- Feb 08, 2016
Rick Waldron authored
Enable parallel test execution in console runner
Till Schneidereit authored
Adds a `-j`/`--workers-count` parameter to `tools/packaging/test262.py`, defaulting to `[number of cores] - 1`. Speeds up running the test suite by about ~3x on my 4-core machine, with the SpiderMonkey shell. This could certainly be optimized more by just appending test results to per-thread lists and merging them at the end, but it's better than nothing.
- Feb 05, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Add tests for zero conversion on Array#indexOf and Array#lastIndexOf
Leonardo Balter authored
Fixes #435
Gorkem Yakin authored
Move tests for object literals
Gorkem Yakin authored
Add tests for tail-call optimization
- Feb 04, 2016
Leo Balter authored
Update contribution guidelines
Mike Pennisi authored
It was recently decided to prefer the new `id` tag over the existing `es5id` and `es6id` tag when authoring tests. Update the contribution guidelines to reference the new tag.
Mike Pennisi authored
Test262 defines tests for expression-producing syntactic forms within the `language/expressions/` directory. Most tests for object literals conform to this structure, but 12 such tests were added to the `language/object-literal/` directory. Move these tests to the canonical location for object literals.
- Feb 01, 2016
Mike Pennisi authored
ECMAScript 2015 introduced tail call optimization for function calls occuring in a number of positions in the grammar. Assert expected behavior by triggering a large (but configurable) number of recursive function calls in these positions. Compliant runtimes will execute such programs without error; non-compliant runtimes are expected to fail these tests by throwing an error or crashing when system resources are exhausted.
- Jan 29, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Leonardo Balter authored
Fixes #477
Gorkem Yakin authored
Fix case sentitive error on test/built-ins/Object folder
Leonardo Balter authored
Fixes gh-482
- Jan 26, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Tests for ES2015/2016 Completion Reform
- Jan 24, 2016
Leo Balter authored
Stop test262 from hanging Spidermonkey with an unimportant error message
- Jan 23, 2016
Tom Schuster authored
- Jan 22, 2016
Mike Pennisi authored
The ES2016 draft further refines the completion values for `if` and `with` statements. Two tests must be removed outright because the completion value in those cases is no longer accessible from the runtime.
Mike Pennisi authored
In order to facilitate proper tail calls, ES2015 modified the completion value of a number of statements. These tests use `eval` to verify the new values.
- Jan 21, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Basic coverage for the %TypedArray% object
Leonardo Balter authored
Replace a ES2015 test where calling the TypedArray constructor with a floating number triggered a RangeError. Within the ES2016 specs, the same call will trigger a TypeError, as the result for `SameValue(NewTarget, here)` will be checked before.
Mike Pennisi authored
- Jan 20, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Add tests for iterator expression in ForIn/Of head
Gorkem Yakin authored
Mike Pennisi authored
Remove files that tested both PerformPromiseThen and PromiseResolveFunction in favor of new tests that test PromiseResolveFunction more directly and completely.
- Jan 19, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Update README.md
littledan authored
Mike Pennisi authored
Although the `for..in` statement allows Expressions to define the iterator, only an AssignmentExpression may occupy this position in the `for..of` statement.
- Jan 16, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Improve Promise coverage: PerformPromiseAll & PeformPromiseRace
- Jan 15, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Coverage for length and name function properties
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
Note: Already uses the updated DataView function lengths from tc39/ecma262#266 (ES2016 Draft 2015-12-20)
André Bargull authored
André Bargull authored
- Jan 14, 2016
Gorkem Yakin authored
Subclassing built-in objects
Gorkem Yakin authored
Improve Promise coverage: NewPromiseCapability
Gorkem Yakin authored
Improve Promise coverage: Promise Reject Function
Gorkem Yakin authored
Improve Promise coverage: Promise.prototype.then