- Jul 30, 2018
test262-automation authored
[javascriptcore-test262-automation] Updated curation log with latest revision sha's from export and changed files. sourceRevisionAtLastExport: 8bfa53d50 targetRevisionAtLastExport: 8bc4e38a
- Jul 27, 2018
Ms2ger authored
Ms2ger authored
Ms2ger authored
The specification was updated in https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/232.
- Jul 26, 2018
Rick Waldron authored
Make doneprinthandle.js accept the input and produce the output expected by test262-harness. (#1650) This is not a breaking change, it simply adds explicit handling to the function
- Jul 25, 2018
Leo Balter authored
Generate tests for "feature new.target"
Rick Waldron authored
Rick Waldron authored
Rick Waldron authored
Merge branch 'feature-new.target' of https://github.com/IgnoredAmbience/test262 into IgnoredAmbience-feature-new.target * 'feature-new.target' of https://github.com/IgnoredAmbience/test262: Add feature flags for `new.target`
- Jul 24, 2018
Thomas Wood authored
Additionally removed the `arrow-function` feature for test/language/eval-code/direct/new.target-fn.js as it is not testing arrow-functions, but they are mentioned in the preamble.
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Leo Balter authored
Rick Waldron authored
Curation: Removed all test files that depend on $vm (implementation-contributed/javascriptcore) (#1629) - Eliminates: - controlFlowProfiler/* - exceptionFuzz/*
- Jul 20, 2018
Rick Waldron authored
Follow up to https://github.com/tc39/test262/pull/1643
Thomas Wood authored
All other Proxy tests use the syntax `attr: function() {...}` for defining traps, ownKeys was unique in using the shorthand syntax. Change to longhand syntax for back-compat for partial implementations.
Thomas Wood authored
Proxy/deleteProperty/boolean-trap-result-boolean-true.js was missing a feature flag for the Reflect library.
Ms2ger authored
Ivan Vyshnevskyi authored
- Jul 14, 2018
Ms2ger authored
- Jul 13, 2018
Rick Waldron authored
Mike Pennisi authored
Thsi test for the parsing of string literals was expressed using `eval`. This made the test more complex than necessary and also prevented the test from providing value to ECMAScript parsers. Remove the use of `eval` and instead express the expectation with literal source text.
Mike Pennisi authored
This test is technically valid because it does trigger a SyntaxError in conforming runtimes. However, it was authored and documented to test LegacyOctalEscapeSequence, but due to an apparent typo, it actually demonstrates an unrelated parsing error. Because 'legacy-octal-escape-sequence-stricts.js' sufficiently tests the restriction on LegacyOctalEscapeSequence, remove this test rather than correct it.
Mike Pennisi authored
This test for string literals asserts the restriction on LegacyOctalEscapeSequence in strict mode. It is not sufficiently distinct from the test 'legacy-octal-escape-sequence-stricts.js' to warrant inclusion in the test suite. Because that test includes much more thorough documentation, it should be preferred.
Mike Pennisi authored
A number of tests for string literals assert the restriction on LegacyOctalEscapeSequence in strict mode code and differ only in the escape sequence under test. Although each is valid, none of the escape sequences are sufficiently distinct from the test 'legacy-octal-escape-sequence-stricts.js' to warrant their inclusion in the test suite. Because that test's use of literal code makes it consumable by parsers and because that test includes much more thorough documentation, it should be preferred. Summary of LegacyOctalEscapeSequences under test in the removed files: test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-10-s.js: eval('var x = " \\10 ";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-11-s.js: eval('var x = "\\16";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-12-s.js: eval('var x = "\\17";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-13-s.js: eval('var x = "\\30";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-14-s.js: eval('var x = "\\31";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-15-s.js: eval('var x = "\\37";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-16-s.js: eval('var x = "\\400";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-17-s.js: eval('var x = "\\411";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-18-s.js: eval('var x = "\\43a";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-19-s.js: eval('var x = "\\463";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-2-s.js: eval('var x = "\\1";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-20-s.js: eval('var x = "\\474";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-21-s.js: eval('var x = "\\77";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-22-s.js: eval('var x = "\\777";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-23-s.js: eval('var x = "\\000";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-24-s.js: eval('var x = "\\001";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-25-s.js: eval('var x = "\\106";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-26-s.js: eval('var x = "\\207";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-27-s.js: eval('var x = "\\377";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-28-s.js: eval('var x = "\\376";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-29-s.js: eval('var x = "\\3760";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-3-s.js: eval('var x = "a\\4";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-32-s.js: eval('var x = "\\1\\1";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-33-s.js: eval('var x = "\\1\\2\\7";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-4-s.js: eval('var x = "z\\7";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-5-s.js: eval('var x = "\\00a";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-6-s.js: eval('var x = "\\01z";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-7-s.js: eval('var x = "a\\03z";'); test/language/literals/string/7.8.4-8-s.js: eval('var x = " \\06";');
Mike Pennisi authored
Mike Pennisi authored
Test262 already includes tests to ensure the correct runtime semantics for these forms. Add equivalent tests designed to verify that the equivalent parsing behavior is also observed.
Mike Pennisi authored
Verify runtime semantics through assignment to an unresolvable reference, reducing the complexity of tests that previously relied on the semantics of the `eval` function.
Mike Pennisi authored
Promote consistency in coverage by adding new tests that correspond to those that were authored previously.
Mike Pennisi authored
- Jul 09, 2018
Leo Balter authored
jugglinmike authored
The document fragments used by the ECMAScript specification do not conform to any particular pattern beyond the grammar defined by the URL standard [1]. Relax the linting rule to enforce a simplified version of that grammar. [1] https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#fragment-state
- Jul 06, 2018
Rick Waldron authored
Update the test for negative zero in NumberFormat.