- Apr 02, 2015
Mike Pennisi authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/es6/templates.js Some of these tests include non-printable characters, causing git to infer that they are binary files. Introduce a `.gitattributes` file to configure git to consistently display the source text of all JavaScript files.
- Mar 31, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
candidate fix for #215
- Mar 30, 2015
smikes authored
additional test, tests should have unique names improve python style thx to arv
Rick Waldron authored
Fix copyright line
Rick Waldron authored
- Mar 19, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (iteration semantics)
Brian Terlson authored
computed-property-names: follow up corrections. Fixes gh-198
Rick Waldron authored
Mike Pennisi authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/es6/iteration-semantics.js
- Mar 18, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
computed-property-names: corrections. Fixes gh-198
Rick Waldron authored
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (Block Scoping)
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (Array isConcatSpreadable)
Brian Terlson authored
computed-property-names: corrections. Fixes gh-198
Rick Waldron authored
Brian Terlson authored
Symbol.species tests
- Mar 17, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Make writability helper function non-destructive
- Mar 09, 2015
smikes authored
Initial tests for property existence move getter name test to builtin-getter-name initial cut at extends test incorporate line notes, thanks @anba
- Mar 07, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (Computed Property Names)
- Mar 06, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (Class syntax & semantics)
Brian Terlson authored
Add Array Iteration Tests
Mike Pennisi authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/es6/array-iterator.js
Rick Waldron authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/harmony/class-computed-property-names-super.js test/mjsunit/harmony/class-property-name-eval-arguments.js test/mjsunit/harmony/classes-experimental.js test/mjsunit/harmony/classes-lazy-parsing.js test/mjsunit/harmony/classes.js
- Mar 05, 2015
Rick Waldron authored
Rick Waldron authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/harmony/computed-property-names-classes.js test/mjsunit/harmony/computed-property-names-object-literals-methods.js test/mjsunit/harmony/computed-property-names-super.js test/mjsunit/harmony/computed-property-names.js
Rick Waldron authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/harmony/array-concat.js
- Mar 04, 2015
Mike Pennisi authored
After checking the writability of a given property, restore the property value to its original state.
Rick Waldron authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/harmony/block-conflicts.js test/mjsunit/harmony/block-for.js test/mjsunit/harmony/block-leave.js test/mjsunit/harmony/block-let-declaration.js test/mjsunit/harmony/block-let-semantics.js test/mjsunit/harmony/block-scoping.js
- Feb 27, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
Fix "junit" output option to produce valid JUnit XML
Gregory Brail authored
Jenkins. Wrap XML output correctly and post-process failure messages to avoid invalid XML characters.
Brian Terlson authored
add () to super call
Brian Terlson authored
format features correctly
- Feb 26, 2015
- Feb 20, 2015
Brian Terlson authored
First v8 tests
Mike Pennisi authored
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: test/mjsunit/es6/string-html.js
Brian Terlson authored
initial set of generator tests
Brian Terlson authored
Import tests from Google V8 (Arrow Functions)
smikes authored
fix info, desc remove dubious test correct no-name test, add implicit-name test
Brian Terlson authored
harness: add checks of descriptor attributes