh ( 16 ) , Myanmar ( 10 ) , Pakistan ( six ) , and one each from Somalia , Sudan , Nigeria and Papua New Guinea ."
601,8855,0,0,0,0,"Ashanti Regional Deputy Commander of GIS , Chief Superintendent Peter Adu-Appiah , disclosed that the Chinese immigrant and her cohorts had since been sent to the national headquarters in Accra for further investigation ."
602,8856,0,0,0,0,"That many Hongkongers are opting for late marriage is undeniable . The median age for marriage for women was 29.3 in 2015 , compared with 23.9 in 1981 . For men , it was 31.2 last year , compared with 27.0 in 1981 ."
603,8858,0,0,0,0,"Although there is already some private-sector accommodation for homeless people , it is difficult for LGBT people to use them because most units have to be shared with people of the same sex ."
604,8859,0,0,0,0,"""The """" Elimu Ni Sasa """" programme has caused sensation in Kwale villages as poor families are able to send their children to national schools and universities , which used to be out of rich for many ."""
605,8860,1,0,0,0,"Yao , the chairman , said the foundation has focused on better education and improving health conditions for vulnerable , underprivileged children across the mainland for the past decade ."
606,8861,0,0,0,0,"There are currently 6.2 million people in need of assistance in Somalia , almost half of the country 's population ."
607,8862,0,0,0,0,"? The demand for Bangladeshi low-cost footwear for both men and women is on the rise in the international market , as we produce shoes from high quality finished and crushed leather , ? he said , adding : ? The prices of our products are lower than those of Indian and Chinese. ?"
608,8863,0,0,0,0,"In a release to the media , Gordon House pointed out that this is in keeping with its effort to make its proceedings accessible to members of the disabled community ."
609,8864,0,0,0,0,"Additionally , Bishop Kussala urged Catholics to pray for the country 's clergy , especially the dioceses still in need of bishops ."
610,8865,0,0,0,0,"HONG KONG - A Hong Kong man who abandoned his disabled son in Singapore in 2014 before returning home alone , has been sentenced to six months ' jail by a Hong Kong court , reported Ming Pao Daily on Tuesday ( Dec 12 ) ."
611,8866,0,0,0,0,"In that scenario , these gentlemen took the initiative with their deeply-prepared comprehensive security plan with all the minor details of entry and exit points at vulnerable places etc . In the series of dialogue with industrialists , they presented and implemented their plan ."
612,8867,0,0,0,0,"According to Devolution Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri , hundreds of families are in need of water and relief food , urging county governments to work together with the national government to minimize the current situation ."
613,8868,0,0,0,0,Julian Norton : Kennel problems in need of attention <h> Julian Norton
614,8869,0,0,0,0,"With the well-documented list of SNP failures -- farmers ' payments , Police Scotland , NHS , education and so on -- one wonders what possible hope there is that this most complicated of all their challenges so far will not result in anything other than another hopeless debacle with Westminster providing the safety net once again ."
615,8870,0,0,0,0,"""Some mark International Women 's Day by going on strike . """" A Day without a Woman """" largely fizzles , accentuating the divide between women who have to work and those who choose to ."""
616,8871,0,0,0,0,"When in need , steal from ARGUS ( special opts division of the government ) -- this seems to be another mantra that both shows adopted . Felicity helped steal a chip from Argus and got an ally of Helix ( an organisation she was working with ) released , while The Flash broke into ARGUS to steal a piece of Dominator technology that he needed to power the Speed Force Bazooka ."
617,8872,0,0,0,0,"About OvaScienceOvaScienceSM , Inc. is a global fertility company dedicated to improving treatment options for women around the world . OvaScience is discovering , developing and commercializing new fertility treatments because it believes women deserve more options . Each OvaScience treatment is based on the Company 's proprietary technology platform that leverages the breakthrough discovery of egg precursor ( EggPCSM ) cells -- immature egg cells found inside the protective ovarian lining . OvaScience is developing OvaTureSM , a potential next-generation IVF treatment that could help a woman produce healthy , young , fertilizable eggs without hormone injections and OvaPrimeSM , which could increase a woman 's egg reserve . OvaScience 's AUGMENTSM treatment , a fertility option designed to improve IVF success rates , is available in certain IVF clinics in select international regions . OvaScience treatments are not available in the U.S. For more information , visit ."
618,8873,0,0,1,0,"On the occasion , Major Fahad also distributed ration among the 40 poor families present at the medical camp . He said that army had been struggling to protect and serve the people of Swat and had stood by them in every troubled hour . People hoped that more such free medical camps would be arranged in the future ."
619,8874,0,0,0,0,""""""" I suspect many Australians would be surprised to learn that for a number of welfare payments , new migrants can currently , immediately access some payments , """" he said ."""
620,8875,0,0,0,0,"These channels have all played a role in Sri Lanka 's past growth as well . The rubber tyre sector was pioneered by an immigrant from Belgium , for example . In the garment sector , today 's two largest exporters were started by descendents of immigrants from Gujarat , and in general most of the largest post-liberalisation companies started as joint ventures or FDI . Finally , the rapidly-growing IT sector is bolstered by the connections that Sri Lankan entrepreneurs made while living in Silicon Valley and elsewhere . Yet in spite of their transformational impact in the past , there remain significant barriers and disincentives to immigration , return migration and FDI in Sri Lanka today ."
621,8876,0,0,0,0,"""While the Pirates did well , the Freedom and Direct Democracy party ( SPD ) , a strident right wing outfit , nabbed similar numbers from the other side of the spectrum , sporting its own anti-EU , anti-immigrant brand . As its leader , Tomio Okamura , insists , """" We want to leave just like Britain and we want a referendum on EU membership . """""""
622,8877,0,0,0,0,"Check out the guitar here . 10% of the auction proceeds will go to Portland non-profit Transition Project , Inc. , which helps people who have previously experienced homelessness to transition back into housing ."
623,8878,0,0,0,0,Fifteen-week-old baby was found dead at homeless shelter
624,8879,0,0,1,0,"At the same time , she added the NGOs were reaching out to single mothers and women in remote areas to improve their livelihood ."
625,8880,0,0,0,0,"""The defence pulled out all the stops and presented a """" vulnerable """" Pistorius so the world could see the man he was in the early hours of Valentine 's Day in 2013 , when he pulled the trigger and killed Reeva ."""
626,8882,0,0,0,0,"Damage to housing caused by natural disasters leaves many children homeless , or living in accommodation that is overcrowded and in adequate , while some of their belonging including school uniform , shoes , books and son on are missing . Worse enough some children might find themselves orphans as their parents might be killed by the disaster . In addition , school premises are usually used as temporary settlements for disaster victims ."
627,8883,0,0,0,0,""""""" Economic uncertainty can not be an excuse to slow down our development efforts , """" he said . """" It is a reason to speed them up . By investing in the MDGs , we invest in global economic growth . By focusing on the needs of the most vulnerable , we lay the foundation for a more sustainable and prosperous tomorrow . """""""
628,8884,0,0,0,0,"Next year New Zealand 's annual refugee quota increases from 750 to 1,000 -- only marginally raising New Zealand 's current ranking of 96th in the world in terms of per capita acceptance of refugees ( 117th when adjusted for relative wealth ) ."
629,8885,0,0,0,0,Other authorities -- including neighbouring Devon -- set up disabled bays for free or charge only a nominal fee .
630,8886,0,0,0,0,""""""" In Libya , the policeman is a smuggler , and the smuggler is a policeman . """" -- Eritrean refugee"""
631,8887,0,0,0,0,"A mother used a coconut machete , commonly called a bill , to beat her teenage child with so much rage that it brought to mind the evils that we experienced when we were on the plantation . Most pathetically , it was not only the busha man and white overseers who beat us until we soft like porridge . Rather , the very same slave drivers , African slaves themselves ; would take out their frustrations on their peers . It is a long and deep history that we have of ' murderation ' and we express it on the most vulnerable ."
632,8888,0,0,0,0,"Dr. Abdul-Hamid pointed out that thanks to the prioritization of social protection programmes , the Ministry of Finance has doubled the capitation grant by 100 per cent to enable children from poor families attend school at the basic level from two percent to three percent ."
633,8889,0,0,0,0,"Asked if it is time homeless levels are officially recognised as a national emergency , she said there is no point in using carefully crafted words or excuses to avoid the reality and that the scale of the situation needs to be fully acknowledged ."
634,8890,0,0,1,0,The dream of a social protection plan whose role is to protect the elderly and the disabled from extreme forms of poverty through monthly stipends is quickly becoming a reality in Kenya .
635,8891,1,0,1,0,"6 years ago she lost her husband -- he died from heart disease , and since then Wood lives alone with her children and a dog . When she learnt about Michael and Cory 's terrible life problems , she realised she had to help . This woman has a big kind heart . There were 2 empty rooms in her house , so she invited the homeless to live there . Many people might consider her action as a madness but Mel says that since her husband 's death , she does n't fear anything ."
636,8892,0,0,0,0,"Is it just me , or tall women always come out as combative and often peevish ? Some can be intimidating . Like they can beat the living daylights out of you . Tall women are like short men . They suffer TWS-Tall Woman Syndrome . I mean , Naomi Campbell used to be hot and sexy , but she is also very temperamental . More to the point , men perceive women sexually . We first undress them with our eyes , do some mental and visual porn , and decide if a woman falls under our bedroom conquest plan ."
637,8893,0,0,0,0,"The 2017 hurricane season has dealt a stinging blow to several small Caribbean island nations and the southeastern United States . The death toll attributed to Hurricane Irma alone has risen to 70 , with billions of dollars in damages , even while Hurricane Maria delivered a steely punch as a category 5 monster . Many have been left homeless , and stunned - lives interrupted , businesses disrupted and overwhelmed governments in small states like Dominica , Barbuda , and Anguilla grappling with the task of relief and recovery ."
638,8895,0,0,0,0,""""""" Unlike other scholarships , our services and assistance prioritize indigent students because they are among the most vulnerable to not finish their studies """" , Armas shared ."""
639,8896,0,0,0,0,"""Some of this may be terribly unfair to Brown . But that does not mean the Progressive Conservative should offer him his job back . Fair or unfair , predictions of """" stories questioning my integrity , character and my leadership """" are not what you want in a prominent candidate for MPP or for leader . Nor is an ongoing legal battle with a major news network over exactly what happened between him and some very young and drunk women on an evening 10 years ago ."""
640,8897,0,0,0,0,""""""" The prime minister has not given any irresponsible statement rather it were the past governments which took U-turns on issue of refugees , """" Dr Mazari said . Dr Nafisa Shah said giving citizenship to refugees and illegal immigrants would tantamount to seizing rights of locals . """" As to where are rights of local communities , """" she said , adding the prime minister should know as to what was happening with existing resources of Karachi ."""
641,8898,0,0,0,0,"From that frustration and hopelessness rose Uber and Grab , and it 's easy to see why . You book your own car from the convenience of your smartphone . Being able to hail a ride that 's sure to arrive and that 's sure to take you where you need to go is , simply put , bliss for an urban commuter ."
642,8899,1,0,0,0,"Meanwhile in Paisley , Scotland , a Muslim shopkeeper set up a charity fridge offering free food to those in need in the hope that the practice could assist food banks that are struggling with increasing demand ."
643,8900,0,0,0,0,""""""" I am from Chicago -- we 've got some Irish immigrants whose papers are not in order ; we 've got some Polish immigrants whose papers are not in order ; we 've got some Ukrainian folks , """" he said ."""
644,8901,1,1,1,0,""""""" You also get to meet a lot of people """" enthuses Kanthi . Kanthi , has not only grasped the opportunity to meet a lot of people through dancing , but has also used the chance to reach out to those in need of help . The proceeds from ' Step by step ' will be in aid of the Society for Uplift and Rehabilitation of Leprosy Patients ( SUROL ) ."""
645,8902,0,0,0,0,"The UN refugee agency has estimated that at least 2,000 migrants came to Cyprus in 40-odd boat trips since 2015."
646,8903,0,0,0,0,As many as 85 of the 122 polling centres are considered vulnerable in Manirampur
647,8904,0,0,0,0,"Under the WASH component , IOM technical staff will assess water needs and systems that have been damaged by the conflict . Many will need to be improved to meet the needs of host communities and newly arrived IDPs . It will target some 35,000 vulnerable IDPs fleeing the conflict . Hygiene kits will also be distributed to 500 vulnerable households ."
648,8905,0,0,0,0,""""""" I 'm still not able to walk on my own , """" said Jackson . """" To do therapy , I have to travel to St Ann 's Bay once per week and that is proving to be too costly . I have to be using a walker to hobble around . At first , the treatment was working wonders , but due to financial difficulties I have to discontinue the therapy . I am in need of financial assistance , as I am unable to work on my farm . """""""
649,8906,0,0,0,0,"""She said , """" Typically a sense of hopelessness or a feeling that there were no solutions to life 's difficulties prompted thoughts of suicide . The good news is that we know how to do away with this preventable and tragic loss of life and the first step is to change and expand the way we talk about suicide ."""
650,8908,0,0,1,0,Canadian coffee giant apologises after store owner pours bucket of water over sleeping homeless man and his dog
651,8909,0,0,0,0,"Even with the limits imposed by the Trump administration , the United States will still take in more refugees than any other country ."
652,8910,0,0,0,0,"But the initial cost of even the smallest lamp can be a barrier for a household that works on a daily budget , and poor families are rightly cautious about the risk of spending on new technologies ."
653,8911,0,0,0,0,"""This incident illustrated yet again how our racial discourse is spiralling off into some truly irrational places . One moment South Africans were being told that an African immigrant using race as a descriptor for an innocuous purpose was ineffably """" racist """" ; the next that it was completely unacceptable to question government 's use of systematic race classification , """" for how else are numeri clausi meant to be enforced ! ! ! ? """""""
654,8912,0,0,0,0,"""On collecting her award , the internationally acclaimed fashion icon paid tribute to her adopted country : """" Americans help me celebrate my Frenchness . As an immigrant in New York , I have found a new life , a new inspiration , and a very loyal support ."""
655,8913,0,0,0,0,"MODELS STAND-UP AGAINST SEXUAL ASSAULTFollowing the countless stories that exposed the hideous truths of the entertainment industry , fashion was similarly exposed for its exploitation of those most vulnerable ."
656,8914,0,0,0,0,"The department added that it was considering introducing minibuses with lower platforms that would facilitate disabled access , and requesting taxi operators introduce more wheelchair-accessible vehicles . <h> Support independent media <h> Partner with HKFP <h> What is Hong Kong Free Press ?"
657,8915,0,0,0,0,The International Organisation for Migration ( IOM ) said on Wednesday Tanzania was seeking funds from the European Union ( EU ) to repatriate 500 illegal immigrants from Ethiopia stranded in the east African nation .
658,8916,0,0,1,0,"The question that one should really ask is , is Siachen really worth all this fuss ? Why do our soldiers continue to stand eye-to-eye defending hopeless territory ? Many of them will actually never return to see their sons , wives , daughters or beloved . And the others who will be fortunate enough to return may be handicapped or suffer permanent mental damage ."
659,8917,0,0,0,0,Mr Sammartino says often it is government or government-run organisations -- such as hospitals in the UK -- that are most vulnerable .
660,8918,0,1,0,0,The homeless pitch in whatever money they have so Yen can cook up a feast .
661,8919,0,0,0,0,"It turns out that griping and moaning on social media has some benefits . A new study by researchers from the London School of Economics and Political Science has found that online patient feedback , including Facebook and Twitter comments , is pretty good at pinpointing dodgy hospitals in need of inspection ."
662,8921,0,0,0,0,"Dhanda , 52 , regularly turned up at the woman 's house in uniform and demanded sex in return for not executing a warrant on her . He also targeted two other vulnerable women , one a crime victim , by using a police computer to access their details ."
663,8923,0,0,0,0,"Multiple births are increasingly the result of drugs given to women to make them produce eggs -- not from using multiple embryos from IVF , or lab-dish fertilisation , new research shows ."
664,8924,0,0,0,0,""""""" Protecting the disadvantaged members of our community is a cardinal role of any government and my administration in partnership with religious leaders will carry out fresh mapping of vulnerable members of our society and use the data to draw up a deliberate plan to support them , """" he said ."""
665,8925,0,0,0,0,"Second , all involved have to understand the present outcomes for women are not matters of chance , but the product of social structure ."
666,8926,0,0,0,0,Many poor families use the grant not only to buy food but also to pay for school necessities and transport for children .
667,8927,0,0,0,0,"Tradition : Despite a government ban on the practice , circumcision remains a rite of passage , particularly among poor families in rural areas"
668,8928,0,1,0,0,- Neighbours in need of a boost -
669,8929,0,0,0,0,"""If the situation is worsening in the cities , it is likely that in rural and remote regions children are even more at risk , particularly in Balochistan and Sindh , where poverty is at its highest . No data is available on rural areas , but many families face a daily struggle to feed everyone and extra children can be seen as unaffordable . Though many Pakistani women would like to have access to family planning , the use of birth control methods is still very low for cultural reasons and abortion is illegal . One gynaecologist told IRIN """" the mothers themselves wish to save the children but they also see the economic struggle of their families in a time of growing inflation """" . It says something about the sheer desperation of poor families in Pakistan , that murdering infants is seen as the only option open to them ."""
670,8930,0,0,0,0,"In June this year , the government said that the secret campaign to apprehend illegal immigrants dubbed ' Operation Kimbunga ' was successful as a breadth of immigrants and criminals were flushed and sent out of the country ."
671,8931,0,0,1,0,""""""" The UN Security Council must stand up and act to support vulnerable Palestinian people at the time when they need their protection . """""""
672,8932,0,0,0,0,"""Despite the passage of 70 years since their forced displacement in the most barbarous conditions in 1947 and since , the very large number of Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan are not recognised as """" state subjects """" and , therefore , banned from voting in state assembly elections or buying , possessing or selling any landed property . Subhash Sharma of Rajouri underlines that while there is much talk of """" Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir """" , he and four lakh others are refugees from """" Pakistan-Occupied Jammu """" -- and they too must be included among the """" stakeholders """" . Sheikh Sajjad Munshi of Poonch , the entry point for most of the five lakh refugees according to his estimates , speaks in the same vein ."""
673,8933,0,0,0,0,"Taking the case of Kisii University , a number of poolrooms have been put up around the campus due to large demand from students in need of playing the game . Campus students always define weekends as days to keep off books and stressful lectures during weekdays ."
674,8934,0,0,0,0,"This year the Shanghai resort plans to recruit 2,000 full-time and part-time employees , with vacancies tailored to the disabled population , said Lara Tiam , vice-president of human resources at the resort ."
675,8935,0,0,0,0,Kota Kinabalu : National women 's coach Asyraaf Fong Abdullah has named his strongest squad against Singapore in their final friendly before the SEA Games at the UiTM Stadium in Shah Alam tonight ( Wednesday ) starting at 8.45pm .
676,8936,0,0,1,1,"Speaking in Garissa on Sunday when he hosted officials from Qatar Charity who are financing a programme to assist two orphanages in the county , Korane said vulnerable children stand equal chances of becoming useful members of society if given good upbringing and education ."
677,8937,0,0,0,0,"Europe registered 153,407 new cases , up from 142,000 in 2014 , the WHO said , a jump driven by cases in Russia and immigrants who acquired the virus after arrival ."
678,8938,0,0,0,0,"@Muzaffar Ali you are absolutely wrong , 25 years ago anyone who landed in Canada and ask for an immigrant status was granted one without any problem"
679,8939,1,1,1,1,"In the course of the coming week , the season of Lent begins . It is a time for renewal for each one of us , a time to draw closer to the Lord so that he may pick us up and set us again on his pathway to the fullness of life . The steps we are invited to take during Lent include the three traditional Lenten practices : prayer , fasting and almsgiving . We are to make these practices a more constant part of our life and behaviour throughout these next five and a half weeks . Through daily prayer we open our hearts to the Lord ; through fasting , or self-denial , we quieten the clamour within us for self-indulgence ; in almsgiving we have a means of reaching out to those in need , giving expression to our compassion for them ."
680,8940,0,0,0,0,"Some market women observing the monthly environmental Sanitation along with a team of Edo Waste Management Board at Okha Market , Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area , in Benin City , Edo on Saturday"
681,8941,0,0,0,0,The law of the conservative Kingdom prohibits women from going out of house without wearing abaya ( body-length robes ) and hijab ( head scarf ) .
682,8942,0,0,0,0,""""""" The majority of immigrant Germans go into labor , they pay taxes , they contribute to the social system , """" Deihimi says ."""
683,8943,0,0,0,0,"In their bombshell statement earlier this month , British Swimming did not name Rob Greenwood , who resigned from his post as head coach before an independent investigation into claims by 13 swimmers concluded that ' one member of staff ' had even used ' derogatory terms to describe ( disabled ) athletes ' ."
684,8944,0,0,0,0,"""As difficult as things sometimes get between the characters , they are usually even more challenging among the show 's writers . ( More than half the writers are non-white and half are women , and it 's worth pointing out that there are many African-Americans on the office staff and among the crew of """" Black-ish , """" all of which makes it unlike many other TV shows , as this recent USC study points out ) ."""
685,8945,0,0,0,0,"For a while , this way of looking at things made a lot of sense to me . Then I took a liking to walking around the city , as a means of discovery . As you walk Maputo , you experience how the formal and informal cross into each other , to the point where the boundaries become hopelessly blurred ."
686,8946,0,0,0,0,"The new requirements do not apply to mesh products when used to treat other conditions such as hernias or urinary incontinence . The FDA action comes more than four years after the agency concluded that women getting vaginal mesh have more complications than women who undergo traditional surgery with stitches . Mesh products were introduced for pelvic repair in the 1990s and promoted as a way to speed patients ' recovery time . But FDA advisers said those benefits have not been established . And many women , sometimes requiring multiple surgeries to reposition or remove it ."
687,8947,0,0,0,0,"""The star , who has four children , Lourdes , 18 , Rocco , 14 , David and Mercy , both nine , said : """" I 'm a hopeless romantic . I love being in love . I mean , I 'm in love with my children , but that 's a different kind of love . It 's the love that never ends . """""""
688,8948,0,0,0,0,"President Kenyatta is in Brussels to discuss the Dadaab closure and refugee repatriation exercise with UN chief , Ban Ki Moon . Photo/"
689,8949,0,0,0,0,"The Hasina government could also be blamed for being soft on India on the grounds that it has failed to force India to yield on the issue of sharing the waters of the Teesta river . Much will also depend on how Hasina tackles Myanmar on the issue of the 600,000 Rohingya refugees who have cast a huge burden on the Bangladesh economy"
690,8950,1,0,0,0,""""""" We constantly have to face people squashing those two things together -- women , children , and real people in need , who get lumped in with armed conflict and militia groups and pirates , """" she said ."""
691,8951,0,0,0,0,"These statistics highlight the fact that , while there has been some level of improvement in the quality of life of our rural citizens , they remain vulnerable to exogenous shocks and in need of even greater assistance . In the 2009 Vision 2030 development plan , the Planning Institute of Jamaica acknowledged that there remained a strong correlation between rural poverty and a dependency on agriculture . Perhaps the key to Jamaica 's rural transformation lies in agricultural reform . If rural transformation could be accomplished , we could stymie the rapid growth of urban centres and any associated problems ."
692,8952,1,0,0,0,"Besides , any sane person who has seen the insanity that is the six years of the Aquino administration have much to be angry about . I certainly do . Then again , there is much in our history to lament and in need of correction ."
693,8953,0,0,0,0,"The Ministry of Health announced that locals who are severely disabled may finally have early access to their own savings that are locked in their Central Provident Fund ( CPF ) Medisave accounts , from 2020 onwards ."
694,8954,0,0,0,0,"When President Museveni was declared by the Ugandan Electoral Commission as the winner of the presidential election last February , votes from close to 180 polling stations had not been counted . A number of polling stations had faced challenges in the polling process , forcing presiding officers to call off the exercise . The capital city , Kampala , saw some of its polling stations receiving ballot papers at 2pm , giving voters barely four hours to cast their ballots . In other words , the exercise was a sham , compelling well meaning international observers to declare it hopelessly rigged in line with what ordinary Ugandans had observed and said ."
695,8955,0,0,0,0,"Reynolds spoke out after homelessness statistics from the Department for Communities and Local Government showed that 60,940 families will be spending Christmas in emergency temporary accommodation . This includes 87,420 children and marks an increase of 20% since 2010 ."
696,8956,0,0,0,0,"The Chinese healthcare reform , conceived at the beginning of the century , extended the reach of national healthcare insurance from 35% of the population in 2003 to 95% in 2011 . But despite numbers suggesting the reform 's success , the system is failing its patients -- especially those most in need of medical treatment ."
697,8957,0,0,0,0,"Riwa also said that by investing much in education , many students from poor families would be equipped with many skills , thus enabling them to either get employed or self employment ."
698,8958,0,0,0,0,"Rather than embracing rainbow diversity as a source of strength in this new century , obviously , they want to turn the clock backward to a distant white past . As the election results in the Netherlands have shown , perhaps not everything is hopeless . There are still many level-headed , forward-looking and progressive Dutch who reject to swallow the toxic pill of intolerance , xenophobia , racism and bigotry catered by Wilders and his ilk of deplorable rascals ."
699,8959,0,0,0,0,The two women are expected to appear in the Tembisa Magistrate 's Court to answer charges of house break-in and theft and possession of suspected stolen properties .
700,8960,0,0,0,0,"But for young women who think the Canadian Forces is a boys club , Shields says gender differences are immaterial ."
701,8962,0,0,0,0,"""Rejhumal speaking at the occassion said he was at his home along with his family when , at midnight , four armed men and two women barged into his house located newar Gulab Chowk . """" They tortured male and female family members and robbed money , gold , laptop and camera , """" alleged Rejhumal adding his family was illegally rendered homeless by the culprits ."""
702,8963,0,0,0,0,The Salvation Army had seen an increase in homeless people coming to it for support .
703,8964,0,0,0,0,"The migration issue has already made for uncomfortable relations between some of the member states of Caricom . As vexed an issue as it is , it could get worse unless there is regional agreement to manage it , and to do so in an open and transparent manner which upholds the rights and protections to which migrants are entitled ."
704,8967,0,0,0,0,The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety last year examined 666 sanitary pads manufactured or imported since 2014 for volatile organic compounds and said none poses health risks to women .
705,8968,0,0,0,0,Fun first step : Dr Elizabeth A. Kinsley uses 3D technology to show women what they will look like after surgery
706,8969,0,0,0,0,Two productions reflecting on the migrant experience in and beyond Wales
707,8970,0,0,0,0,"The number of homeless people in the city had increased following the announcement by Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talib last September that City Hall ( DBKL ) would provide buildings for the homeless , said Segambut Member of Parliament Lim Lip Eng"
708,8971,0,0,0,0,"We also still struggle with getting more women into active politics with a measly 0.116 score for women in parliament according to a 2016 report by the World Economic Forum , and limited number of women in high-level corporate positions necessitating the 30% club launched last year ."
709,8972,0,0,0,0,"""The expression of xenophobia explicit in an open threat by candidate Trump to deport all illegal immigrants , numbering some 11 million , monitor incoming Muslims intensively , erect a wall on the Mexican border and to raise the campaign battlecry """" Make America Great Again """" , which is interpreted by most minorities as a call to white society to revert the country to pre-1965 days when only white European immigrants were welcomed into America by law ."""
710,8973,0,0,0,0,The UN has failed to settle the Kashmir and Palestine disputes . Atrocities committed by India and Israel in these regions are gaining momentum . Palestinian and Kashmiris are living in fear and hopelessness . The current situation displays the dismal picture of abuse of power . The silence of the international community is incomprehensible . These are Muslim-majority areas and it seems that the world has no interest in the problems faced by Muslims .
711,8974,0,0,0,0,"Since then , more than 4,000 people a day have been crossing into Uganda , where the Bidibidi refugee settlement , open since August , now hosts over 188,000 people ."
712,8975,0,0,0,0,"On trade , the U.S. agriculture industry is particularly vulnerable to Chinese actions ."
713,8976,0,0,0,0,"""Global and national policymakers have made financial inclusion a development priority . But not every poor family can effectively use financial services to improve household welfare without initial help . The extreme poor -- those at the lowest level of the economic ladder -- often lack basic necessities and the minimum stability to pursue even subsistence economic activities . In an important coordinated effort , ten pilots around the world are experimenting with a model initially developed by BRAC in Bangladesh that helps extremely poor families build assets and capabilities and ultimately """" graduate """" into sustainable livelihoods ."""
714,8977,0,0,0,0,"Considering the media ethics and legal responsibilities we have kept the identity of the victims covered . We engaged in these revealing of the illegal , immoral and perverted practices of the Non-Governmental Organizations ( NGOs ) knowing the social responsibility of the media organization in the present world . We always uphold the all fundamental values of justice , and truth and equal protection of the women , children and other under privilege and vulnerable groups of the respective societies ."
715,8978,1,1,1,0,"Jesus begins his teaching in Matthew with the Sermon on the Mount . One group he blesses is those in need of comfort , Blessed are they who mourn , for they will be comforted ( Mt 5:4 ) ."
716,8979,1,0,0,1,"The vast majority of girls and women caught in the exploitative global sex trade are not victims of kidnapping , like the Nigerian 276 abducted by Boko Haram , but rather of poverty . Human traffickers prey on poor families who do n't have access to education and are n't aware of their basic rights . Mired in grinding poverty , parents desperately take out loans on conditions they do n't understand , pledging their children on their debts ."
717,8980,0,0,0,0,"Funding challenges is not unique to Kenya though . The USA , a country that spends trillions of dollars on health care still has not managed to get everyone covered . Millions of Americans are still vulnerable despite President Obama 's Obamacare policy that introduced in the sunset years of his presidency ."
718,8981,0,0,0,0,"The study , jointly done by the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP and the European Commission ( EC ) between October and December last year , found that persons in the 30- to 39- year-old age group comprised the largest number of migrants ."
719,8982,0,0,0,0,"""It is hard to imagine how someone can go from having a home one day and be out on the street the next week . Many homeless start out with jobs and stable residences . But then , social and particularly money shortage , """" economic necessities """" cause a rapid and deteriorating change ."""
720,8984,0,1,0,0,Good question in need of and correct answer . What level of education/qualifications all types of education ministers have in this country .
721,8985,0,0,0,0,""""""" I do not blame the judge who was obliged to pronounce this judgment , having to admit the case of insanity and ruling in that regard , but I blame the Italian State which entertains illegal immigrants and does not monitor them , """" said Masini ."""
722,8986,0,0,0,0,Indians please calm down .. Pak cricket is already in its worse times . I am proud of your team for being world champions . Pak needs to learn from India .. we are neighbors but India has progressed so much with corruption . Problem is in Pakistan everyone is corrupt from our President Chor Zardari .. PCB .. parliament ... its becoming a hopeless country .
723,8987,0,0,0,0,The home affairs department and its one-year permits for illegal immigrants was repeatedly identified as a hindrance to efforts to stop foreigners crossing the game-filled bush and crocodile and hippopotamus-infested river to get to South Africa .
724,8988,0,0,0,0,Hundreds of Kimotorok villagers were left homeless in recent days after their houses were reportedly burnt down by game rangers from the reserve .
725,8989,0,0,0,0,"""IPAK 's president M.B. Khuman told The Hindu , """" The fate of the indigenous peoples of Manipur is uncertain . Manipur has always been a destination for migrants as livelihood is easy to find . For example , one rumour goes that men in Bihar can easily find a bride if they go to work in Manipur . """""""
726,8990,0,0,0,0,JavaScript is currently disabled.Please enable it for a better experience of Jumi .
727,8991,0,0,0,0,"The survey sought detailed data on mobile phones , computers and Internet access and use . Also included was general access to Information Communication Technology and use by the disabled ."
728,8992,0,0,0,0,"In a video of the event , California City Mayor Jennifer Wood thanks Tyson for his commitment to the community , saying the industry will provide medical marijuana to people in need , revenue , jobs and income for residents ."
729,8993,0,0,0,0,"Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa says that although many are in need of his image for the upcoming Local Government election , only those contesting under the symbol of the ' flower bud ' are its rightful owners ."
730,8994,0,0,0,0,This prompted the magistrate to question the omission of such a statement but Swart replied that the witness was afraid to make a statement -- fearing arrest -- for being an illegal immigrant in the country .
731,8995,0,0,0,0,Working poor families are defined as households that have at least one employed person and have a monthly household income that is less than half the local median income .
732,8996,0,0,0,0,"One way to test this theory is to note that countries without large-scale immigration , such as Japan , have not seen the same rise of right-wing populism . Another interesting case is Spain , a country that has taken in many immigrants , but mostly Spanish-speaking Latinos , who are easier to assimilate ."
733,8997,0,0,0,0,"Slovak police on Friday said they had charged far-right leader Marian Kotleba with promoting extremism , over cheques he gave to poor families for a sum that carries symbolic weight in neo-Nazi circles ."
734,8998,0,0,0,0,""""""" It 's a hopeless situation , """" said the aid worker . """" You treat the children who are sick , and then they fall ill again because they are not getting the right food . """""""
735,8999,0,0,0,0,"""On Twitter , Syria country representative Sajjad Malik of the U.N . refugee agency wrote Tuesday that """" looting , destruction of properties & exodus of civilians continues """" in Afrin , and """" 100,000 civilians stay trapped inside in rural areas . """""""
736,9000,0,0,0,0,"* Do not argue when seeking information or when you want something . Validate their position instead . Ask them what their constraints are if they decline your demand . Nod dejectedly and tell them you understand and empathize . Evoke sympathy . When you do that , they will talk more . They will want to mentor you and share their experiences . The more they talk , the more they expose themselves . The more they do that , the more vulnerable they are to you . And before they know it , they will have to give in to what you want because they have given away a lot more than what they intended to ."
737,9001,0,0,0,0,"He further ruled that Interior Cabinet Secretary ( Minister ) Joseph Nkaissery and his Principal Secretary ( Assistant Minister ) , Karanja Kibicho , had acted beyond their powers in issuing the directive . The government had set aside one billion shillings for the repatriation of the refugees ."
738,9002,0,0,0,0,"Despite the turnout was massive with more than a million supporters skipping work and boycotting American businesses , the actual impact of the Great American Boycott ca n't really be measured . Some argued it may have done more damage than good to businesses that employ immigrants ."
739,9003,0,0,0,0,"A 20-year-old man indicted in an alleged immigrant smuggling scheme was under federal supervision when he led authorities in Texas on a high-speed chase and crashed an SUV , killing five of the 14 people inside , according to court records ."
740,9004,1,0,0,0,Gladness ( 35 ) is a mother of three and a resident of Tongwe village in Muheza District . She and her brood were forced to live a pastoralist-kind of life for four years because they were rendered homeless by her husband 's family following his death .
741,9005,0,0,0,0,ISLAMABAD : Pakistan 's female tennis ace Ushna Suhail has said that Pakistan 's last week 's win in Davis Cup tie against Iran would also help promote women tennis in the country .
742,9006,0,0,1,1,""""""" Jesus is the Master Feminist because he championed the cause of women , """" she said ."""
743,9007,1,0,0,0,"""Fellow star Jolyon Rubinstein added : """" The target is online grooming . It 's about people who are vulnerable to these kind of approaches ... this is actually happening to women here . """" <h> This Week 's Magazine <h> Connect With Us <h> NME Newsletter"""
744,9008,1,0,0,0,"The narrow strips that separate you from your neighbour and provide access to the back yard are really a corridor , but in garden terms , they do not need to become a straight bowling alley . A little clever thinking can turn these hopeless areas into part of your usable garden ."
745,9009,0,0,0,0,At least four women have made allegations against the lord mayor .
746,9010,1,0,0,0,"The crisis of institutional distrust -- especially between elected civilians and military officials -- is a crisis borne of poor and incomplete communication between key stakeholders . The COAS and the prime minister having regular meetings did not solve the problem in 2013 , 2014 and 2015 . It will not suffice in 2018 or 2019 . Pakistan needs formal engagement between cabinet members and key military officials . These engagements can help deter the emergence of irritants and misunderstandings . Pakistan has plenty of people that inflame , irritate and ignite crises . It is desperately in need of those that seek to reduce irritants and misunderstandings . The responsibility for maintaining institutional harmony is a shared one . It must be fulfilled by all institutions ."
747,9011,0,0,1,0,"ATD wants to uplift the self-esteem of MNC residents , without making them feel hopeless or dependent ."
748,9013,0,0,0,0,""""""" We are a non-profit organisation that cares for Roodepoort 's less fortunate senior citizens , which include semi-disabled persons . Currently we have approximately 31 residents in the centre , """" said Marius Oelofse , the centre 's chairperson.He added that they are planning to host a golf day to raise funds for food , electricity , rent and all the other various needs . """" Because we do not receive any financial assistance from the government , we need to look at alternative ways to come up with the money to cover our monthly expenses , """" he said ."""
749,9014,0,0,0,0,"It is nine years already since the mainland witnessed the scandal of milk powder-melamine contamination that caused 30,000 babies to fall sick and six to die . But suspicion over domestic food brands remains , especially on what people feed their infants , the most vulnerable in terms of health ."
750,9015,0,0,0,0,Tokyo police have arrested a homeless man over the beating death of a male acquaintance along the Arakawa River ( TBS News )
751,9016,1,0,0,0,"""These were the """" Jews """" that came into power in 1917 with the Bolshevik Revolution , and Lenin needed their help to topple Tsar Nicholas , the last remnant of the Romanov dynasty . They helped overthrow Tsar Nicholas because he was not friendly to the Khazar Jews . These were the Zionist Jews who set about forcing communism on Christian Russia and murdered 40 million Russians who refused to give up their land or bow down to **27;1148;TOOLONG ."""
752,9017,0,0,0,0,"Yet if 36 is the new 24 for stars such as Lindsay Lohan and Heidi Montag , are young Dublin women in danger of following this trend for a **26;288;TOOLONG regardless of whether they are aged 26 , 36 or 46 ?"
753,9018,1,0,0,0,""""""" I became withdrawn and did not want to interact with anyone , """" she admits . Crying spells , and feelings of helplessness , hopeless , and worthlessness were the order of the day ."""
754,9019,1,0,0,0,"""The older girl said the man came into her life at a time when she was extremely vulnerable . She said she thought he was her """" hero """" and then could n't believe what he did to her at night . She said she lived in denial for a long time ."""
755,9020,0,0,0,0,"""At a recent pre-sehri coffee get-together -- that and having sehri in a restaurant is the current fad in the metropolis -- the conclusion with complete sang-froid was that """" things """" would continue the way they are , nothing would change . Admittedly , not a very positive or even meaningful closure after a few hours of coffee and cookies ; in fact , the consensus verges on depressively hopeless , all the more considering that a cross section of intelligentsia , in the real sense , was represented at the gathering ."""
756,9021,0,0,0,0,"In South Sudan , a poor , war-torn and dysfunctional country , reliable figures for health are rare . According to the disability charity Light for the World , around a quarter of a million of the 12.23 population are disabled ."
757,9022,0,0,0,0,""""""" The night he was elected , it felt as though somebody in my family had died . There was such grief , """" she said . """" I am very worried about what will happen to immigrants in this country . """" <h> In pictures : Protests , pomp and Donald Trump <h> In pictures : Protests , pomp and Donald Trump <h> 1/30"""
758,9023,0,1,0,0,""""""" The reconciliation is not intended to help unemployed youth get jobs and the homeless get housing . It is not intended to help struggling workers , professionals and the middle class secure their future and livelihoods , """" Miguna said ."""
759,9024,0,0,0,0,"A 16-year-old Egyptian migrant was electrocuted and suffered life-threatening injuries after he climbed onto the roof of a British-bound train on Wednesday at the Gare du Nord station in Paris , the France Info website reported ."
760,9025,0,0,0,0,""""""" I 'm f***ing livid """" said a now-homeless Block contestant Dylz , in the wake of Monday night 's revelation ."""
761,9027,0,0,0,0,Disaster-prone : Kim and John Burton Race left their Devon home in need of some tender loving care
762,9028,1,0,0,0,"The now-73-year-old man , who hails from Constitution Hill , St Andrew , explained that he had allowed some people to live on his premises , rent-free , because they were in need of help , but it backfired on him ."
763,9029,1,0,0,0,"' The trend predicts a generation of children and adolescents growing up obese . We need ways to make healthy , nutritious food more available at home and school , especially in poor families and communities , and regulations and taxes to protect children from unhealthy foods ."
764,9030,0,0,0,0,"""The United States """" does n't have the luxury """" of deporting millions of undocumented migrants as President-elect Donald Trump has threatened , Guatemala 's president has argued ."""
765,9031,0,0,0,0,"Camp 8W , one of the Rohingya camps in Cox 's Bazar , is in the location most vulnerable to flooding and landslides , according to the Inter Sector Coordination Group ( ICSG ) ."
766,9032,0,0,0,0,"""The Internet is having a love affair with Charles Ramsey , the man who helped Amanda Berry break down the door of the Cleveland house where she said she was being held captive , along with two other women . All three went missing a decade ago ; Berry was 16 , Gina DeJesus was 14 , and Michelle Knight was 20 . It 's entirely understandable to focus on Ramsey in the giddy moment of breaking news . He is forthright and funny in describing what happened . ( """" I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man 's arms . """" )"""
767,9033,0,0,0,0,"Reid , a masters of engineering student from Williams Lake , B.C. , was the only Se-Hawk swimmer to make it to an A final at the 2017 USports national swimming championships in Sherbrooke , Que. , finishing seventh overall in the women 's 50-metre breaststroke . She also swam in the B final in the 100m breaststroke , finishing 11th ."
768,9034,0,0,0,0,"Mr Cameron opposes Mr Assad 's government in Syria , where the more than four-year civil war has forced millions of refugees to flee the country . In 2013 Mr Cameron failed to win parliamentary approval for air strikes on Assad 's forces ."
769,9035,0,0,0,0,"Fortunately , the funding of the exhibition has not been that difficult . Over 60 per cent of the fundraising goal has been achieved ; $325,000 still needs to be raised . While federal funding is a mainstay of the Smithsonian , the Asian Pacific American Center receives no direct funds from Congress and relies on private donations . Indian immigrant entrepreneur and philanthropist H.R. Shah , who owns the broadcast company TV Asia ( media partner with the Smithsonian for this exhibition ) , has been among the prime donors in the Saffron category , which is $100,000 . Other donors in that category are the Kanu R. Shah and Daksha K. Shah Foundation , and Rick and Sadhana Downs ."
770,9038,0,0,0,0,"The now three-year-old boy , who is blind and profoundly disabled , lives with a foster mother who is a pediatric nurse . The child and biological mother can not be legally identified ."
771,9039,0,0,0,0,"To collect donations , they use coercive language . Recruitment strategies are primarily tailored to brainwash the vulnerable youth . To follow such an objective misinterpretation of Jihad is glorified ."
772,9040,0,0,0,0,"Teachers of St. Xavier 's Collegiate School in Kolkata are being asked to sign an undertaking to abide by the school 's norms for protection of ' minors and vulnerable adults ' , failing which their employment would be terminated . In November 2017 , the Madras High Court directed all the district collectors in Tamil Nadu to file a report on steps taken to enforce the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplaces ( Prevention , Prohibition and Redressal ) Act . A petition alleged that 15-year-old girls working in mills , factories and other work places in the state are sexually abused ."
773,9041,1,0,0,0,"A total of 300 lunch boxes will be sold daily , and Chan hopes to sell around 40,000 charity meal tickets over the next month . The profits will go towards a charity fund he established in August , which has allowed him to give out 3,000 to 4,000 free meals per month to homeless people , the elderly , the poor , and refugees ."
774,9042,0,0,0,0,"""A German immigrant Peter Borger and his Ghanaian wife Agnes Naana Borger have been accused as being behind the attack by the Policemen to serve their """" personal business and malicious interest """" ."""
775,9043,0,0,0,0,The naturalized refugees are expected to relocate to 16 selected regions of Tanzania .
776,9044,0,0,0,0,"""The Caribbean Film Academy released the following statement : """" The next film in our series is """" Cristo Ray ( 2013 ) directed by Leticia Tonos . Set amid the violence and poverty of a shantytown , where undocumented Haitian immigrants clash with Dominicans , this gritty drama follows the struggle between two half brothers over the woman they both love . Haitian-born Janvier takes a job as the bodyguard for Jocelyn , the site of a powerful kingpin , who he soon discovers dated his Dominican half-brother Rudy . When Rudy learns the two have fallen in love , his places for revenge threaten disaster for the entire community . This vibrantly shot update of Romeo and Juliet is a powerful indictment of racism and poverty in the Dominican Republic . 96mins . In Spanish with English subtitles . Thursday , Dec 3rd at 7:30pm """""""
777,9045,0,0,0,0,""""""" That scene is happening all the time , """" Houston 's police chief , Art Acevedo , said in an interview . Though Houston 's immigrant population is one of the fastest-growing in the country , the city last year saw a 16 percent drop in domestic violence reports from the Hispanic community -- a decline that the police blame on a tough new immigration enforcement law in Texas and the increasingly hostile political climate across the country surrounding the issue of illegal immigration ."""
778,9046,0,0,0,0,"Even so , many speakers figured out at various panels , root of the ongoing massive migrant crisis in Europe lay in the ceaseless violence and conflict in the Middle East , particularly in Syria ."
779,9048,0,0,0,0,"With thousands left homeless after Italy 's earthquake , authorities are debating how to provide warmer , sturdier housing for them besides the rows of emergency blue tents set up in the Apennine Mountains , where even summer nights can get chilly ."
780,9049,0,0,0,0,"Deputy leader of Britain First Jayda Fransen has confronted a tent and been accused of ' abusing ' the homeless person inside because they were Latvian . ( Source : YouTube ) . <h> Nick Charity <h> Mansfield community champions have blasted a video that 's emerged on social media by the far-right party Britain First , showing the group ' abuse ' a homeless person from within the EU ."
781,9050,0,0,0,0,"""Jamaica became a party to the Refugees Convention in 1964 and to the Protocol to that Convention in 1980 . The Convention and Protocol require Jamaica to grant refugee status to all foreigners who establish that they have a """" well-founded fear of persecution """" on any one of a number of grounds , including religious belief , political opinion or membership of a particular social group ."""
782,9051,0,0,0,0,"""Moscow said the resolution was not """" hopeless , """" but it needed to be adjusted to avoid """" taking sides in a civil war . """" <h> Related"""
783,9052,0,0,0,0,"Police said 19 people were stopped and search , two people were arrested at Paddington , and a vulnerable child was returned to their parents ."
784,9053,0,0,0,0,We are of the view that National Identity Cards would eradicate the problem of illegal immigrants since it will make easy the identification of foreigners .
785,9055,0,0,0,0,Many poor families of Ahmedabad move base to Uttar Pradesh and Delhi for several months .
786,9056,0,0,0,0,"Members of identified vulnerable cooperatives and informal groups of girls and young women , especially out of school young women and girls and other youth will soon benefit from an ILO/Sida innovation fund ."
787,9057,0,0,0,0,"Tesco 's razors were singled out in a 2016 investigation by The Times , which found that products aimed at women and girls cost , on average , 37 per cent more than almost identical products for men ."
788,9058,0,0,0,0,"""Rohani lauded the event , saying that the fest , themed """" To Honour , Empower and Respect """" , would empower women in many aspects including culture , social and economic standing ."""
789,9059,0,0,0,0,"Currently , male players in international rugby , Super Rugby and the ITM Cup competition got paid to play the game , and she said if women had an equal share she would be motivated to take her rugby further ."
790,9060,0,0,0,0,The Energy ministry has asked the Treasury to cut taxes for bottom power users as a way of cushioning poor homes from high costs . Many poor families are already feeling the pinch of high energy prices .
791,9061,0,0,0,0,"Ward representatives will pay Sh25,000 , while those classified under special interest groups , including the disabled , women and youth , will pay Sh15,000 ."
792,9062,0,0,0,0,"In 2014 , Chan discovered injuries on the son . Complaints to his school went unanswered , making the father believe Hong Kong does not provide adequate support for intellectually disabled children ."
793,9063,0,0,0,0,"""Eight others including three Tanzanians have appeared in court to face legal charges , """" Mr Msumule elaborated . Meanwhile , the Immigration Officer called for vigilance among the citizens who have been requested to share intelligence information with the immigration department to expose illegal immigrants ."""
794,9064,0,0,0,0,Feeling hopeless
795,9065,0,0,0,0,""""""" I think , in this sense , ethnicity , or place of birth , is a poor predictor , """" Marat continued . """" It 's more about what are the experiences that immigrants live in the U.S. """""""
796,9066,0,0,0,0,"""What does this mean to immigrants then ? Not only would a new immigration law be enacted but """" illegals """" would possibly face greater hostility . All one needs to do is go to the Internet for videos of angry white people who no longer care about being politically correct ."""
797,9067,0,0,0,0,""""""" Once it is disabled , an email is sent to security about recently dismissed employees . Scanning the key card is a red flag . The order to disable my Windows account is also sent . There is also one for my Jira account . And on and on . """""""
798,9068,0,0,0,0,"The rise in median wages is the good news . But immigrants still make significantly less than people born in Canada . While non-immigrants earned on average $36,300 , immigrants made $29,770 , according to the 2016 census ."
799,9069,1,0,0,0,"ESB is also supporting the programme as part of the company 's Energy for Generations Fund , which disburses ? 2million each year across a range of initiatives primarily in the areas of educational disadvantage , suicide and homelessness . ESB Chief Executive Pat O'Doherty says the company seeks to empower and enrich the lives of individuals and communities across Ireland ."
800,9071,0,0,0,0,"Human Rights ViolationLabour announced it would tax those who employ immigrants instead of training locals . A Free Press reader points out that taxing a business because it chooses to employ someone from another country is almost certainly a violation of Section 22 of the Human Rights Act , which forbids discrimination on any basis other than ability to do the job . Who on earth does Labour get to do its due diligence ?"
801,9072,0,0,0,0,"Similarly , the Tehsil Headquarters Hospital too waits for the arrival of builders to reconstruct the hospital over a decade after it was razed to the ground by the powerful tremblor which claimed 74,500 lives , and injured over 100,000 and left 3.3 million homeless ."
802,9073,0,0,0,0,Prof Yankah assured the students the government has taken a very bold step to restore teacher trainees ' monthly allowances . The allowance is meant to support teacher trainees to procure textbooks and learning materials that will be in need for their professional training .
803,9074,0,0,0,0,"""Her first novel """" Tim """" was published in 1974 . It became a movie starring Mel Gibson , who played a young , intellectually disabled handyman who had a romance with a middle-aged woman ."""
804,9075,0,0,0,0,"""On Wednesday , Dr David Nabarro , a UN special advisor , underscored the recent , massive vaccination campaign , backed by the Pan American Health Organization ( PAHO ) that reached 729,000 vulnerable Haitians and the increase in """" rapid response """" teams , """" which has had a positive impact in stopping outbreaks of the disease in its tracks """" ."""
805,9076,0,0,0,0,UNION Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday asked five eastern States sharing boundaries with Bangladesh to be extra vigilant against influx of Rohingyas and illegal immigrants through the porous Indo-Bangla border .
806,9077,0,0,0,0,Early Stimulation Programme for disabled children in Portland
807,9078,0,0,0,0,"""The salon wrote that many of their clients feel """" uncomfortable """" receiving these services in a grooming environment that is targeted towards women ."""
808,9079,0,0,0,0,He argued that a city with the amount of resources as Vancouver should not have that level of homelessness .
809,9080,0,0,0,0,"It 's almost serendipitous how two young actors with seemingly different career trajectories found their way into one another . Yet , they did . Call us hopeless romantics , but there 's no stopping fate ."
810,9082,0,0,1,0,"""It 's easy to dismiss the peace and love message as corny and pass ? , but Powers is convincing when she speaks of """" valuing people over things """" , and her beliefs are proven later when I learn of her considerable financial support of Taking it to the Streets , a charity helping vulnerable homeless youths , of whom there are many . ( This is depressing given the torrent of wealth pouring into the city from nearby Silicon Valley . If the Summer of Love set out to end stark inequality in its own community , it appears to have failed , despite the efforts of people like Powers . )"""
811,9083,0,0,0,0,"And the phenomenon is driven mostly by younger people , particularly urbanites , putting their own fun twist on what not so long ago was seen as hopelessly fuddy-duddy ."
812,9085,1,0,0,0,"Teachers encourage these eager students to express their feelings in drawings and to share their thoughts in writing . We want them to realize that life does not stop when we encounter struggle , that we can find ways to move forward . We are helping them find solutions to seemingly overwhelming problems instead of resigning themselves to hopelessness ."
813,9086,0,0,0,0,A key point which clearly stood out was the fact that illegal immigrants in Sabah had been issued Malaysian identity cards indiscriminately .
814,9088,0,0,0,0,"Deputy minister Chawicha said agriculture , natural resources , livestock , energy , forestry , industry , and urban housing sector transport were the sectors of the economy most vulnerable to climate change and would get most of the US50 million from the GCF . But he stressed that government would also finance its climate measures from the treasury and non-governmental sources ."
815,9089,1,0,0,0,"Noting that Sri Lankan Tamils have for long been living in and outside camps in Tamil Nadu , she said her regime was giving them all facilities . She added that her government opposed the central government when they tried to repatriate people who were born to refugees and raised in the state ."
816,9090,0,0,0,0,"PORT DICKSON : Immigration detention centres in the country are capable of holding immigrants picked up during Ops Mega , which saw 3,126 illegal foreign workers detained as of 5pm yesterday ."
817,9091,0,0,0,0,""""""" He was always chasing women , and nothing stopped him , """" said Lisetta Koe , a former communications manager for the firm . """" He made an attempt to come on to me , and I turned him down . """""""
818,9092,1,0,0,0,"We are , of course , vulnerable to this predicament , sinceman 's intelligence and free will can take tortuous turns that in theend are determined by how our heart tilts ? either toward God or is itjust stuck with our own selves ?"
819,9093,0,0,0,0,The Washington Post first broke news last week of a tense phone call between the leaders over a Barack Obama-era agreement for the US to accept 1250 refugees stranded in Australian offshore processing centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru .
820,9094,1,0,1,1,' The problem with this place is that there is a lot of vulnerable people here and they get the wrong kind of help .
821,9095,0,0,0,0,""""""" While the writing process was going on , I was on a never ending journey of self-discovery. """" he says . """" Through writing this album , I realised that the confidence I had in myself was almost put on for most of the early stuff that I 'd put out . I 'd always put on this confidence when I 'd perform , but when I wrote this album I realised how vulnerable I actually was and how insecure I actually was about my creativity and my music . I address things like that ; most of the album is about that . """""""
822,9096,0,0,0,0,"It was n't the goal of hopeless romantics , top-four contenders or title challengers . It was the goal of champions - quick , inspired and effortlessly elegant ."
823,9097,0,0,0,0,"Lehr said that , unlike today , where a Pole would say they were from Poland based on geography , back then Polish and Ukrainian immigrants said they were one or the other based on religion , language and culture ."
824,9098,0,0,0,0,"the first appeal was ok the second one was hopeless , but saying that some australians during their peak used to get some ( only some ) just by threating umpire in the name of appeal , maybe he is trying to be in that mould , i am just comparing their appeal style , not the bowllng class"
825,9099,0,0,0,0,""""""" I am German when we win , but I am an immigrant when we lose , """" Ozil wrote , adding : """" Certain German newspapers are using my background and photo with President Erdogan as right-wing propaganda to further their political cause . """""""
826,9100,0,0,0,0,SALT LAKE CITY -- Salt Lake City 's homeless issue was the topic of discussion once again at City Hall Tuesday .
827,9101,1,0,0,0,"Subsidised , affordable day care will allow more women to enter the workplace . This is something they want and it is only the cost of day care that is preventing them from doing so ."
828,9102,0,0,0,0,"Mexican authorities rescued 178 Central American migrants found abandoned in a trailer in Veracruz state , the country 's National Institute for Migration said ."
829,9103,0,0,0,0,"In poor families , about 18 percent of children with native-born parents received cash help -- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ( TANF ) -- in 2008 and 2009 , compared with about 12 percent of children with foreign-born parents , according to the study . Among children in poor families , 77 percent of those with U.S.-born parents and 69 percent of those with foreign-born parents had Medicaid or CHIP coverage ."
830,9104,0,0,0,0,"""Amit Shah 's """" termite """" remark on immigrants unwanted , says Bangladesh"""
831,9105,0,0,0,0,""""""" The business that we are in needs this kind of weather , especially after the monsoon season , which dampens the business , """" she said ."""
832,9106,0,0,0,0,"The number of Somalis left homeless has surged this year as thousands who had already fled war , drought and floods were forcibly evicted from mostly makeshift homes , the Norwegian Refugee Council ( NRC ) said ."
833,9107,0,0,0,0,"As of Dec 31 , the bank 's total exposure to the commodities sector was S$21 billion , including around S$12 billion in the vulnerable oil and gas sector , Mr Wee said at a media briefing on Tuesday ( Feb 16 ) ."
834,9108,0,0,0,0,People who are crying about Bangladesh not winning anything out of home and in big tournament : Just because we did n't do well before does n't mean we are not going to do it now . if Past record were everything than WI would still be ruling the cricket world . Anyway keep complaining and whining about us . Since we beat you two that 's what you guys have been doing . We make to CT or not does n't change the fact that how hopelessly you lost against us . You guys just have to depend on other team to console you i guess haha
835,9109,0,0,0,0,"Stella Creasy then proposed an amendment to the Queen 's Speech calling for Northern Irish women to have access to free abortions in England , where the 1967 Abortion Act allows for abortion up to 24 weeks . The new provision was subsequently introduced by the British government ."
836,9110,0,0,0,0,""""""" Do you believe it ? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia . Why ? """" Trump tweeted . """" I will study this dumb deal ! """""""
837,9111,0,0,0,0,Donald Trump outlined his plan to combat global terrorism on Monday calling for extreme vetting of immigrants moving to the states .
838,9112,0,0,0,0,""""""" The illegal Muslim immigrants are conspiring to grab political power here , """" he said ."""
839,9113,0,0,0,0,Those promises drew boos and chants from the MPs . Placards of 419 were hoisted as the Speaker sang his order chorus and struck his gavel endlessly in a hopeless threat to end the sitting if the heckling did not stop . It did not !
840,9114,0,0,0,0,Govt urged to support vulnerable children
841,9115,0,0,0,0,Government has pledged to give some ' form of compensation to Tanzanians that were mistakenly victims of the ongoing crackdown operation against illegal immigrants dubbed ' Kimbunga ' .
842,9116,0,0,1,0,"""There is a saying that goes """" A friend in need is a friend indeed . """" This means , a good friend is the one who rescues a friend trapped in unsolved problems ."""
843,9117,0,0,0,0,"In line with these positive developments , the UN in Egypt stresses its commitment to supporting the Government of Egypt and civil society towards achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and looks forward to providing effective support to complement these efforts ."
844,9118,0,0,0,0,"Instead , Newsweek describes Diallo as a member of the quasi-legitimate underground society of immigrants who survive by fudging documents here and there just to survive and remain in America while keeping under the official radar . <h> About the Author"
845,9119,1,0,0,1,"NEW DELHI : Activists and medical professionals have lauded the government 's move to increase the ambit of the disabled list to offer benefits to acid attack survivors , those suffering from chronic neurological conditions , and haemophilia and sickle cell anaemia patients . This , they said , will help in integrating them into society ."
846,9120,0,0,0,0,"Saraswat said most immigrants have unique living situations that require bigger and a more specifically designed home . She said many immigrant families have parents living with them , and would like a main-floor bedroom for them ."
847,9121,0,0,0,0,"Using broad vowels , clear diction , and skilled ornaments , perhaps at times in need of somewhat greater clarity ( they were difficult to execute at high velocity ) , her technique was nevertheless excellent throughout the aria -- particularly in her polished cadenza -- as it was throughout the entire recital . Such command of style was truly an enjoyable experience and a splendid beginning to the recital ."
848,9122,0,0,0,0,One of the women participants with her colleagues at the event.PHOTO : CHOO CHWEE HUA
849,9124,1,0,1,0,""""""" We are also selling ' nasi lemak ' online and the profit is used for charitable work in helping the homeless and giving free tuition to children from squatter areas and the People 's Housing Project ( PPR ) , """" she said . -- BERNAMA"""
850,9125,0,0,0,0,"Ms Justice Mary Laffoy appointed Mr Declan Taite of RSM Farrell Grant Sparks as official liquidator to the company with a registered address at Merrion Square , Dublin 2 , after finding that the company was hopelessly insolvent and unable to pay its debts ."
851,9127,1,0,0,0,"Do you secretly or openly consider yourself to be a hopeless romantic ? Do your binge-watching sessions almost always turn towards the PS I Love You , A Walk To Remember or The Vow league of movies ? Can you not help but dream of that perfect night where your partner professes their love for you ?"
852,9128,0,0,0,0,"""' Studies have identified five internal drivers , which can become a script that women start to follow all the time . They are : """" Please others , be perfect , be strong , try hard and hurry up . """""""
853,9129,0,0,0,0,"However , the Immigrant Council of Ireland said yesterday Ms Burton needed to give assurances that racial profiling would not be a feature of the planned checkpoints ."
854,9130,0,0,1,0,"In another development , Eiremiokhae was also bestowed with a Humanitarian Award by the Trinity International University of Ambassadors also in Georgia for his works of charity and care for widows and the vulnerable ."
855,9131,0,0,0,0,"""Pressed on whether a policy which discriminated against refugees was racist , English responded : """" No , it discriminates among them by which country they come from ."""
856,9132,0,0,0,0,Social workers and scientists in Zimbabwe have raised concerns about Pokellos son being vulnerable as it is alleged that he has already seen footage of his mother having s3x with chump rapper Stunner .
857,9133,0,0,0,0,"""I am 25 years old . For the past few months I have n't seen my period . I gave birth to my son six months ago . My period came back and from February until now I have n't seen my period . My weight is 189 lb and my height is 5ft 2 """" . I am desperately in need of your advice as to what may be the cause of this and how best I can solve my problem ."""
858,9134,0,0,0,0,"""Ireland labels Eoghan """" disabled """" and has disabled him"""
859,9135,0,0,0,0,Syrian refugee children .
860,9136,1,0,0,0,"Cognisant of these socio-demographic characteristics and child-rearing challenges facing poor families in Jamaica , the RCP , having its genesis in the Teenage Mothers Project ( TMP ) ( see Jarrett and Alexander Consulting Group Inc , 1995 ) , is at the forefront of efforts to address the developmental delays manifested among poor children ( Powell , 2004 ) ."
861,9137,0,1,0,0,""""""" It ranges from members of the Oireachtas , the clergy , the judiciary to people who are socially deprived , physically disabled and people who may be regarded as unattractive and may not be able to meet people . """""""
862,9138,0,0,0,0,"""But Fashola should avoid holding the taxation can for a government that many have defined as clueless as former President Goodluck Jonathan 's . Fashola should not squander his credibility with the people for a hopeless case . Some think he is young enough to be considered for the Presidency of Nigeria in the future . Jesus said , """" Let the dead bury their dead . """" Fashola should let those with the responsibility to levy tax do it ."""
863,9139,0,0,0,0,"Immigrant visas can be issued to the biological children of US citizens if the parent obtained US citizenship after the child 's birth . Visas can also be issued to the step-children of US citizens , and children whose US citizen biological parent(s) do not meet the physical presence requirements necessary to transmit citizenship . However , in each case , the petitioning US citizen must demonstrate that he resides , or intends to reside , permanently in the United States . US law does not allow immigrant visas to be issued in cases where the petitioners appear to be residing outside of the United States permanently ."
864,9140,0,0,0,0,"In his 1952 book Answer to Job , pioneer psychiatrist Carl Jung analyzed the psychological components associated with the nature of his emotional suffering . Job was deeply shattered by the trauma that fell upon him . He expresses self-pity and troubled desolation . The trauma left him feeling hopeless , and his mental agony is similar to one who suffers from PTSD . Job could very well be diagnosed with PTSD within today 's clinical definitions ."
865,9141,0,0,0,0,"The comprehensive immigration reform bill may be dead for now , but this is the time for advocates of reforms for legal immigrants to start taking up the issue more vigorously on Capitol Hill ."
866,9142,0,0,0,0,"Mashiyi found at the time that Omotoso was a flight risk because his relatives were UK nationals , his residential address could not be determined , his church had international branches and he was an illegal immigrant ."
867,9143,0,0,0,0,The pope however made no reference to the new populist government in Italy which has banned NGO-operated migrant rescue ships from docking .
868,9144,0,0,0,0,Help is coming in the form of ' Double Ds ' for Mangakino 's elderly and disabled .
869,9145,0,0,0,0,"The jury , made up of eight men and four women , took eight hours to reach its verdicts ."
870,9146,0,0,0,0,Govt pledges more than ? 56m for elderly and disabled
871,9147,0,0,0,0,"While Turner was reinstated after he was acquitted , sources said he was hopeless about promotion opportunities as a result of his damaged reputation ."
872,9148,0,0,1,0,"Earlier at the ceremony , Azlan , who is also Pauh assemblyman , handed out daily necessities donated by NCIA to 102 poor families in the state constituency ."
873,9149,1,0,0,0,Princess Margaret Hospital in need of ultrasound machine .... August 1 food and health fair to help buy equiptment
874,9150,0,0,0,0,"Pakistan equities like the equities the world over were caught unawares by the Trump victory and reacted the only way stocks react to such shocks . But rallied as the shock wore off . Uncertainty would persist until of course the ambiguity that separates what Trump the candidate said and what Trump the president-elect promised is replaced by firm policy formulations . What he said during his campaigning was in short a powerful appeal to the blue-collar white and working class Americans who felt that local job opportunities for them were shrinking because of globalisation and the liberal immigration policy . True enough , globalisation had exported millions of blue-collar American jobs to foreign countries and immigrants had out-priced them in the local job market . What he promised after victory had universal appeal for the world ."
875,9151,0,0,0,0,"According to the law , they have to form a three-member Standing Inquiry Committee with at least one woman member to handle cases of sexual harassment so that both men and women can earn halal living in a respectful manner ."
876,9152,0,0,0,0,Stories about sexual violence against refugee and immigrant women translated into 11 languages have been put into graphic novel form and are launching at the Kitchener Public Library on Thursday at 5:00 p.m .
877,9153,0,0,0,0,"It is also establishing a mobile clinic to improve access to lifesaving health care for more than 4,200 refugees , as well as host community members , in East Darfur ."
878,9154,0,0,0,0,"Nahlah Ayed is a CBC foreign correspondent based in London . A veteran of foreign reportage , she 's covered major world events : the refugee crisis across Europe , the dying days of Iran under international sanctions , and the conflict in Ukraine . Ayed also spent nearly a decade working in and covering conflicts across the Middle East . Prior to joining CBC News , Ayed was a parliamentary reporter for The Canadian Press ."
879,9155,1,0,0,0,"From Lagos to Nasarawa , Kebbi , to Warri , the resultant floods which accompany annual rainfall have continued to destroy homes and valuable property . As a result of this development , thousands of Nigerians are now being rendered homeless , many roads are becoming impassable and lives are being lost . Yet our worry stems from the fact that as bad as the situation may seem today , the worst is not over ."
880,9156,0,0,0,0,"These young girls are forced to drop out of school and become wives . Their dreams are completely destroyed and they become vulnerable to sexual and gender based violence , HIV and STI infection , Pregnancy related complications just to mention a few ."
881,9157,0,0,0,0,"Should the skeleton be positively identified as belonging to Eadgyth , it would be oldest remains of any English royal discovered so far . Experts say her closest competitors - the bones of various Saxon royals in Winchester Cathedral in southern England - are so hopelessly jumbled together that no single person can be identified ."
882,9158,0,0,0,0,"As many as 15,000 people are homeless after a huge fire engulfed an overcrowded slum in Manila , destroying thousands of homes and sending residents fleeing with their few possessions ."
883,9159,0,0,0,0,""""""" The well-being of the hen harrier , which is a threatened and vulnerable species , is largely dependent on the work carried out by farmers in maintaining the land for the benefit of the local ecosystem ."""
884,9160,0,0,0,0,But a jury of seven men and five women today found Killick guilty of the offences in just over seven hours .
885,9161,0,0,0,0,"The thing is , throughout the month of March , we celebrated women and their achievements in conjunction with International Women 's Day on March 8 -- women 's suffrage and the many roles women play within every family and community . Sadly , just as we were about to end this celebration of women empowerment , comes an article written and published for women that does nothing to empower them ."
886,9162,0,0,0,0,"Canete also predicted the EU would seek new alliances from the world 's largest economies to the most vulnerable island states , as well as US businesses and individuals supportive of the accord ."
887,9163,0,0,0,0,"Thus , their plans for the World Cup are going exactly according to plan . Having realised that they had no prospect of winning it by conventional means , they have devoted themselves to concocting the perfect plot for a Hollywood sports movie about a team that had been written off , with seemingly no chance of success , defying the odds and surging from the depths of hopelessness to clinch a dramatic triumph ."
888,9164,0,0,0,0,"Since Trump 's election we have been living in an era of constant , conspicuous activism . You are a nobody if you are not attached to a vital cause . To be caught posting selfies without a healthy dose of virtuous hashtags renders you hopelessly out of date ."
889,9165,0,0,0,0,"These are some of the dilemmas that befell Minnesotans in the wake of President Donald Trump 's first executive order , which banned nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries -- Syria , Iraq , Somalia , Sudan , Libya , Yemen , and Iran -- from traveling to the U.S. and placed an indefinite ban on refugee resettlement ."
890,9166,0,0,0,0,"The operation went smoothly and security was tight . But residents were homeless , distraught and said the notice given on July 3 to vacate by July 16 was too short ."
891,9167,0,0,0,0,""""""" It could not be more fitting that a quite different group which also enjoys the Queen 's unfailing interest and support - horses , of myriad breeds and colour - will join the 600 , sailors , soldiers , airmen and women who make up this evening 's celebration . """""""
892,9169,0,0,0,0,Nasa has assured Mr Pence the equipment was in need of a clean anyway .
893,9170,0,0,0,0,"This May 5 , 2018 , photo , released by the Royal Malaysian Police , shows illegal migrants on a rusty tanker near kota tinggi in Johor state , Malaysia . Malaysian police have intercepted a tanker with 131 Sri Lankans believed bound for Australia and New Zealand , smashing a large human smuggling ring that has been operating for over a year . ( Royal Malaysia Police via AP )"
894,9171,0,0,0,0,"The report showed that the highest number of accidents took place on the Dhaka-Chittagong highway in Sitakunda upazila , while Chandanaish , Patiya , Lohagara and Chowkoria on the Chittagong -- Cox 's Bazar highway were identified as the most vulnerable areas in the district ."
895,9172,0,0,0,0,"Established last year , the party - Republique En Marche , or Republic on the Move - is a new force in French politics . While Macron made headlines for creating a diverse coalition of deputies - with as many women as men , and from a wide range of professional backgrounds - the brief summer session before Parliament 's August recess was marked by infighting and a degree of administrative chaos ."
896,9173,1,0,1,0,Geeta and the other women in their Self Help Group are also proud of the fact that other women are also getting inspired by their progress story . More and more women are getting associated with Bihan with an aim to bring about positive changes in their lives and most of them are inspired by other women who have already shown the example .
897,9174,0,0,0,0,"The European Union has offered 85 million euros ( $94.89 million ) to help fund relief operations for hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into Uganda from neighboring South Sudan , it said in a statement on Thursday ."
898,9175,0,0,0,0,"""@Prafulla Surve - I do not deny India have had the upper hand against SL in head-to-head contests of late . My point is that the team according to ' kavindeven ' is so hopeless that """" ICC should only Give Bangladesh or Ireland to play with Sri Lanka """" has a habit of thoroughly embarrassing the ' World Champs ' and bowling them out for paltry scores , despite having """" greats """" like Raina in the team . Check this scorecard out : http : **58;495;TOOLONG"""
899,9176,0,0,0,0,Ban spoke at a one-day conference in Geneva meant to further efforts to resettle Syrian refugees . The UN refugee agency wants to find places abroad over the next three years for one-tenth of the 4.8 million Syrian refugees who are crowded into countries in the surrounding region .
900,9177,0,0,0,0,""""""" I realised that it was not impossible to achieve anything in the world despite being disabled ."""
901,9178,0,0,0,0,"Throughout the hearings , the court operated efficiently , providing translators to whoever needed them , offering brief consultations with the Public Defender and assistance for the mentally disabled . Both the judge and the prosecutor seemed genuinely interested in delivering justice and were patient , fair and even , at times , compassionate towards the accused ."
902,9179,0,0,0,0,""""""" In the 1950s and 60s we tended to accept immigrants largely from the United Kingdom , whereas Australia accepted immigrants from different parts of the world , so they got a much more culturally diverse society as a result . Our treatment of indigenous people and indigenous issues is probably better , but in terms of diversity , they could probably teach us a thing or two . """""""
903,9180,0,0,0,0,"Turkish authorities stopped 57 people trying to cross to the Greek island of Kos on Thursday night , as migrants remained undeterred by the boy 's drowning on the same route ."
904,9181,0,0,0,0,"This is just mind-boggling -- report after report is saying that Dhaka is vulnerable to an imminent earthquake and the consequences of it will be catastrophic , and yet , no one seems to care ! No one seems to be doing anything about it ."
905,9182,0,0,0,0,"Barring a disabled list stint for veteran Brett Gardner , who is nursing a sore knee , Frazier likely will be up for only a couple of days before heading back to the minor leagues . He has been in four major league games this year and has played 42 in the minors ."
906,9183,0,0,0,0,"However , Merkel 's subtle yet unambiguous pivot on refugee policy robbed the AfD of much of its strength . Germany played a key role in the 2016 EU-Turkey deal which , along with fences and tighter border controls in the Balkans , has effectively shut down southeastern Europe as an access route for illegal migration ."
907,9184,0,1,0,0,"A child shows off his latest drawing as part of a class run by NGO Najda Now . The classes allow refugee children the chance to depict their dreams and fears through pictures , Dec. 4 , 2015 . ( J. Owens/VOA )"
908,9185,0,0,0,0,""""""" Very few policies and programmes attempt to make healthy foods such as whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables affordable to poor families , """" Ezzati said in a statement ."""
909,9186,0,0,0,0,One bright spot in all of this is that while the Atlanta Mission currently does not offer day services to men - only women - they will begin offering those services at some point in 2017 to help bridge the gap of the closing of Open Door Community .
910,9187,0,0,0,0,"""As an immigrant himself and as someone who spent decades working with immigrants , Weintraub developed his """" Five Stages of Assimilation """" chart ."""
911,9188,0,0,0,0,"It is not clear what will happen to refugees who are not accepted by the US , or asylum seekers who have no valid protection claim but who can not be forced back to their home countries ."
912,9189,0,0,0,0,"After the 60 day period , joint immigration and police raids audits will follow to fish out illegal foreign workers and immigrants ."
913,9190,1,1,0,0,"The men and women of the Sergeantsville Fire Company and our many friends and neighbors -- we can not thank you enough for your generous donations with regards to the repast after the funeral . In particular , we thank the Colalillo family ( ShopRite ) , Marinelli family ( Maria Rosa ) , and Phillips Fine Wines for their donations of food and drink ."
914,9191,0,0,0,0,"These results are consistent with a theoretical model building on the seminal work of Basu and Van ( 1998 ) and Basu ( 2005 ) , where families use child labour to reach subsistence constraints and where child wages decrease in response to bans , leading poor families to utilise more child labour ."
915,9192,0,0,0,0,"Meanwhile , the immigrant population living in Latin America and the Caribbean is estimated at 7.6 million people , which is the equivalent of just 1.1 per cent of the region 's total . Of those , a majority were born in other countries of the region ( intraregional migration ) ."
916,9193,0,0,0,0,"But the number of other senior female ministers also attending cabinet has risen from two to four , taking the total number of women around the table to 10 . <h> Who really gained ?"
917,9194,0,0,0,0,"""Other parties chipped in , but it all felt much more like jumping on a populist bandwagon that has currency all over the world right now , than seriously trying to advance the best interests of New Zealand . Donald Trump made hay in America with a promise to build a ' big , beautiful ' wall to keep those """" bad """" Mexicans out . Marine Le Pen took a similar ' immigrants are very bad for France ' line in the French presidential election , and negative feelings about immigration were seen to be a powerful driver behind the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom . Anti-immigration feelings are easy to whip up . It would be nice to see more considered analysis ."""
918,9195,0,0,0,0,Mr Lupilya further said a total of 148 residents were rendered homeless as their houses were torn apart and ripped roofs blown away .
919,9197,0,0,0,0,"When the sorghum ripens , the farmers sell it to aid agencies , which grind it and use it to feed the refugees ."
920,9198,0,0,0,0,"Good Honeybadger , this is a cancer that is eating our country away , people want to accept wrong things because they are hopeless with the situation in this country .... the herdboy has successfully put our people in such despair that we start to think that wrong is good as long as it 's done by the likes of the Dancing Clown from Nkandla .... no morals at all . The ANC has got a serious problem when it comes to money really ....."
921,9199,0,0,0,0,"The house was built by William Scott Burn , a Scottish immigrant and prosperous grain merchant . A succession of prominent Hamiltonians , including Charles John Brydges of the Great Western Railway and real estate developer William D. Flatt owned it before the Balfour family ."
922,9200,0,0,0,0,"""A bittersweet exhibition with both a political and personal message honours the history of """" women 's work """" and a sad family story . """" Ninety """" features 90 textile works handstitched and dyed by Luggate artist Victoria Stevens -- one for every year her mother lived without a mother ."""
923,9201,0,0,0,0,"""A number of women and men helped """" nudge """" our Prime Minister to where she is today . . . Debbie Gregory reports on Jacinda Ardern 's first speech to commemorate 125 years of women 's suffrage in New Zealand , heard in Gisborne this week ."""
924,9202,0,0,0,0,UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming says the refugee agency opposes mandatory detention . She said UNHCR would also halt transport to and from the centers .
925,9203,0,0,0,0,How can we encourage more women to consider beer brewing and winemaking as professions ?
926,9204,0,0,0,0,"""Zulu said her first album will be an expression of who she is : """" I am utterly and truly a hopeless romantic , """" she chuckles . """" Its insane ! I really love seeing people happy and in love so I write about those feelings we feel when in love . Sadly , love ends and it 's only right to write about break-ups as well . I write about being happy , sad and just wanting to go crazy and party !"""
927,9205,0,0,0,0,"A wide range of Offaly based organisations including Teach Na nOg Acorn Project , disability support services and homeless associations have benefited from the redistribution of over 34,000 kgs ( or 76,000 meals ) of surplus food from Tesco stores across Offaly since 2014 ."
928,9206,0,0,0,0,"And my family is hopelessly attached to toast . Hardly a day goes by that someone is n't having at least one slice of toast with butter or jam , or sometimes even honey ."
929,9207,0,0,0,0,"The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said in an administrative complaint this week that Facebook violated the Fair Housing Act because its targeting systems allow advertisers to exclude certain audiences , such as families with young children or disabled people , from seeing housing ads ."
930,9208,0,0,0,0,"A good story can make or break a presentation , article , or conversation . In today 's noisy world , storytelling is the best way to get your message across or help anyone in need of publicity -- whether for a corporate organisation or an NGO working for the benefit of people ."
931,9209,0,0,0,0,He said all Daanish schools had been set up in backward areas for promoting quality education and these schools had opened doors of quality education to children of poor families .
932,9210,0,1,1,0,"Perhaps one of Lahiri 's most lasting contributions was keeping written records of the conditions of the refugees , with vivid and heart wrenching descriptions of their plight ."
933,9211,0,0,0,0,"A large UN convoy , carrying essential humanitarian supplies , reached the most affected districts of the city of Taiz and will start distributing assistance to those in need in the coming days . It is also expected that humanitarian assistance will reach Hajja , Sa'ada and other deprived Yemeni cities in the coming days ."
934,9212,0,0,0,0,"This reporter witnessed pregnant women , some of them with children on their backs who braved the heavy rains to walk long distances to health facilities ."
935,9213,0,0,0,0,""""""" It will test the failure of Msunduzi Municipality and Eskom to provide free basic electricity to poor families who access electricity through a prepaid meter on the basis of being discriminatory , unlawful and unconstitutional , """" Sibisi said ."""
936,9214,0,0,0,0,"It is estimated that 60 per cent of Rohingya refugees arriving in Bangladesh are children , he added ."
937,9215,1,0,0,0,"""My conclusion is that ours is a country and a world that has turned hope into a commodity and created ruthless """" hopereneurs """" ( hope entrepreneurs ) who will do anything to exploit hopelessness for their own enrichment ."""
938,9216,0,0,0,0,"Today there are over 17,000 volunteers from churches , community groups and schools who have gone to New Orleans to rebuild and restore the homes of senior citizens , disabled people and families with young children who were living in this middle class working community before the Hurricane . So far , over 250 families have seen their homes renovated by the group ."
939,9217,1,0,0,0,"When we read this passage , we can see that John represents the Jerusalem tradition , and people with a rich background . On the other hand Mary represents poor families and the Galilean tradition ."
940,9218,0,0,0,0,"""There are also financial barriers . The $3 cost of a mosquito net can be a deterrent to poor families that earn only $1 a day . """" If they have to choose between food and a mosquito net , they choose food , """" said Kalil Sagno , head of child survival for UNICEF in Katanga and two other provinces ."""
941,9219,1,0,0,0,"In any other state sleeping in the subway , on benches or even the middle of the streets people could be mistaken for alcoholics , drug addicts or homeless . But they have decent clothes , and carrying briefcases with documents . <h> Latest News"
942,9220,0,0,0,0,"Amnesty said it had gathered multiple testimonies about alleged abuse by the security forces , including claimed that soldiers coerced vulnerable survivors into having sex in exchange for food ."
943,9221,0,0,0,0,"He said the objectives of the project are to determine steps in the supply chain that was most vulnerable to development of aflatoxin and practices that influenced aflatoxin contamination in peanut , to carry out detailed comparisons of pest management , production , and field drying practices on aflatoxin contamination in peanut and to evaluate peanut germplasm for resistance to aflatoxin and other biotic stress factors such as leaf spot diseases ."
944,9222,0,0,0,0,"However , in the absence of collective bargaining power under the law , the agricultural workers are left vulnerable to exploitation , which leads to bonded labour ."
945,9223,0,0,0,0,He added that both the source and destination countries of migrants could benefit from migration if it is well managed .
946,9224,1,0,0,0,""""""" He joked to us that he was going to be the most famous disabled man in Africa , and now he 's on stage around the world and he has made that dream come true ."""
947,9225,0,0,0,0,"From Gaius Caligula to Mary Queen of the Scots , history is packed with murderous , treacherous , hopeless and clueless monarchs whose incompetence would have cost any other mortal their head ."
948,9226,0,0,0,0,Brian Killoran of the Immigrant Council of Ireland agrees with O'Sullivan that there is no malice in the intentions of the Cork supporters carrying the flag .
949,9227,0,0,0,0,"Part of the church 's collection also goes towards a special care fund which assists families in need to finance medical bills or school fees . The pastor said that though the fund is limited , countless persons have benefited from it in the nine years it has been in operation ."
950,9228,0,0,0,0,Across all sporting federations the picture painted is that of despair and hopelessness ; but have these sports entities demonstrated to SportPesa that they add value beyond the traditional advertising exposure ?
951,9229,0,0,0,0,"""Some 53 percent of Democrats said they """" strongly disagree """" with the decision . They were also more than three times as likely as Republicans to say that the US """" should continue to take in immigrants and refugees . """""""
952,9230,0,0,0,0,Heavy rains render l8 families homeless
953,9231,0,0,0,0,""""""" This is a public hall for community use , for the elderly , disabled and orphans . Pensioners will utilise this place to get their pension money instead of having to wait in the burning sun or under trees . The facility can also be used by schools to write exams , """" Khoza said ."""
954,9232,1,0,0,0,"Established more than 150 years ago as the nation 's main facility to treat persons with mental illnesses , the Bellevue Hospital in east Kingston seems to be morphing into a long-care facility for the homeless ."
955,9233,0,0,0,0,Le r ? ve Canadien : French immigrants find Canada the land of opportunity
956,9234,1,0,0,0,""""""" It still is n't easy , it 's still very hurtful , it 's still very painful , """" she said . """" Charlie and I have worked together , we 've been friends . But when you think about the anguish of those women , despite the friendship , you still have to report the news . """""""
957,9235,0,0,0,0,"China materials -- which include the steelmakers and cement companies -- along with Greater China and India utility companies were also flagged as being vulnerable to the rise in US dollars , Morgan Stanley highlighted . Capacity utilisation has been low and the lack of pricing power has eroded earnings of these corporates , putting significant pressure on their balance sheets ."
958,9236,0,0,0,0,"I say so is because one day they seem to be doing everything right and trying to rectify what went wrong with the previous team . Then the next day , they seem to be hopelessly out of form and not knowing what to do next . And come to think of it , that is exactly how your boys played in India !"
959,9237,0,0,0,0,"""That was more than a decade ago , and the father of three used the money to pay for rent and stay afloat until he found another job . """" We are always in need , so I used the money , """" he said in Spanish . """" We were struggling . We tried to make the money stretch . """""""
960,9238,0,1,1,1,"This letter also might encourage other people . If they see someone struggling just go over and help . It can really make that elderly , disabled or troubled person 's day !"
961,9239,0,0,0,0,"Elijah Amoo Addo , the founder of Food for All Ghana , an organisation that seeks to help the vulnerable through Ghana sought out Rita ."
962,9240,0,0,0,0,"Aside from this , Osme ? a said the executive department did not submit the plans for the construction of a P50-million medium-rise building for the urban poor families and informal settlers ."
963,9241,0,0,0,0,The research represents a departure from much of the current advice given to pregnant women in Australia .
964,9242,0,0,0,0,""""""" Opponents already are using his negative comments about women and immigrants to mobilize support among those constituencies , and those efforts will intensify as we move toward the general election , """" West said ."""
965,9243,0,0,0,0,"Napolitano has emerged as a key defender of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA , a policy she crafted as secretary of homeland security under former president Barack Obama . She estimates the University of California has roughly 3,700 undergraduates who benefit under the policy , which has granted two-year , renewable work or study permits to many immigrants who were brought to the United States as children ."
966,9245,0,0,0,0,"Resetting the Table looks at how the shift in gender roles and certain political and cultural movements ( such as back-to-the-land in the ' 60s and ' 70s ) affected how Americans ate , as well as at the introduction of foods and flavors from Asia , Africa and the Middle East by postwar immigrants and the spread of Mexican-American cuisine to all corners of the country ."
967,9246,0,0,0,0,Crisis:Migrants and refugees wait to board a bus after crossing the Slovenian-Austrian border
968,9247,0,0,0,0,"""Rixon , 62 , is regarded as a hard taskmaster and Arthur said last week the team 's fielding was """" in need of a huge lift """" ."""
969,9248,0,0,0,0,"In other words , if you want to show how hopeless and destructive an idea or system is , do n't keep challenging it . Instead , at least initially , behave as if you fully support it . Act as if you completely subscribe to its fundamental tenets in the hope of thereby exposing the lie or facade -- the fantasy -- of the system itself ."
970,9249,1,1,1,0,"In Nyarugusu , Tanzania 's last major refugee camp , the government and United Nations are trying to end a rootless life for generations of people living -- and many born -- in exile ."
971,9251,0,0,0,0,ROME : Italy 's far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Friday launched a blistering attack on prosecutors in Sicily after they confirmed a probe into his refusal to allow more than 100 rescued migrants off a coastguard ship last month .
972,9252,0,0,0,0,"In an act of defiance against Hungarian authorities , which had suspended trains to Western Europe , between 1,200 and 2,000 refugees decided to walk from Keleti Station in Budapest to Vienna on Friday . Men , women , children -- even people on crutches -- marched from the late morning to evening , clutching bags filled with all the possessions they had ."
973,9253,0,0,0,0,"The problem is most cocoa is produced by poor families who can not afford fertilisers and pesticides , the experts noted ."
974,9254,0,0,0,0,My colleague and friend is the multi-lingual daughter of Haitian immigrants .
975,9255,0,0,0,0,"The healthcare centres , this paper understand , are currently in need of an estimated 4 million Ghana cedis for proper and an effective management ."
976,9257,1,0,0,0,"Girls-mistresses with good manners who know how chastely to entertain the guests , appeared in the times of the samurai . Moreover , this work received men . Over time it has developed a tradition in which geisha was 5-9-year-old girls from poor families . They were taken to okija , tea-houses , where he taught art and manners . This way you can arrange your life was considered a rare success ."
977,9258,0,0,0,0,""""""" All indications point to the Myanmar security forces deliberately targeting locations that Rohingya refugees use as crossing points , """" Tirana Hassan , an Amnesty official , said in a statement on Sunday . """" This a cruel and callous way of adding to the misery of people fleeing a systematic campaign of persecution . """" <h> Massacre at Tula Toli : Rohingya recall horror of Myanmar army attack"""
978,9259,0,0,0,0,"Friday 's intervention is to support those in need of forex in the agricultural , airlines , petroleum products , raw materials and machinery sectors ."
979,9260,0,0,0,0,"""It was important to remember that """" although there has been a huge increase in fear among migrants after Trump 's election , with the expectation of more draconian enforcement , the Obama administration deported 2.5 million undocumented migrants -- so the immigrant community has lived with fear for years . """""""
980,9261,0,0,0,0,"In one of those cases , an individual parked more than 100 times in a disabled bay and was fined ? ? ? 120 on each occasion , running up a bill of ? ? ? 14,320 ."
981,9262,0,0,0,0,"Gairo District Commissioner Khanifa Karamagi said at the launch of a new office for Camfed Tanzania to support vulnerable girls and boys in the district that the council is looking for investors because it is endowed with suitable land capable of supporting wheat , coffee , ginger and Irish potatoes production ."
982,9263,0,0,0,0,Kirsty wants women who are running the mini-marathon to consider raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland .
983,9264,0,0,0,0,"""Asim Qureshi , of Cageprisoners , says that he finds Jeremiah Adebolajo 's case to be """" ... absolutely credible , we 've heard this story many times over and over again . Clients come to us or we hear about them ourselves who have been harassed by the security agencies ... people like Jeremiah were in a situation , in vulnerable positions in countries that have very little in terms of legal system and can often be preyed upon in order to try and turn them into working for them . """""""
984,9265,0,0,0,0,"Lucy Lawless ( Salem , Spartacus ) as Ruby , a mysterious figure who believes Ash is the cause of the Evil outbreaks , Ray Santiago ( Touch , Meet the Fockers ) as Pablo Simon Bolivar , an idealistic immigrant who becomes Ash 's loyal sidekick , Dana DeLorenzo ( A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas ) as Kelly Maxwell , a moody wild child trying to outrun her past , and Jill Marie Jones ( Sleepy Hollow ) as Amanda Fisher , a disgraced Michigan State Trooper set to find the anti-hero Ash and prove his responsibility in the grisly murder of her partner ."
985,9266,0,0,0,0,"Hiebert , who has published major studies on immigration , housing and ethnic enclaves , believes immigrants are seriously affecting housing affordability at both the high and low ends of the market ."
986,9267,0,0,0,0,"CAPE TOWN , SOUTH AFRICA : At Cape Town 's Nazareth House , a care home for dozens of vulnerable , disabled and orphaned children , feeding time is executed with military precision ."
987,9268,0,0,0,0,""""""" How many more kidnappings or illegal immigrant related crimes need to occur before this is resolved ?"""
988,9269,0,0,0,0,"Soccerladuma is back again with lies . Bucs are after any striker . And besides , Grobler is not a Bucs material , he 's like the ex bucs Ezenwa Otorogu . We are in need of a solid Centre back like Kwanda Mngonyama , and pair him with T Gumede."
989,9270,0,0,0,0,"""The remarks come shortly after Yacoub El Hillo , the UN 's top humanitarian official in Syria , and regional coordinator Kevin Kennedy called for a ceasefire or weekly 48-hour """" humanitarian pauses """" to reach those in need ."""
990,9271,0,0,0,0,The Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation holds clinics at immigrant service agencies to help newcomers understand their rights . It also trains settlement workers on housing issues and rental laws .
991,9272,0,0,0,0,"It was found that Hyderabad had become a hunting ground for contractors bringing children from other States for employment . Also , runaways from home due to neglect and incompatible parents were vulnerable to sexual abuse and violence ."
992,9273,0,0,0,0,"""It said in a statement that observer status meant it could """" engage at the commission as a recognised NGO and speak on our own behalf and in our own name . Further , it contributes to the recognition of the rights of women human rights defenders to defend human rights and to the recognition of sexuality and gender . """""""
993,9274,0,0,0,0,"Lim said based on his knowledge , the oldest homeless person in PJ Old Town is 74 . Everyone has their own story why they ended in this situation . Although we are homeless , we are independent as we do some odd jobs to earn some money ."
994,9275,0,0,0,0,"""Charity workers describe Camden Council as """" one of the most progressive local authorities in London """" in tackling homelessness , but rough sleepers say they want a """" more hands on """" approach ."""
995,9277,0,0,0,0,Andalucia 's left-wing regional government in April passed a measure to temporarily block evictions from homes belonging to banks or real estate firms and allow poor families to stay in them for a modest rent . <h> AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE
996,9278,0,0,0,0,OTTAWA - Canadians who sponsor grandma and grandpa - or even just aging parents - as immigrants are leaving taxpayers with some hefty health care bills .
997,9279,0,0,0,0,"Satoshi Uematsu , suspected of a deadly attack at a facility for the disabled ."
998,9281,0,0,0,0,"Apparently the entirely hopeless pan-democrats in the legislature do nothing but obstruct the government and spend their time blathering on about democracy . That , at any rate , is the story you can read any day ..."