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  • import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.optim as optim
    from MetaAugment.main import train_child_network, create_toy
    from MetaAugment.autoaugment_learners.autoaugment import AutoAugment
    import torchvision.transforms as transforms
    import copy
    import types
    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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    class aa_learner:
        The parent class for all aa_learner's
            op_tensor_length (int): what is the dimension of the tensor that represents
                                each 'operation' (which is made up of fun_name, prob,
                                and mag).
        def __init__(self, 
                    # parameters that define the search space
                    # hyperparameters for when training the child_network
                sp_num (int, optional): number of subpolicies per policy. Defaults to 5.
                fun_num (int, optional): number of image functions in our search space.
                                Defaults to 14.
                p_bins (int, optional): number of bins we divide the interval [0,1] for 
                                probabilities. Defaults to 11.
                m_bins (int, optional): number of bins we divide the magnitude space.
                                Defaults to 10.
                discrete_p_m (bool, optional):
                                Whether or not the agent should represent probability and 
                                magnitude as discrete variables as the out put of the 
                                controller (A controller can be a neural network, genetic
                                algorithm, etc.). Defaults to False
                batch_size (int, optional): child_network training parameter. Defaults to 32.
                toy_size (int, optional): child_network training parameter. ratio of original
                                    dataset used in toy dataset. Defaults to 0.1.
                learning_rate (float, optional): child_network training parameter. Defaults to 1e-2.
                max_epochs (Union[int, float], optional): child_network training parameter. 
                                    Defaults to float('inf').
                early_stop_num (int, optional): child_network training parameter. Defaults to 20.
            # related to defining the search space
            self.sp_num = sp_num
            self.p_bins = p_bins
            self.m_bins = m_bins
            self.discrete_p_m = discrete_p_m
            # related to training of the child_network
            self.batch_size = batch_size
            self.toy_size = toy_size
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate
            self.max_epochs = max_epochs
            self.early_stop_num = early_stop_num
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            # TODO: We should probably use a different way to store results than self.history
            self.history = []
            # this is the full augmentation space. We take out some image functions
            # if the user specifies so in the exclude_method parameter
            augmentation_space = [
                # (function_name, do_we_need_to_specify_magnitude)
                ("ShearX", True),
                ("ShearY", True),
                ("TranslateX", True),
                ("TranslateY", True),
                ("Rotate", True),
                ("Brightness", True),
                ("Color", True),
                ("Contrast", True),
                ("Sharpness", True),
                ("Posterize", True),
                ("Solarize", True),
                ("AutoContrast", False),
                ("Equalize", False),
                ("Invert", False),
            self.exclude_method = exclude_method
            self.augmentation_space = [x for x in augmentation_space if x[0] not in exclude_method]
            self.fun_num = len(self.augmentation_space)
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            self.op_tensor_length = self.fun_num + p_bins + m_bins if discrete_p_m else self.fun_num +2
            self.num_pols_tested = 0
            self.policy_record = {}
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        def _translate_operation_tensor(self, operation_tensor, return_log_prob=False, argmax=False):
            takes in a tensor representing an operation and returns an actual operation which
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            is in the form of:
                ("Invert", 0.8, None)
                ("Contrast", 0.2, 6)
                operation_tensor (tensor): 
                                    We expect this tensor to already have been softmaxed.
                                    - If self.discrete_p_m is True, we expect to take in a tensor with
                                    dimension (self.fun_num + self.p_bins + self.m_bins)
                                    - If self.discrete_p_m is False, we expect to take in a tensor with
                                    dimension (self.fun_num + 1 + 1)
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                return_log_prob (boolesn): 
                                    When this is on, we return which indices (of fun, prob, mag) were
                                    chosen (either randomly or deterministically, depending on argmax).
                                    This is used, for example, in the gru_learner to calculate the
                                    probability of the actions were chosen, which is then logged, then
                argmax (boolean): 
                                Whether we are taking the argmax of the softmaxed tensors. 
                                If this is False, we treat the softmaxed outputs as multinomial pdf's.
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                operation (list of tuples):
                                    An operation in the format that can be directly put into an
                                    AutoAugment object.
                log_prob (float):
                                Used in reinforcement learning updates, such as proximal policy update
                                in the gru_learner.
                                Can only be used when self.discrete_p_m.
                                We add the logged values of the indices of the image_function,
                                probability, and magnitude chosen.
                                This corresponds to multiplying the non-logged values, then logging
    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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            if (not self.discrete_p_m) and return_log_prob:
                raise ValueError("You are not supposed to use return_log_prob=True when the agent's \
                                self.discrete_p_m is False!")
            # make sure shape is correct
            assert operation_tensor.shape==(self.op_tensor_length, ), operation_tensor.shape
            # if probability and magnitude are represented as discrete variables
            if self.discrete_p_m:
                fun_t, prob_t, mag_t = operation_tensor.split([self.fun_num, self.p_bins, self.m_bins])
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                # make sure they are of right size
                assert fun_t.shape==(self.fun_num,), f'{fun_t.shape} != {self.fun_num}'
                assert prob_t.shape==(self.p_bins,), f'{prob_t.shape} != {self.p_bins}'
                assert mag_t.shape==(self.m_bins,), f'{mag_t.shape} != {self.m_bins}'
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                    fun_idx = torch.argmax(fun_t).item()
                    prob_idx = torch.argmax(prob_t).item() # 0 <= p <= 10
                    mag = torch.argmax(mag_t).item() # 0 <= m <= 9
                elif argmax==False:
                    # we need these to add up to 1 to be valid pdf's of multinomials
                    assert torch.sum(fun_t).isclose(torch.ones(1)), torch.sum(fun_t)
                    assert torch.sum(prob_t).isclose(torch.ones(1)), torch.sum(prob_t)
                    assert torch.sum(mag_t).isclose(torch.ones(1)), torch.sum(mag_t)
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                    fun_idx = torch.multinomial(fun_t, 1).item() # 0 <= fun <= self.fun_num-1
                    prob_idx = torch.multinomial(prob_t, 1).item() # 0 <= p <= 10
                    mag = torch.multinomial(mag_t, 1).item() # 0 <= m <= 9
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                function = self.augmentation_space[fun_idx][0]
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                prob = prob_idx/(self.p_bins-1)
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                indices = (fun_idx, prob_idx, mag)
                # log probability is the sum of the log of the softmax values of the indices 
                # (of fun_t, prob_t, mag_t) that we have chosen
                log_prob = torch.log(fun_t[fun_idx]) + torch.log(prob_t[prob_idx]) + torch.log(mag_t[mag])
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            # if probability and magnitude are represented as continuous variables
                fun_t, prob, mag = operation_tensor.split([self.fun_num, 1, 1])
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                prob = prob.item()
    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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                mag = mag.item()
                # make sure the shape is correct
                assert fun_t.shape==(self.fun_num,), f'{fun_t.shape} != {self.fun_num}'
                if argmax==True:
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                    fun_idx = torch.argmax(fun_t)
                    assert torch.sum(fun_t).isclose(torch.ones(1))
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                    fun_idx = torch.multinomial(fun_t, 1).item()
                prob = round(prob, 1) # round to nearest first decimal digit
                mag = round(mag) # round to nearest integer
            function = self.augmentation_space[fun_idx][0]
            assert 0 <= prob <= 1, prob
            assert 0 <= mag <= self.m_bins-1, (mag, self.m_bins)
            # if the image function does not require a magnitude, we set the magnitude to None
            if self.augmentation_space[fun_idx][1] == True: # if the image function has a magnitude
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                operation = (function, prob, mag)
    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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                operation =  (function, prob, None)
            if return_log_prob:
                return operation, log_prob
                return operation
    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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        def _generate_new_policy(self):
            Generate a new policy which can be fed into an AutoAugment object 
            by calling:
                AutoAugment.subpolicies = policy
                new_policy (list[tuple]):
                            A new policy generated by the controller. It
                            has the form of:
                                (("Invert", 0.8, None), ("Contrast", 0.2, 6)),
                                (("Rotate", 0.7, 2), ("Invert", 0.8, None)),
                                (("Sharpness", 0.8, 1), ("Sharpness", 0.9, 3)),
                                (("ShearY", 0.5, 8), ("Invert", 0.7, None)),
                            This object can be fed into an AutoAUgment object
                            by calling: AutoAugment.subpolicies = policy
            raise NotImplementedError('_generate_new_policy not implemented in aa_learner')
        def learn(self, train_dataset, test_dataset, child_network_architecture, iterations=15):
            Runs the main loop (of finding a good policy for the given child network,
            training dataset, and test(validation) dataset)
            Does the loop which is seen in Figure 1 in the AutoAugment paper
            which is:
                1. <generate a random policy>
                2. <see how good that policy is>
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                3. <save how good the policy is in a list/dictionary and 
                    (if applicable,) update the controller (e.g. RL agent)>
                train_dataset (
                test_dataset (
                child_network_architecture (Union[function, nn.Module]):
                                    NOTE This can be both, for example,
                iterations (int): how many different policies do you want to test
            If child_network_architecture is a <function>, then we make an 
            instance of it. If this is a <nn.Module>, we make a copy.deepcopy
            of it. We make a copy of it because we we want to keep an untrained 
            (initialized but not trained) version of the child network
            architecture, because we need to train it multiple times
            for each policy. Keeping child_network_architecture as a `function` is
            potentially better than keeping it as a nn.Module because every
            time we make a new instance, the weights are differently initialized
            which means that our results will be less biased
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    Sun Jin Kim's avatar
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            .. code-block::
                :caption: This is an example dummy code which tests out 15 
                          different policies
                for _ in range(15):
                    policy = self._generate_new_policy()
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                    reward = self._test_autoaugment_policy(policy,
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        def _test_autoaugment_policy(self,
            Given a policy (using AutoAugment paper terminology), we train a child network
            using the policy and return the accuracy (how good the policy is for the dataset and 
            child network).
                policy (list[tuple]): A list of tuples representing a policy.
                child_network_architecture (Union[function, nn.Module]):
                                    If this is a :code:`function`, then we make
                                    an instance of it. If this is a 
                                    :code:`nn.Module`, we make a :code:`copy.deepcopy`
                                    of it.
                train_dataset (
                test_dataset (
                logging (boolean): Whether we want to save logs
                accuracy (float): best accuracy reached in any
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            # we create an instance of the child network that we're going
            # to train. The method of creation depends on the type of 
            # input we got for child_network_architecture
            if isinstance(child_network_architecture, types.FunctionType):
                child_network = child_network_architecture()
            elif isinstance(child_network_architecture, type):
                child_network = child_network_architecture()
            elif isinstance(child_network_architecture, torch.nn.Module):
                child_network = copy.deepcopy(child_network_architecture)
                raise ValueError('child_network_architecture must either be \
                                a <function> or a <torch.nn.Module>. Type of : ',
                                child_network_architecture, ': ' ,
            # We need to define an object aa_transform which takes in the image and 
            # transforms it with the policy (specified in its .policies attribute)
            # in its forward pass
            aa_transform = AutoAugment()
            aa_transform.subpolicies = policy
            train_transform = transforms.Compose([
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            # We feed the transformation into the Dataset object
            train_dataset.transform = train_transform
            # create Dataloader objects out of the Dataset objects
            train_loader, test_loader = create_toy(train_dataset,
            # train the child network with the dataloaders equipped with our specific policy
            accuracy = train_child_network(child_network, 
                                        sgd = optim.SGD(child_network.parameters(),
                                        # sgd = optim.Adadelta(
                                        #               child_network.parameters(),
                                        #               lr=self.learning_rate),
                                        cost = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(),
                                        max_epochs = self.max_epochs, 
                                        early_stop_num = self.early_stop_num, 
            # turn policy into dictionary format and add it into self.policy_record
            curr_pol = f'pol{self.num_pols_tested}'
            pol_dict = {}
            for subpol in policy:
                first_trans, first_prob, first_mag = subpol[0]
                second_trans, second_prob, second_mag = subpol[1]
                components = (first_prob, first_mag, second_prob, second_mag)
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                if first_trans in pol_dict:
                    if second_trans in pol_dict[first_trans]:
                        pol_dict[first_trans]= {second_trans: [components]}
                    pol_dict[first_trans]= {second_trans: [components]}
            self.policy_record[curr_pol] = (pol_dict, accuracy)
            self.num_pols_tested += 1
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        def get_mega_policy(self, number_policies=5):
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            Produces a mega policy, based on the n best subpolicies (evo learner)/policies
            (other learners)
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                number_policies -> int: Number of (sub)policies to be included in the mega
                megapolicy -> [subpolicy, subpolicy, ...]
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            number_policies = max(number_policies, len(self.history))
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            inter_pol = sorted(self.history, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)[:number_policies]
            megapol = []
            for pol in inter_pol:
                megapol += pol[0]
            return megapol